From: (Rev. Sternodox)
Date: Tue, Jul 29, 2003
Peter the Great vs. Aquaman
by Rev. Sternodox
One time there was this one guy who pushed the button
on this machine he
found and it destroyed the entire universe. Then Wotan,
who was shoving
his buttplug in at the moment, saw it and brought everything
back by
magic. Then this super demonic reptile guy created a
time warp and it
sucked all the black holes into it and killed almost
every sentient being
in the universe. Then a scientist who had miraculously
escaped destruction
discovered that there were actually over a billion hundred
universes but
his evil partner got ahold of the equation and created
a bomb that
destroyed every one of the universes. But this other
scientist in another
dimension used his new formula (which had to do with
putting shit on dicks
and subjecting them to cosmic rays and laser beams and
sulfuric acid and
stuff and putting them in his own rectum and then fucking
them after
eating/vomiting them) to turn all the destroyed universes
of the other
dimension into mirror images of the ones in his dimension
so everybody was
brought back and every thing was too. Then Satan started
buttfucking a
poodle but the poodle was really the essense of reality
and it started a
chain reaction that negated the existence of time itself.
Suddenly this
one kid who had been jacking off while the universes
were being destroyed
slipped through a discontinuation singularity and was
still alive but died
seconds later because he appeared in a remote corner
of the anti-universe
that hadn't been destroyed and there wasn't any air
there and was a
vacuum. But his cum that squirted out just when he died
lived for just
enough time to be swept up in a vast cloud of cosmic
awareness that was
sweeping through the anti-sphere where time and space
didn't exist. But
this one demi-god got some of the cum in his nose and
he threw up because
of it and his vomit became the only matter left in the
galaxy. Then the
solar system slipped through a negative zone and became
anti-matter but
all the humans were dead so it couldn't kill them. Then
every single atom
in every single universe and dimension turned to real
runny diarreah and
spewed forth out of this huge robot's asshole that had
existed since
before time began. Suddenly everything contracted into
a reductionist
discrepancy that proved Euclid's fifth postulate is
undecidable. Then the
king of all the gods began buttfucking all the dead
humans, but he didn't
realize that the points and lines of Euclidean geometry
provide one kind
of extension of the notions of "point" and
"line"; the points and lines of
non-Euclidean geometry, another, which caused him to
accidently stick his
anti-matter dick into his own throat wound. Then this
other guy who always
thought of proteins as programs in the "machine
language" of the cell (the
cell itself being the processor) and since cum is mostly
made of protein,
he could use the differentiation parameters of unctional
fusion to
summarize the subunits of self-replicating neural overlap
to buttfuck
himself in the mouth with Wotan's dick. So he did it
for all eternity and
this one Sunday school class that has been accidentally
brought back to
life had to watch because their eyes were wired open
and their heads were
in vices.
The End
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