coffee breaks are anti-business

From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

nu-monet v6.0 <> wrote:

> They are like stealing from the company!
> Taking a coffee break at work may actually sabotage
> employees' ability to do their jobs and undermine
> teamwork instead of boosting it, suggests new research.
> Dosing up on caffeine is particularly unhelpful to men,
> disrupting their emotions and hampering their ability
> to do certain tasks, suggests a report by psychologists
> Lindsay St Claire and Peter Rogers at Bristol University
> in the UK...

What's incredible is how you can read a whole article like this and not
find ONE LICK of common sense.

Yes, incredible but true. You give a bunch of dumbasses who never drink
coffee a shitload of coffee, and if they're dumb enough to drink too
deduction, o learned expert members of Committee Sherlock!

How many findings and studies will it take vis a vis "too much" versus
"not enough" to verify "Bob's" hypothesis?

I applied for a job at a Christian TV station in Dallas in 1982 or so.
They actually WANTED to hire me! But when they explained to me that
their employees were expected never to cuss, or smoke, even AT HOME, I
stopped returning their calls. 'Cause I had driven around to the back
of the building and saw all those furtive employees back there smoking
and cussing. I thought, "You can't run a business this way." (I was
right; they're gone now.)

But nowadays, DAG-NAB IT, even ordinary everyday offices are like
that. Government offices are like that. No dirty jokes, no cussing, no
smoking. And many formerly sane companies will fire you for having one
beer at lunch. That's "substance abuse."

The office coffee pot was the one last bastion of sanity left. Even
though they made you take down your family photos, your "Bob" picture
or crucifix, your clipped-out Garfield or Doonesbury panels and your
little flower or toy Godzilla, you could still at least go get a shot
of java at 10 and 2 and gossip a bit about the assholes... LET OFF JUST

But now I guess it's Human Veal 24-7 in Corpo-GlorpoLand. BUMMER!

Not to give anybody big ideas, but when you're self employed like me,
you can work all night and sleep all day if you want, work drunk, cuss
with all your coworkers and customers, tape up fucking Hustler foldouts
and polaroid spread shots in your work area, tap cigaret OR marijuana
OR 'Frop ashes all over the floor if you're that much of a slob, and
you can listen to your Captain Beefheart live concert bootlegs at TOP

You might not be able to afford a very good STEREO to play those
Beefheart bootlegs on, but then, bootlegs usually don't have very good
sound to begin with, so it isn't like you're missing anying.

So I'm not trying to encourage people, to, like, seriously repent, quit
their jobs and Slack off, by setting a living example, or anything like
that. Because let me tell you, it's nerve-wracking to live that way if
you have kids, a family to support. It can be done, but it is
NERVE-WRACKING. The repenting and the job-quitting is not so hard, but
the Slacking off... you have to adapt to new ways of doing so.

ALL of which still involves LOTS AND LOTS OF COFFEE!


If you're like me, too wimpy and cowardly to smoke cigarets ANYMORE,
and down to half-strength coffee,* WALKING everywhere for HEALTH, then
you'll just have to do what we handicapped former smokers and coffee
fiends do -- JACK OFF and/or FUCK MORE.

Or have they outlawed that too?



I mean, HECK.

It should be noted that the article didn't call for a coffee free
workplace or anything like that. I just used it as an excuse for a rant
because I have such a BAD ATTITUDE, praise "Bob."

*(you DO get to double the number of pots drunk per day)

4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)


From: "nu-monet v6.0" <>

What struck me about this is, so far, you are the only
poster who seems to be truly upset at this insanity.
At the sneaky effort to justify *with science* the
removal of the last, most sacred vestige of Slack at
the no-longer-overtime-paid SLAVERY that is employment!

If Kevbob was here, by now he would be in a caffeine
delirium, crafting an immense RANT against the FORCES
OF EVIL that would take away his precious.

Whither the Church whose supplicants will NO LONGER
defend the sanctity of coffee?

Have they become numb to the dumb?

Is it just "another day, another dehumanization?"

Have the terrorists fun?


From: Doktor DynaSoar <>

"Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote:
} What's incredible is how you can read a whole article like this and not
} find ONE LICK of common sense.

Common sense is not required for, and frequently contrary to, doing
science. Ain't saying that's right, just that's how it is. You have to
find a question you can answer YES and promise people that if they
give you money you promise the answer will be YES even though you
haven't went looking for the answer yet, and you got to do that so
often that most of your YES answers aren't about anything anybody
cares about or can make use of. And you end up sounding the fool when
your YES answer seems like it's a big deal beause it pisses someone
off, but the fact is what you've done is slapped together a guaranteed
YES to keep the money flowing and you'll just have to trust the twits
who pay your salary with their taxes can't or won't figure out it
don;t mean squat.

That money comes in chunks of six figures. I blame "Bob" for my
addiction to this.

} If you're like me, too wimpy and cowardly to smoke cigarets ANYMORE,
} and down to half-strength coffee,*
} *(you DO get to double the number of pots drunk per day)

When I had to cut back I mixed it with 1/2 chickory coffee. Lots more
taste. Gave me a better bang for the dose.


From: (HellPopeHuey)

phy <> wrote:
> The last thing I gave up for lent was television in the 7th grade and I
> ended up on the honor roll for that grade period. Then I discovered frop.

And now you're on Usenet. Welcome to the ranks of the damned-near
worthless! Wanna eclair? If you're froppin', you prolly wanna eclair
and beer and pudding and cheese crackers and some cartoons and cheap
porn and Fresca. Is "The Daily Show" on yet? Praise who? *snuk*


HellPope Huey /
Social Contempt: Breakfast of Ruffians

"Everything's made up
and the points don't matter."
- "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

I never did give anybody hell.
I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.
- Harry S. Truman


From: Joe Cosby <>

ALSO SPRACH Doktor DynaSoar:
>Common sense is not required for, and frequently contrary to, doing
>science. Ain't saying that's right, just that's how it is. You have to
>find a question you can answer YES and promise people that if they
>give you money you promise the answer will be YES

Especially so when that science is dealing with statistics.

If you look at that article closely, what question exactly have they

Does taking a coffee break at work actually sabotage employees'
ability to do their jobs? YES

But what did they actually learn/observe to derive that answer?

A. Coffee makes people jittery and nervous if you take in huge
amounts of it

B. People who are jittery and nervous on caffeine may feel MORE
stress instead of LESS stress

(eh ... WHAT? If you don't spot the non-sequiter there you aren't
watching closely enough. Why exactly are we talking about stress?
Didn't we start out talking about "productivity"?

The sleight-of-hand involved in most bad science (and most science
which isn't Doktor-of-"Bob"-approved is bad science) is to slip in
unreasonable foregone assumptions. In this case, they have skipped
quickly through "well, that's WHY people take coffee breaks, isn't it?
Because they feel stressed! So they must be taking a coffee break in
order to feel less stressed so they will be more productive. Geez,
OBVIOUSLY. And the world is flat. Just look around you!" This is
especially moronic in this case. People undoubtedly do take coffee
BREAKS to reduce stress. This does not mean that they expect
INGESTING CAFFEINE to reduce stress.)

C. Their ability to perform SOME TASKS is worse when they are

Uh wait, WHAT tasks exactly? In fact, the only task they evaluated in
any depth was ... PUBLIC SPEAKING. Personally I learned that drinking
huge doses of caffeine before speaking in front of a group was a very
bad idea a long time ago.

And I am a heavy coffee drinker. Is it possible that at least some of
these lab rats who took part in the survey were aware of this same
thing? Quite possibly, but they were taking part in a STUDY in which
they HAD to drink huge amounts of coffee whether they liked it or not.

In other words, in real life many of them would, like me, have not
dosed on coffee because they recognized it wasn't a good idea before
public speaking, so this one semi-solid datum which this "study"
unearthed would be completely IRRELEVANT. It doesn't correspond to
anything in real life. Except studies.

Besides which, what exactly were their criteria that they "did worse"
at public speaking? I know coffee will make me more shaky and
nervous. So they dosed people with large amounts of caffeine, and
then noticed that in public speaking they showed completely fucking
predictable effects of caffeine, and therefore were "doing worse"?


Then there is some really vague stuff about a "desert survival task"
where the coffee drinkers "showed less teamwork". Alls I can say is
with something as vague and fuzzy as "showed less teamwork" I would
like to see a little more substantial detail about how exactly they
came to that conclusion.

So therefore

D. Coffee breaks are bad for business etc.

But even overlooking all of the whonking logic holes, let's say that
for a particular case they find that somebody drank coffee and it made
them worse at their job.

Would this mean that everybody who drinks coffee is worse at their
jobs? No, because they are talking in terms of statistics. At best,
it might mean that the majority of people are, but even would not be
all that meaningful because there is a very particular set of
circumstances involved.

And that's the problem with statistics. Some asshole boss reads that
article and what he sees is "if YOU drink coffee YOU will do a worse
job" and so he applies that to his employees who drink coffee. But
what's actually on the page is (again, if there weren't so much
bullshit there which completely undermines it anyway) "under certain
statistically-normalized conditions, a statistical aggregate
representing a theoretical worker did worse".

Real life people aren't statistical aggregates. We go through a
hundred mood changes a day and account for dozens of dynamics in
dealing with a pink job and boss and whatever the dynamics of our
particular way of getting the conspiracy to give us cash might be.
Trying to liken people to a normalized stastical aggregate AT ALL is
inherently stupid. If you really understand statistics, you know
that, AT BEST, if you were to follow through with the implied
conclusions of, for example, this article, and ban coffee drinking
because it's counter-productive (because while the "study" starts out
talking about coffee BREAKS, all they really LOOKED at was coffee
CONSUMPTION) then that might mean that a few workers under the right
circumstances would encounter a particular task during the day and
would be SLIGHTLY MORE LIKELY to do well than they would have

And if you as a boss are genuinely interested in the complete
robotization fo your workers, that's a WIN. You might make all of
them hate you, you might be causing large numbers of them to be LESS
productive exactly as frequently as you are causing others of them to
be MORE productive, but if on the average the net effect is even
slightly in favor of 5 man-minutes greater productivity across your
whole workforce in the day, maybe, on some days, then you WIN.

Because that's all statistics really tell you, in and of themselves.
That the net probability is X, not anything at all about the
individual cases, exceptions, or other effects.

Of course, this study as a whole was not anything like large enough to
come to any kind of meaningful statistical conclusions, BUT, the study
was completely based on statistical type techniques.


Anyway, and so on and so on and so on.

I mean besides the completely pink bullshit that Dornobbo and Stang
have already pointed out of the Corporation wanting not just your body
but your mind 100% like some kind of fucking robot.

Bullshit rules the world. This is a good example. Usenet has really
been the thing that taught me that more than anything. People can go
to incredible lengths to justify a completely idiotic conclusion and
the more idiotic the conclusion is, the deeper and thicker they have
to pile on the bullshit so nobody will see it.

You can SEE them doing it, you just need to look closely enough. Like
the study above, if they had any pretensions of any real science then
they would have applied a little objectivity and seen the holes in the
whole thing.

So either they didn't apply any objectivity, in which case they just
started off with some vague presumption and waved a magic-wand "study"
at it and said VIOLA we proved it! or they saw the holes and SOMEHOW

It's like Bush hiring a team of scientists to prove that there's no
such thing as global warming so he can make his industry backers happy
and weasel out of the Kyoto accords.

The same team that is now saying "oh gosh ... we guess there IS such a
thing ... but now it's TOO LATE to do anything about it".

You can use science to prove COMPLETE BULLSHIT, just like you can use
what LOOKS LIKE logic to win an argument on Usenet. As long as you
can overlook the LITTLE HOLES.

In some cases, it's like Gene Ray, who spouts complete gibberish, and
says "THERE, I'VE PROVED IT!" His BRAIN doesn't work and he
undoubtedly BELIEVES that he's really proved something. In other
cases, they KNOW what they're saying is bullshit, but they think it's
worthwhile for some greater cause.

In MOST cases though, it's undoubtedly a little of both. You look at
someone like John Schneider the Ronald Reagan fan, as soon as an
argument gets a little sticky he suddenly decides that the other
person isn't being POLITE enough or whatever and doesn't DESERVE an
answer. He's like Gene Ray but to a lesser degree, his brain STEERS
HIM AROUND the points of bullshit.

Even Schneider is an exteme case though. More commonly, the person
will drag in irrelevant but vaguely-kind-of-sort-of-connected-seeming
detail, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. And eventually they bury you in the
sheer quantity of it. As long as it KINDA SOUNDS RELEVANT it seems
convincing and shooting it down takes longer and longer. And what's
even better is as long as it SEEMS KINDA relevant to the person saying
it, they can convince THEMSELVES that it makes sense.

That's why they can get away with something like proving global
warming doesn't exist. It's the sheer QUANTITY of material. Millions
of dollars spent putting it together. Plastering over the holes. You
just aren't going to have one person go in and say "well, look, here
is the obvious bullshit" in a 10,000 page report.

But now we see that there IS such a thing as global warming. So the
holes WERE there. And SOMEBODY plastered them over.

And those are the people that rule the world. The masters of the con

Joe Cosby

Every medium of communication from cave painting to the Internet has been first
used to convey intellectual or spiritual content, then pornography, then everything

If the nineteenth-century abolitionists who demanded the suppression of high-speed
mechanical printing presses because they were used chiefly to produce erotic books
had been successful, you would be reading this from a sheet of parchment now.


From: "nu-monet v6.0" <>

Now, dang it, THAT'S the kind of pro-koffee
RANT that I was hoping to see!

When they came for my MARIJUANA, I did nothing
because of something or other I forget.

When they came for my CIGARETTES, I first smoked
outside like a sheep then I found out that if I
chewed like 200 pieces of generic Nicorette a day
I wouldn't have to KILL everyone in my damn office
though I think about it a LOT more these days.

When they came for my COFFEE, I bought an AK-47
and about 5000 rounds of 7.62 and I'm going to
impress upon my employer the IMPORTANCE of
employee MORALE as well as PRODUCTIVITY and I
GOING TO GET *AGRO* ON HIS ASS while standing on
his desk with the barrel of my new Chinese MG
inserted in his right nostril, comprende?

NOBODY fucks with my coffee.

(this rant in memory of Kevbob.)


--Kino Beman, brand name


From: Doktor DynaSoar <>

Joe Cosby <> wrote:
} ALSO SPRACH Doktor DynaSoar:
} >Common sense is not required for, and frequently contrary to, doing
} >science. Ain't saying that's right, just that's how it is. You have to
} >find a question you can answer YES and promise people that if they
} >give you money you promise the answer will be YES
} Especially so when that science is dealing with statistics.
} Of course, this study as a whole was not anything like large enough to
} come to any kind of meaningful statistical conclusions, BUT, the study
} was completely based on statistical type techniques.

No they didn't. It was hardly even an experiment. It wasn't double
blind cross over which is required for clinical trials, and their
design was patterned after that. What they did was more of a
demonstration. Feynman freezing and breaking an O ring in front of the
Challenger accident panel, running a train into a nuclear waste casket
to show it won't crack, crashing an airplane to test anti-flash fuel,
these have all been considered scientific proof of something, but they
were demonstrations that something could happen. And that's all they

Do not EVEN try to tell me it was statistical. I'm a methodologist. I
do statistical work at a level and a of nature that left the
statistics full professor that advised our department admiring my
desiogns and conclusions, and haven't yet found someone who can
impliment the designs I have but can't formulate myself, and that
includes having made another trip to Santa Fe.. There's not a damn
thing wrong about statistics that can't be fixed by taking it away
from the twits who don't, won't or can't understand it. To anyone who
actually understands statistics, it's glaringly obvious when some
bonehead is spouting half answers or trying to paint the picture with
only their favorite colors.

What WOULD have been wrong with this study, had they applied
statistics, was the fact that it dealt strictly with means and groups,
ignoring variance across the groups and within individual response.
Statistics worth a shit would have incorporated that. In fact it would
have had to to calculate any result at all.

Fact is unless someone reads journal articles or related books, they
never see statistics. The numbers plopped out by the media are summary
conclusions and descriptive at best. I have never seen mention even
once of standard deviation in anything written for public consumption.
Saying that 51.3% of Californians are minorities is not a statistic,
it's a number (as well as a contradiction).

} And those are the people that rule the world. The masters of the con
} game.

I get to pick what wool I pull over my own eyes, and what wool I
don't, because I learned to tell wools apart. And those rotten fucks
are lying even worse than they think they are because THEY don't know
statistics either.


From: Joe Cosby <>

well, true.

I'll put it this way. The approach they took, while making no sense,
would have made sense if they had actually approached it
statistically, although it would still have been all fucked up.

Saying "I gave fred smith a cup of coffee and HE wasn't more
productive" would be obviously meaningless. Saying "we gave this
group of 12 guys coffee and they didn't seem more productive to us" is
equally meaningless but they are at least trying to imply that their
results were in some way meaningful, so they were trying to say "we
gave this statistically significant group, 12 guys, coffee and they
didn't seem more productive to us based on our tests, which were
actually completely arbitrary and poorly thought-out, but which if
they really had been a statistically significant group and the tests
had been administered correctly would have had meaning statistically".

IOW if their thing had had any meaning at all it would have been

Jeebus fuck ya gotta be careful around here.

Joe Cosby


From: mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)

>Not to give anybody big ideas, but when you're self employed like me,
>you can work all night and sleep all day if you want, work drunk, cuss
>with all your coworkers and customers, tape up fucking Hustler foldouts
>and polaroid spread shots in your work area, tap cigaret OR marijuana
>OR 'Frop ashes all over the floor if you're that much of a slob, and
>you can listen to your Captain Beefheart live concert bootlegs at TOP

Praise "BoB"

But reality is an ugly mistress! Kinda like the one I woke up to last night.

I want to free lance soo bad, My only source of health Care is the VA, and I
expect them to cut me off their list anyday now as I do not have a "service
related conditions", other then being crazy out of my gourd by 40+ years of
living in the CON.

But if teh working condition keep going down, I'll be willing to take the risk.

Seems that for tax reasons, you can leagally cheat by being self-employed a lot
easier then being a working stiff like myself.

But Thes CON is a very smart foe, it will lead you into a flase sense of
security only to full the rug out form under you just as you think you are

And in these days, no one is secure! Not the self employed, not the working
stiffs, not the "normals" no one!

Everything you own,all the rewards for those yrears of hard work (or for just
pretending to work hard) can be wiped out at the whim of the con!

You retirement accounts are not safe, your home is not safe (just let them find
Frop in it!), and your kids are not safe.

Just look at what ther are doing becuase Janet Jackson had her bra ripped off!
They want to fine her, fine that Timberlake asshole, fine the NFL, fine every
CBS Station, fine the CBS Network, fine the parent company of CBS, fine MTV,
and now the assholes are on a "moral crusade" to "clean up cable TV!"

Just wait until someone see a photo or art work hanging on your wall that they
deem "obscene"........

Your life will become a living hell, your kids will be taken away, your home
confinscated, and you will rot in jail for years before your trail even comes

it has been done before in California, North Carolina, Florida and Virginia.

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man

"War hath no Fury like a non-combatants"

Charles E. Montague


From: "nu-monet v6.0" <>

Hell, they've been doing that for years, for
ordinary mari-ja-wana. (Worse, if you live
here in Maricopa County w/Shuriff Joe Arpaio.)

When I was a kid I had a great big picture book
of (unexpurgated) Aesop's fables. It was a very
good introduction to the ways of the CON. Fable
after fable is dead on, like all of society is
based on bad examples.

Granted, the surreal bloody-minded insanity of
it all is more like (unexpurgated) Grimm's.


From: (HellPopeHuey)

"Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote:
> If you're like me, too wimpy and cowardly to smoke cigarets ANYMORE,
> and down to half-strength coffee,* WALKING everywhere for HEALTH, then
> you'll just have to do what we handicapped former smokers and coffee
> fiends do -- JACK OFF and/or FUCK MORE.
> Or have they outlawed that too?

I worked for Jack Fuckmore in 1986. He began wrongfully screaming in
my face, on the job and I nearly smashed him in the head with a reel
of computer tape. He was extremely red in the moosh, but was
apparently still able to hear, because he backed away when I told him
I would break his nose with it if he did not stop yelling at me. I
doubt coffee had all that much to do with it one way or another. It
was not the red; it was the Pink. It was the beginning of the end of
my time as a day-job person and the start of my seeking the

As with many SubGeeners of whom I know, I have since taken on
progressively more independent or isolated forms of work, partly out
of self-defense. I would prefer not to assault anyone; its not my
style, actually. I now live at a strained financial level because it
is far preferable to a jail cell or custodial care. Them fuckers know
nada about the Grey Area, about civil compromise. I've shown up sick
and done the dirty work without being asked and it STILL made no
difference to the Blind. Its one thing if They simply don't "like
you," but when they fail to see that you are taking care of business
dependably, THEN they are massive fools and a certain kind of danger
to all within range. Hell, even a few of the counterculture types for
whom I have worked were so goddamned rude & draining, THAT became
pointless, too. They Live, goddamnit, BOY do They Live!

I have no pontifical answer for the problem, but as in another post,
let me again express my fondness for toys like the Vulcan Electric
Cannon, which will fire 60mm shells in a pattern that leaves a shell
at each corner of 6" square. Its a GOOD thing! Well, it could be. I
could prove it, given the chance, whaddaya say?


HellPope Huey /
Gimme epiphanies or KILL me

Inviting people to laugh with you
while you are laughing at yourself
is a good thing to do.
You may be the fool,
but you are the fool in charge.
- Carl Reiner

Where I work, that would be similar
to kicking a lion in the balls
whilst wearing a meat collar.
- Rev. Beergoogles


From: (HellPopeHuey)

phy <> wrote:
> The last thing I gave up for lent was television in the 7th grade and I
> ended up on the honor roll for that grade period. Then I discovered frop.

And now you're on Usenet. Welcome to the ranks of the damned-near
worthless! Wanna eclair? If you're froppin', you prolly wanna eclair
and beer and pudding and cheese crackers and some cartoons and cheap
porn and Fresca. Is "The Daily Show" on yet? Praise who? *snuk*


HellPope Huey /
Social Contempt: Breakfast of Ruffians

"Everything's made up
and the points don't matter."
- "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

I never did give anybody hell.
I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.
- Harry S. Truman


From: Rev DJ Epoch <>

phy <> wrote:
> Cardinal Vertigo <> wrote in
>> I plan to forego caffeine during Lent (February 25 through April 3).
>> I really hope for a similar effect.
> The last thing I gave up for lent was television in the 7th grade and I
> ended up on the honor roll for that grade period. Then I discovered
> -phy

For Lent I'm giving up my New Year's resolutions.


From: Cardinal Vertigo <>

That's a good idea. I'd do that, except I overachieved and didn't make
any resolutions in the first place.


From: Joe Cosby <>

Well, then you're WAY ahead of schedule!

Joe Cosby

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