From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2003 9:52 PM
I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
I have converted "THE JOE TAPE" to MP3 and am posting Side One to a.b.s.
Technically, this is Side One, the "Perversion"
side of a cassette tape
called "Mockery and Perversion" by Joe Auffricht
of The Order of
Dionysus/Sabazios. I have divided it into 20 tracks.
Here's the story.
Jesus used to own a bookstore in Lakewood, Ohio (Cleveland
West Side)
called The Flying Lemur. It was a pretty hip bookstore
and among his
regulars was a very weird guy named Joe Auffricht.
Joe had started his own cult, The Order of Dionysus/Sabazios,
offered taped lectures by subscription. Jesus sold the
tapes in his
store and The SubGenius Foundation briefly sold this
one out of our
Last we heard, Joe had 9 subscribers.
When Jesus set up the 1996 SubGenius World Tour, it
meant 2 weeks of 5
guys travelling from city to sity in a van. The 5 guys
were me, Jesus,
Dr. Legume, Andrew the Impaled and David Apocolypse
of Circus
Apocolypse (sic).
Jesus brought this "Joe tape."
We listened to it. Over and over. It was about the only
tape we
listened to for the two weeks. We memorized it. We loved
When we got to Cleveland, we had JOE HIMSELF come and
rant at Peabody's
Down Under, at the devival. The staff of Peabody's thought
Joe was
funny. They thought he was kidding. They thought we
should have more
"singing preachers" like him.
Joe is not kidding. If they had known he was serious,
they would have
killed him.
The audience at the devival would have killed him except
that we the
other preachers treated him as a superstar and cheered
him on, even
getting him to do ENCORES of "Horny with a Chick"
and "The Moonpants
Song." As if he was SUPPOSED to be this way.
I had actually encountered Joe before by way of a tape
sent me by Rev.
Mike Cole, who had invited Joe onto his radio show "Asylum
Shut-Ins" on WCSB (Cleveland State U.) and had
him debate another
You might listen to only the first portion and decide
not to download
the rest. On the other hand, like me, you might recognize
that Joe has
a special talent that mustn't be squandered -- he is
"PURE" as Princess
Wei characterized him -- and you might find yourself
singing his little
songs to yourself and your friends. You might find yourself
to the whole thing over and over and even talking like
Joe is like the Janor Hypercleats of old, in that what
he does is so
abhorrent and bizarre that one finds oneself repulsed
but cannot turn
away. Morbid curiosity then gives way to hilarity because,
let's face
it, this stuff taps into something very deep and ancient
infantile), and is fucking hilarious on a couple of
different, perhaps
opposing levels. If you're a fucked up freak.
There's a photo of Joe in the 1996 World Tour section
of SubSITE, in
the Cleveland devival section. He wants to be a fat
bearded pervert,
but he isn't actually especially fat.
He was very shy when he came to the devival, and it
took a lot of
encouragement to get him up there and singing. Once
he started, though,
he got into it.
I do not know where Joe is now and as far as I know,
our devival was
his only public appearance.
4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath
of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)
P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)
A subsidiary of:
The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. / P.O. Box 204206, Austin,
TX 78720-4206
Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The
Church of the SubGenius
For SubGenius Biz & Orders: call toll free to 1-888-669-2323
or email:
Subject: Re: Get Ready for "Joe"
From: subspecies23@aol.comyourmom (SubSpecies23)
You know what tape I wish I could get a copy of? Back
in Episodes 552 and 553,
and maybe more, there was a tape called "Thought
Alchemy" by Von Graffen, or
something like that. It was a long, depressing rant,
with sounds of rain and
thunder in the background.
These two episodes also introduced me to one of the
greatest albums ever "Hit &
Run Holiday" by My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult.
Beware! The Paranoids are watching you!
Subject: Re: Get Ready for "Joe"
From: "Rabbi Shankar" <>
"Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote
> Jesus used to own a bookstore in Lakewood, Ohio
(Cleveland West Side)
> called The Flying Lemur.
Whadda ya know. All the times I drove by and never went
in. So typical of
me. I'm beginning to see that the inventory of subs
is small enough that
if you see something that looks subg-like it's probably
by/from someone I
want to know.
> "The Moonpants Song."
So this IS that guy! PraJOE!
> his radio show "Asylum for
> Shut-Ins" on WCSB (Cleveland State U.) and
had him debate another
> "Satanist."
PRACSB! Occasionally someone plays the moonpants song.
That, the 'Speeding
Motorcycle' caller and others like them are priceless.
That is to say,
valuable beyond price. Treasures. And just as rare.
Subject: Re: Get Ready for "Joe"
From: Mr. F. Le Mur <>
On Fri, 01 Aug 2003 21:52:33 -0400, "Rev. Ivan
Stang" <>
->You might listen to only the first portion and
decide not to download
->the rest. On the other hand, like me, you might
recognize that Joe has
->a special talent that mustn't be squandered --
he is "PURE" as Princess
Yeah, that's the word, though Frewd might say "underdeveloped
as if anyone cares what Frewd might say.
->Wei characterized him -- and you might find yourself
singing his little
->songs to yourself and your friends. You might find
yourself listening
->to the whole thing over and over and even talking
like Joe.
->Joe is like the Janor Hypercleats of old, in that
what he does is so
->abhorrent and bizarre that one finds oneself repulsed
but cannot turn
->away. Morbid curiosity then gives way to hilarity
because, let's face
->it, this stuff taps into something very deep and
ancient (and
->infantile), and is fucking hilarious on a couple
of different, perhaps
->opposing levels. If you're a fucked up freak.
"Monsters from the id."
The funniest part was "Fuck them and their hard
fucking life,"
which I added to my list of sigs that I never use. And
pregnant woman on roller skates.
And -
Rejuvenation: Publication of the Order of Dionysus/Sabazios
Issue 13
Summer '95 $4 Each , Subs: $16.00 for 4 issues to
Joseph E. Aufricht,
P.O. Box 711, Lakewood, OH 44107 (31 Pages/D/RSF)
reviews zines/
submissions OK/back issues/no ads/
Got a new advertising slogan: "Do Dionysusians
have more fun?"
Now I need to get the fine people at Voleman's R&D
to come up
with an expensive product to go with it.
Subject: Re: Get Ready for "Joe"
From: "Rabbi Jacklyn Hyde" <>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.slack,alt.slack
Date: Sat, Aug 2, 2003 10:53 AM
Message-ID: <AfQWa.577$>
"Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
wrote in message
> I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
> I have converted "THE JOE TAPE" to MP3
and am posting Side One to a.b.s.
A caveat to all who would download this! Back in early
September of 1996, I
was listening to this tape on headphones and FELL ASLEEP
somewhere in the
middle of it (I was on a boat in the middle of a tropical
storm and blame
the waves, not the material). Something sank into my
subconscious and I
could NOT get it out of my head. Less than a month
later was when I handed
over my $30 to Stang in a blind stupor and have never
fully recovered since.
This is a severe brain twister. At least I gave my
$30 to a pervert I could
--With love, the Rabbs
Original file name: Get Ready for "Joe" - converted on Saturday, 25 September 2004, 02:05
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