SubGenius Mutantcy, CHOW CHOW friggin' CHOW!!!

From: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: Sun, Apr 18, 2004

Cats are God's fuzzy-wuzzy widdle creatures, but I personally see them
as utterly self-centered, cantankerous, crapping, yowling little
pusbags. This is not a great view to hold, since 27% of the Church's
membership are basically bipedal cats, whereas an additional 23% are
screaming, mutant Rwandan highlands gorillas, running at you holding
both a Rock AND A STICK. In short, half of us suck, half of us are
insane and that's just a thumbnail-sketch assessment at best. You
never know when or where the crossover points may occur. Get away from
my brain's scrote with that nutcracker. Discuss.


HellPope Huey, The H.P. Lovecraft of Humorists
That's what you get when
your mama smokes during gestation
and then weans you on limes.

"Clean, lemony-fresh victory is mine!"
- "Invader Zim"

"Buffet: All you can eat plus a whole chicken."
- "Futurama"


From: mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)

Who sharpen their claws on your new $800 sofa.

> whereas an additional 23% are
>screaming, mutant Rwandan highlands gorillas, running at you holding
>both a Rock AND A STICK.

What? no stalk of grass to extract termites with? ops, thats chimps!

>In short, half of us suck, half of us are
>insane and that's just a thumbnail-sketch assessment at best. You
>never know when or where the crossover points may occur. Get away from
>my brain's scrote with that nutcracker. Discuss.

I think 90% of all the people don't think that the other 50% of the people who
claim to believe that what 9 of 10 doctors say are right.

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man

"War hath no Fury like a non-combatants"

Charles E. Montague


From: polar bear <>

My ex-wife and I once rescued a kitten from death row. All the other
little kittens were frisking about being all cute and stuff, but not
this one. It sat in the corner of it's cage, alone and forsaken with a
look of resignation that said it totally understood what a shitty hand
life had dealt it.

Right away we knew. That was OUR cat.

That cat was the most loyal friend I ever had. Every day when I came
home, she would spring out at me, grab my leg, then tear off as I
chased her around the house. Then she'd run to her little hidey hole
and grin out at me. So, I'd sit down and right away she would come up,
sit on my lap and purr. She was always affectionate, never demanding,
never ripped shit up, and always kept herself clean. If only I could
have met a woman like that.



From: glassgnost <>

HellPopeHuey wrote:
> In short, half of us suck, half of us are insane

...and the other half are idiots who can't even understand basic math.

Mystical RevvedErrand Doktor glassnost
the furious,mysterious and oh so serious
Seer of the r-r-r-Reeking Taco of Destiny

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