The Problem With Christianity
Posted by:: (Lamus)
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 22:53:04 -0600
is that it's populated by Christians. There are the biggest group of
apathetic, bigoted, closed-minded, dim-witted, egotistic, fuckwit,
god-awful, hate-mongering, ignorant, jerk-wad, keelhauling, lack-luster,
mean-spirited, numb-nutted, old-fart, puss filled, quadrupedal,
red-necked, spiteful, terroristic, unaccomodating, vitriolic,
weenie-armed, x-human, yellow brain fungussed, zugzwanging, bunch of
retards I've ever met!
My local branch of First Citizens Bank is PLASTERED with christian
propaganda telling me I'm going to hell because I don't believe in
Jesus. When asked, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" the teller
quickly proclaimed, "Why yes, it is!" So I (not being a christian, and
proud of it) closed my account, took my money across the street to BB&T
and asked them, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" to which the
teller replied, "Well, there are a lot of christians who work her, but
no, it's a business, not a religious organization." So I thanked her and
opened an account.
Sorry. I just had to rant someplace. I trust you understand.
Posted by:: "krustymadfaker"
Date: 24 Mar 2005 21:45:23 -0800
Lamus wrote in a crazed Luciferian Pancake frenzy:
>>is that it's populated by Christians. There >>are the biggest group
apathetic, bigoted, closed-minded, dim->>witted, egotistic, fuckwit,
god-awful, hate-mongering, >>ignorant, jerk-wad, keelhauling,
mean-spirited, numb-nutted, old->>fart, puss filled, quadrupedal,
red-necked, spiteful, terroristic, unaccomodating, >>vitriolic,
weenie-armed, x-human, yellow brain fungussed, zugzwanging, >>bunch of
>>retards I've ever met!
>>My local branch of First Citizens Bank is PLASTERED with christian
propaganda telling me I'm going to hell because I don't >>believe in
Jesus. When asked, "Is this a 'christian' >>organization?" the teller
quickly proclaimed, "Why yes, it is!" So I (not being a christian, and
proud of it) closed my account, took my money across the street to BB&T
and asked them, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" to which the
teller replied, "Well, there are a lot of christians who work her, but
no, it's a business, not a religious organization." So I thanked her
>>opened an account.
>>Sorry. I just had to rant someplace. I trust you >>understand.
We understand completly. Remember you can still barter, trade and live
off the flesh of walking X-tians. We haven't reached Wave Zero yet.
Only then we shall let them in on "Project Smurf W.I.G.G.I.N."
Rev-Sci-Fi-entist KrustyMADfaker
"I didn't give up. The equipment
"This is the most uncomfortable coffin I've ever been in."
-Bela Lugosi
Posted by:: John Cook
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 01:27:26 +1000
krustymadfaker wrote:
> Lamus wrote in a crazed Luciferian Pancake frenzy:
>>>is that it's populated by Christians. There >>are the biggest group
> of
> apathetic, bigoted, closed-minded, dim->>witted, egotistic, fuckwit,
> god-awful, hate-mongering, >>ignorant, jerk-wad, keelhauling,
> lack-luster,
> mean-spirited, numb-nutted, old->>fart, puss filled, quadrupedal,
> red-necked, spiteful, terroristic, unaccomodating, >>vitriolic,
> weenie-armed, x-human, yellow brain fungussed, zugzwanging, >>bunch of
>>>retards I've ever met!
>>>My local branch of First Citizens Bank is PLASTERED with christian
> propaganda telling me I'm going to hell because I don't >>believe in
> Jesus. When asked, "Is this a 'christian' >>organization?" the teller
> quickly proclaimed, "Why yes, it is!" So I (not being a christian, and
> proud of it) closed my account, took my money across the street to BB&T
> and asked them, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" to which the
> teller replied, "Well, there are a lot of christians who work her, but
> no, it's a business, not a religious organization." So I thanked her
> and
>>>opened an account.
>>>Sorry. I just had to rant someplace. I trust you >>understand.
> We understand completly. Remember you can still barter, trade and live
> off the flesh of walking X-tians. We haven't reached Wave Zero yet.
> Only then we shall let them in on "Project Smurf W.I.G.G.I.N."
> Rev-Sci-Fi-entist KrustyMADfaker
> "I didn't give up. The equipment
> malfunctioned!"
> "This is the most uncomfortable coffin I've ever been in."
> -Bela Lugosi
You'r still doing it FuckWit...
John Cook
Posted by:: polar bear
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:17:44 -0800
In article <>, (Lamus) wrote:
> is that it's populated by Christians. There are the biggest group of
> apathetic, bigoted, closed-minded, dim-witted, egotistic, fuckwit,
> god-awful, hate-mongering, ignorant, jerk-wad, keelhauling, lack-luster,
> mean-spirited, numb-nutted, old-fart, puss filled, quadrupedal,
> red-necked, spiteful, terroristic, unaccomodating, vitriolic,
> weenie-armed, x-human, yellow brain fungussed, zugzwanging, bunch of
> retards I've ever met!
> My local branch of First Citizens Bank is PLASTERED with christian
> propaganda telling me I'm going to hell because I don't believe in
> Jesus. When asked, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" the teller
> quickly proclaimed, "Why yes, it is!" So I (not being a christian, and
> proud of it) closed my account, took my money across the street to BB&T
> and asked them, "Is this a 'christian' organization?" to which the
> teller replied, "Well, there are a lot of christians who work her, but
> no, it's a business, not a religious organization." So I thanked her and
> opened an account.
> Sorry. I just had to rant someplace. I trust you understand.
Not a problem. That Christian business stuff has started surfacing
here in Canada. I keep seeing signs, like the one I saw yesterday for
"Family Moving Company" that use that little fish symbol. I get a huge
chuckle every time I see that thing. It's actually a YONI, an ancient
pagan fertility symbol representing the vulva, turned on it's side.
I think Burroughs nailed it when he said, "If you're doin' business
with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing. His word isn't
worth shit, not with the Good Lord tellin' him how to fuck you on the
Posted by:: Zapanaz
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 08:42:06 -0800
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:17:44 -0800, polar bear wrote:
>Not a problem. That Christian business stuff has started surfacing
>here in Canada. I keep seeing signs, like the one I saw yesterday for
>"Family Moving Company" that use that little fish symbol. I get a huge
>chuckle every time I see that thing. It's actually a YONI, an ancient
>pagan fertility symbol representing the vulva, turned on it's side.
I'm going to make one of those fish for a bumper sticker but instead
of Jesus or Darwin it will say "Sushi"
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Those who abandon their dreams will discourage yours.