Maybe I should call for back-up on this one...

Posted by:: "Paul Casino"
Date: 7 Mar 2005 12:15:35 -0800

Hey, it's me.

If any of you out there might know "Bob" a little more personally than
I do, might be on a first name basis with him or whatever, Stang, I'm
talking to you, do you think that you might be able to have him see too
it that all evil spirits and bad luck demons surrounding the specific
area of Curt Schilling's person be exorcised, if there are any? Becuase
as of four hours ago it became a personal matter of 75 dollars between
myself and my roomate. Yes I do admit to being a sports fan, alhtough I
realize admitting that on alt.slack is a lot like admitting you're gay
in Mississippi.

My roomate is a fan of the New York Yankees. For those of you who might
not be completely firm on what it means to be a Yankee fan, allow me to
elaborate. A Yankee fan is very likely to be the absolute worst kind of
bottom feeding PINK AS SHIT fuckhead. That may seem unfair, but it is
also true. They're pink, pink, pink, pink, PINK. KNOW YE THEIR AWFUL
SIGIL, the "NY", for it is truly worse than any scarlet icon of the
Crimson King, any Mark of Cain, worse even than the MARK OF THE BEAST

Go Red Sox.

Posted by:: "Rev. Richard Skull"
Date: 7 Mar 2005 14:57:24 -0800

My favorite fantasy is to have all the "Yank-me's" paychecks bounce one