From: (Rev. Sternodox)
Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2003
The Battle of the World
by Rev. Sternodox
Once upon a time there was this one captain in the army
and he said that
he would of killed Adolf Hitler if they would of let
him. But the generals
and the president and the king said that they had spent
all the money on
the giant navy and army that would land on the beach
and end the war and
that they couldn't waste all that money by already killing
Hitler and not
doing it. So the captain decided to go to Paraguay where
there was this
cult that figured out how to bring a demon out of where
all the demons
were and they sat around in the big circle and did a
chant and threw some
of the herbs on the fire and did a chant some more and
then the demon
showed up but in the wrong place. That demon didn't
show up in the right
circle but instead showed up in this taxi that was in
Montana. The taxi
driver didn't see the demon at first but the people
in the back seat who
were fucking but they weren't married did but only just
before the demon
landed on them and weighed twenty hundred pounds and
they suffocated under
him. But then the cab driver had a major heart stroke
and died and the car
lost control. But over in Germany where Hitler was,
his men who were
torturing these retarded Mexicans found out that when
they put the hot
poker on them that shit came out of their butts. So
they put all the shit
in a bucket and saved it for Hitler to put on the tray.
Then the
garbageman came accidently and put it in the truck and
went to Belgium.
But the demon invaded a giant factory where they all
built the other trays
that they put the cheese on and stuff and the factory
burnt down because
of it and the cafes and stuff couldn't serve the cheese
trays any more and
went out of business. But this one cafe owner liked
to have sex with a
sewer rat and the neighbors saw it and called the police
and they took him
to jail but he escaped and went to Singapore and was
a spy. But the spy
equipment they gave him didn't work and he was injured
when he put up a
plastic shower curtain to hide him when he fucked a
pidgeon. Just then a
retarded shower curtain installer walked in and took
the guy who was
fucking the pidgeon and put his head in a vice and squeezed
it till the
guy was screaming in horrible agony and then the retard
took eighty
hundred razor blades and jammed them into the guy's
asshole one at a time
and took one of the razor blades and slowly peeled the
skin back from the
guy's forehead just until it didn't kill him and he
got a slit in the skin
and the retard was fucking the guy in the slit in the
skin in his head.
Then the police came in but they were perverts and started
jacking off at
the retard fucking this guy's slit in his skin while
his head was in the
vice. Then they got close to where they were cumming
and they walk over to
the retard and they squirt all on the guy's head and
their cum turned into
sulfuric acid by magic and it melted the retard's dick
off but it turned
into a giant magical dick with warts on it that had
organic fish-hooks all
on it and it kept going in and out of the wound on the
poor guy who's head
was in the vice. Then the dick turned into a giant chainsaw
that had lemon
juice and paper cut stuff and acid and piss on the blades
and it was still
fucking the guy in the wound in his head that was starting
to get festered
and maggots were all in it. Then the huge magical dick
turned into five
dicks: One of them had sixty-thousand hundred doberman
pinscher dicks all
on it with nails instead of cum. The second one had
a mutant lobster
growing out of it that clamped on the guy whose head
was in the vice on
his balls and squeezed. The third one only squirted
out giant retarded
Mexicans who had rabies and who all buttfucked the poor
guy. The fourth
one was really made out of a zillion other dicks that
had lice on them and
also ticks and maggot shit. The fifth one was also in
another dimension at
the same time was fucking all kinds of different people
who all had their
heads in vices by magic. But just then the second one
turned into the
fifth one by mistake so it stopped fucking everybody
except the one guy
who's head was in the vice. Then the first and second
one turned into
eight more dicks and they all had warts on them that
leaked raccoon sperm
onto the floor that was magic and turned into a bleeding
rectum that was
worshipped as a god in this other dimension where none
of the dicks were
fucking anything. But the guy's head was starting to
swell up in the vice
and the pressure was becoming unendurable to him and
so was the pain. But
all the other dicks studded themselves with iron spikes
that were rusty
and covered with rodent shit and they all started competition
to see which
one was going to fuck the wound in the guy's head the
most. But the head
wound ripped and tore and hurt real bad so more of the
metallic, spiked
and infected dicks could fuck it. They just kept fucking
that guy in the
head over and over again for all eternity. Suddenly
one of the dicks
stopped fucking the guy in the head wound for a second
but started right
back up doing it again after a minute. Then almost half
of the dicks
started to cum, but they came shit instead of cum and
it increased the
guy's discomfort immensely to be covered all in stinky
shit while being
head fucked by dozens and dozens (if not thousands)
of demonic dicks. Then
a couple thousand MORE dicks showed up, some of which
were endowed with
red hot anvils instead of glanses and they simultaneously
began fucking
the guy's wound, hurting him even more. One of the dicks
that had the
anvil instead of the glans split in two and each half
sprouted a computer
program that somehow animated all the factories in Nazi
Germany to start
producing these giant bionic dicks that each had thousands
of separate
torture devices attached to them and they were all air-lifed,
one by one,
to where the guy had his head in a vice and they stood
in line to fuck him
in the head wound. Meanwhile some of the dicks who were
waiting to fuck
the guy's head wound were standing around smoking cigarettes
and talking
about stuff and then the whistle blew and they had to
put out the
cigarettes and go in and fuck the guy in the head some
more. But some of
the dicks started running out of energy and the guy
noticed that there was
some relief in part of his head where a few of the dicks
had stopped
fucking him in it, but then a whole load of brand new
dick batteries were
brought and installed and the dicks that had stopped
started fucking him
in the head wound again even harder and faster than
before because of the
new batteries. But then one of the guards who was watching
on the monitors
noticed that a couple of the dicks (the ones with brillo
pads instead of
glans) had snuck away to the bathroom to fuck each other
and the guard
told on them and they had to come back to start fucking
the guy's head
wound some more. Then suddenly all the matter in the
universe coalesced
into one giant dick and fucked the guy for a couple
of weeks until the
energy build up caused a critical mass and the giant
universe dick
exploded and turned into over SIXTY BILLION still fairly
large dicks that
all had lesions all over them that leaked every disease
known to man out
of them. Then this one real tiny dick was fucking the
guy and he couldn't
even feel that one because of all the giant dicks that
were fucking him in
the head, that somebody noticed that he couldn't feel
that little tiny
dick and they turned it into the biggest dick yet by
magic. Then some of
the dicks got injected with speed and started fucking
him in the head READ
FAST until it all hurt so bad that the guy started screaming
and vomiting.
But all the dicks just scarfed up the vomit and mixed
it with their acid
cum and squirted all over the guy in his head wound
again. And this went
on for the rest of the guy's life and to all his kids
and neighbors too.
The End
From: subspecies23@aol.comyourmom (SubSpecies23)
That was the weirdest story yet.
Beware! The Paranoids are watching you!
From: "nikolai kingsley" <>
dude, you should either print this out yourself or get
someone to make a
book out of it. i'm visualising 24-point type using
Comic Sans. something a
little like a colouring book.
maybe if the text was all in capitals. yeah.
actually printing out the stuff you write and making
extremely limited edition books can be kinda fun.
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