Bin Laden & Bush are lovers
Correspondent:: "Bert the Turtle"
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 09:13:03 -0500
Please go to:
November 1, 2004
This is the latest psychological warfare tactic
in the staged USA election. While we're discussing
the differences between the cousins Bush and
Kerry, cowering in fear of the October surprise
Bin Laden video, they're getting rid of borders,
getting rid of our sovereignty, passing Patriot 2
legislation, creating the Pan-American union, our
military is being forged into an instrument of
domestic control and our police are being turned against us.
That doesn't matter because we're all learning
how evil the Muslims are -- all we need is a world
government to stop them.
October Surprise: Bin Laden Appears Right On Cue!
Analysis: Bin Laden Tape Boosts Bush "We want people
to think 'terrorism' for the last four days," said a
Bush-Cheney campaign official. "And anything that raises
the issue in people's minds is good for (Republicans) us."
"Intelligence Asset" Osama bin Laden supports Bush Reelection
The timely release of the Osama tape four days before
Americans go to the voting booths should come as no surprise.
Correspondent:: Candlemoth
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 22:37:18 -0800
Bert the Turtle wrote:
> Please go to:
> November 1, 2004
> This is the latest psychological warfare tactic
> in the staged USA election. While we're discussing
> October Surprise: Bin Laden Appears Right On Cue!
The Repub in our state (La.) had a tape showing U.N troops overseeing
elections. Said this was what Ted Kennedy and our Dem. candidate voted
for. The U.N troops were supposedly from Cuba, Libya, and North Korea.
Tsk, tsk..