From: Sternodox <>
Date: Thu, Aug 28, 2003
Blinking Poodle Tablets
by Rev. Sternodox
Once upon a time there was these eighteen guys who weren't
real homos
but pretended that they were in order to get in this
club where some of
the homos liked to buttfuck a dead poodle on video.
So they all went
down to that club one night but the dead poodle was
starting to get
rotten and also rigor-mortised and so none of the guys
could get their
dick in the poodle's rectum except this one who had
a tiny, almost
microscopic dick. But just as he was bragging about
how he could still
fuck the dead poodle, the police raided the club and
had permission
from the mayor to machine gun everybody there. But this
one guy who
didn't know anybody and wasn't a homo and just stopped
in for a
hamburger and french fries and a Dr. Pepper had on a
bullet proof vest
and also had a gun that shot bullets made out of atomic
LSD and pepper
spray. So he started in shooting all the cops and missed
a couple of
them but got in a few good shots and shot one in the
eye and all the
rest that he hit he shot in the dick. And when the cops
started getting
off on the LSD and also started burning all over their
skin because of
the pepper spray some of them took off their clothes
and screaming. But
all of the sudden somebody brought in another dead poodle
to replace
the rotting one and he didn't know what was going on
till it was too
late and he got caught in the crossfire and got twenty
hundred bullets
in the leg, dick and tongue. But one of the bullets
accidentally had a
antidote for the pepper spray on it so he just got to
trip a little bit
off the LSD and didn't get his skin burned but he died
about four
seconds later. Pretty soon everybody was either tripping
or bleeding to
death or in horrible agony or already dead and the ones
that were
tripping saw the new dead poodle and all started a giant
war to see who
would get to buttfuck it first. Then the mayor, who
was a part-time
homo, came by to see how his plan was coming along and
he passed a law
that said the mayor could buttfuck dead poodles before
anybody else.
But just when he was starting to buttfuck the dead poodle,
one of the
policemen who was tripping and also almost bleeding
to death decided
that he wanted to buttfuck the poodle before he died
and so he shot the
mayor with a bullet that didn't have LSD but just had
pepper spray on
it. But the mayor died just when the lights went out
for five seconds
and the cop started to buttfuck what he thought was
the dead poodle but
was really the dead mayor. But then the power company
got the lights
turned back on and when the cop saw that he wasn't fucking
the poodle
but instead had his dick in the mayor's butt, he decided
to commit
suicide. But he died before he could. Then another truck
driver came in
for a hamburger but got grossed out on all the dead
people and blood
and stuff and went to Arby's instead and had a roast
beef sandwich. But
the girl who served him the sandwich put some of the
Atomic LSD that
she had scored from another homo on the sandwich and
the guy ate it and
got off on it and it made him turn into a homo that
could only achieve
sexual gratification by buttfucking dead poodles just
like the other
homos did and he started a club and the EXACT same thing
happened in
his club that happened in the other club, except that
the new mayor who
replaced the other mayor wasn't a homo and only liked
to buttfuck
himself with his own dick.
The End
"Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
You said "all of the sudden" instead of "all
of a sudden." What a
poebucker! Also the "deus ex machina" ending
is a total cop-out. It's
almost like you just got tried of typing and decided
on just any old
arbitrary ending to you could hurry up and finish it
off. NOT your most
inspiring work.
4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath
of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)
From: Artemia Salina <>
Rev. Ivan Stang wrote:
> You said "all of the sudden" instead
of "all of a sudden."
I'm never going to learn to read the whole thread before
From: Sternodox <>
> > sexual gratification by buttfucking dead poodles
just like the other
> > homos did and he started a club and the EXACT
same thing happened in
> > his club that happened in the other club,
except that the new mayor who
> > replaced the other mayor wasn't a homo and
only liked to buttfuck
> > himself with his own dick.
> You said "all of the sudden" instead
of "all of a sudden." What a
> poebucker! Also the "deus ex machina"
ending is a total cop-out. It's
> almost like you just got tried of typing and decided
on just any old
> arbitrary ending to you could hurry up and finish
it off. NOT your most
> inspiring work.
Actually, man ... it WASN'T a "deus ex machina"
ending. If you'll read
the story and PAY ATTENTION to the vagaries of the plotline,
realize it's instead a "new mayor who likes to
buttfuck himself with
his own dick" ending.
From: subspecies23@aol.comyourmom (SubSpecies23)
Ok, this really is the best story ever, I mean it.
"part-time homo" fantastic, I'm laughing my ass off.
-- Ivan Stang
From: Artemia Salina <>
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 09:15:49 -0500, Sternodox wrote:
> all of the sudden
This was my favoritest part!
Plus the stuff about the LSD gun.
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