Just thinkin out loud

From: "iDRMRSR" <idrmrsr@subgenius.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2003

Do you suppose that the CIA could manage to get Bin Laden to hide somewhere
known for devastating and frequent earthquakes?



From: mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)

He already is! Afghanistan!

But theres nothing left in that place after 25+ years of war to fall down.

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man


From: "nikolai kingsley" <nikolai@broadway.net.au>

> Do you suppose that the CIA could manage to get Bin Laden to hide
> known for devastating and frequent earthquakes?

what if he was hiding in a little hole near the epicentre, and the hole got
filled in, and no-one ever found him? the CIA would keep looking forever!

at least until the technology was available
to make a realistic animatronic Bin Laden, which
could then be captured amidst great


From: nenslo <nenslo@yahooX.com>

I suggest Los Angeles.

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