From: (Paul Casino)
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2004
Ung! Ung! Mene Mene Tekel
Upharsin! Lo!
Many theories have been bouncing around concerning the
exact nature of
this passage. Theologians and Philsophers alike have
been arguing the
point since time immerorial, their heated discussions
oft breaking out
into Watts style riots in the streets, complete with
people throwing
phone booths through store windows and mobs carying
torches in broad
One of the major lines of thought on the topic postis
that this is a
kind of invocation of the muses, while others claim
it to be the
work's dedication passage. Also, it should be noted
that if this
passage is read backwards, nothing will happen. That's
right. Nothing
will happen, right on the page. It still won't make
a lick of sense to
the human ear, but you will have your very own Never-Ending
Story-esque NOTHING evolving from within the black ink
letters left
behind by your pen and spreading out across the page,
pulling all
within it's proximity spiraling into it's unfathomable
depths. I'm
just sayin'...I wouldn't fuck around with trying it
From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
Ung is the sound God makes when He shits. Lo! is what
you always say
when you're about to announce something cataclysmically
awesome to an
Personally I first encountered the middle line in a
Lovecraft horror
story... some fear-crazed or possessed fellow starts
hollering it in
regards to the Old Ones or the Elder Gods or Cthulhu
or somebody... but
it's also in the Bible
count, count, weigh, divide, equals, times, time, and,
DANIEL:5 relates a story from the royal court of King
Belshazzar (the
lieutenant, second, or sub-king, or viceroy), the son
of Nebuchadnezzar
(Nabonidus in 'royalty-correct' scholarly works/DSS:Cave#4)
who reigned
over Babylon's realm ca. 554 B.C., until ca. 539 B.C.,
when Cyrus of
Persia then stepped-in without a struggle from the surprised
King Belshazzar was holding a feast: And calling for
the Jewish altar
goblets, filling these with his wines and beers, and
saluting himself
and his kingdom, lauding his majesty and longevity,
and protesting slur
and slight - and, the indignation of the Jews was felt
by God, DANIEL
tells us, whose finger appeared to write these titular
words in the
plaster on the brick-stone walls inside the palatial
feast hall: MENE
The King was astonished at this apparition, and fitfully
demanded to
know what the words meant, blithely offering a reward
of royal office
of the highest rank (below himself, that is third, for
Nebuchadnezzar was more a senile king-father-figure
around Babylon at
that time). Four words in plain tongue, irrelevant in
context, graven
indelibly in stone in such incongruous manner, stymied
everyone - as
though superior in intellect. His wisest counselors,
too, had had their
fill of wine and beer, and they couldn't think to care
to answer. So,
at the queen-mother's suggestion they recalled Daniel
in from
retirement, who was formerly a royal thinker selected
of the Jewish
captives. Daniel, too, was astonished: He didn't recall
ever hearing
about this prank being arranged: The words must have
been carved and
plaster-filled on the brick-stone wall decades previous,
and their
meaning passed and forgotten: Perhap the wall plaster
had dried
excessively and crazed over the decades of neglect:
And perhap a splash
of wine or beer flung in a riotous moment had wetted
the wall:
loosening the plaster plugs, and exposing their covert
So, Daniel pondered what these words could mean. The
King expected
something high-and-mighty, and, Daniel gave it to him
in the first way
he could think-of (he himself being an old man of good
counsel, but of
little interest in hot-shot interpretations before a
king). Capably respectfully Daniel redacted for him
the news of Cyrus'
approach to the city: and like Jeremiah before him,
Daniel summarily
outlined the safest plan for submitting to Cyrus peaceably.
greatly admired Jeremiah, whose books he'd studied diligently,
even to
understand them: DAN9:1-2 - even as we may today know
that Jeremiah
predicted the Jewish holocaust of the middle of our
twentieth century
to coincide with the astronomers measuring the cosmos
[Hubble et al,
ca. 1935: 20 billion light-years across], and geologists
seismometrically plumbing the fathoms of the Earth:
JER31:37). He told
the king, the words meant: His kingdom was numbered
countable, summarized), finished (count-checked, stopped,
found wanting [adjustment] (balance-weighed, equallized,
divided between the Medes and Persians (apportioned,
disunified, disloyal). Daniel must have known of Isaiah's
opinion that
Cyrus was anointed by God (ISA44-45) - and recognized
the wall
builders' construction foreman had carved these as instructions
for an
accountant-trainee, on that very stone: then filled-in
his instructions
with the plaster on the wall - they'd have been long-gone
before it'd
be noticed eventually by a, king-trainee, Belshazzar.
accountant-trainee's instructions were, count the money
twice, weigh it
for total consistency (or record the balance in the
books), and pay it
out: count, count, weigh, divide - instructions remote
from Chaldean
upbringing who ate the King's meat, but within Daniel's
own learning,
as the common abilities of the business-man, although
he excelled to
science as well.
This also fit something that had been bothering him
(Daniel) for a
long time: A recurring nightmarish but bright vision
(or Oriental
dream) foretold of three and a half times, again and
again. (Daniel did
not know how it could be that he was living at the middle
of Creation's
seven thousand years, nor how the exact 'three-and-a-half'
moment could
be precisely January 170 B.C., when his prophecies would
mark and
divide 'history-zero' between the past and the future).
And he saw
something in those four words on the wall that made
them seem to imply
only three and a half. Today our scholars suggest the
four words are
coins (denominations: two minas, a shekel, and a peres,
a half mina)
that count nationalities ending with a small persian
coin, predicting
Cyrus. But we might think of something Daniel did a
lot: He enjoyed
watching the local rivers from their banks: They represented
to him the
constancy of the flow of time passing by where he stood
or sat:
Something always flowing, yet without filling or emptying
(except when
it flooded, and gave everyone too much time or too little
time to keep
their daily lives in order and flowing). And we see
that Daniel then
understood why he'd been brought to Babylon, for here
were the very
four rivers of the garden of Eden, and their four new
names as they
were revealed to him for his people: He felt he was
being held very
close to God. The four rivers were (become) only two
great rivers,
since the Pishon (Wadi Batin) was, MENE, gone-dry,
a minor tributary;
the Gihon (Karun, rud-Khaneh-ye river-bed) was also,
MENE, gone-away,
lost, a minor tributary; the Hiddekel (Tigris) was,
TEKEL, balanced
(remaining significant on the book), confluent at the
head of the
fourth: and the Puratu (Euphrates) had become, PERES
divided in branches and lengthwise by large lakes....
Daniel observed,
explored, pondered, and spoke and wrote (a little of
each) - count,
count, weigh, divide.
Thinking ever more deeply on this 'three-and-a-half',
Daniel saw in
this simple phrase, the whole essence of time and space,
(*) and science: We count our steps forward and back;
We count our
steps even to dance around, left and right - or north-south
east-west; We feel our weight when we stand, jump,
climb up and down
(or balanced weightless buoyed in bath water or swimming);
But we
persist (steadfastly, continually) only in the time-forward
dividing the past and the future - time is (also) the
divisor for the
rates of travel and travail (*) - count, count, weigh,
To emphasize this momentous thought, DANIEL:3 recounts
a story of
three hebrew boys cast fully clothed into a super fiery
hot furnace
(intense, brilliant scrutiny) - only then showing a
fourth standing
with them: The three boys represented the three similar
independent dimensions of space upon which all objects
are realized:
Time conjoins this '3-D' object-burdened space in energetic
light (not
heat: Bright light alone does not burn directly, but
the furnace
technicians stoking their 'sun-fire-god') - and time
subordinates all
to the present lordly 'now'. And finally we see as Daniel
saw that man
on the mudbank (ref: earlier article) as mankind on
Earth: There'd be
much running to and fro (in-line and crossways) within
the bounds of
the Earth; And much weight of knowledge greatly increased,
building-up, gained, upheld, and carried about; And
eternity, the very
end (purpose) of time perceived at last, like the river
constantly forward, passing the temporal division,
fulcrum or, lot,
of Earth-living standing in its aethereal midst (even
as Daniel's own
lot in the very middle-time, would be so recognized
in the end-time)
- count, count, weigh, divide. (DAN12)
* [The mathematics student discovers this order repeated
at levels in
the development of numbers and reciprocal-number-processes:
At the
primary level, addition and its reciprocal subtraction
are counting
processes, multiplication scales and leverages weights,
and its
reciprocal process is division - count, count, weigh,
divide; At the
intermediate level, addition and multiplication are
counting processes, and functions are tabulated and
interpolated (proportioned) - count, count, book, divide;
At the
graduate level, the two basic arithmetic operations
are counting
processes, addition and multiplication (the counting
of countings);
The composition of functions is a (compounding) stacking
process; And
the derivative slope calculation is a proportioning
division process -
count, count, balance (compounded), divide]
4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath
of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)
From: "ghost" <>
"It was a finger instead of a singer
It was a finger instead of a song
It was a finger instead of a singer
It didn't stay too long...
When I was having a party and wanted to hear a song
A disconnected finger appeared where it didn't belong
It floated above the floor and wrote something on the
No one could read the writing so someone was called
It was a finger instead of a singer...
He said my father was crazy with fingernails like claws
And that he ate grass with asses, then he paused
Then when he continued, he mumbled about his God
He said my days were numbered, so I started to nod
It's late now and I'm alone, still thinking about what
I saw
Something woke me up, a strange noise out in the hall
I hear it again!
It was a finger instead of a singer..."
The Residents, "God's Magic Finger"
From: Zapanas <>
i'm just a finger in a rock and roll band ...
(oh stop throwing things, how could I -not- say it?)
Grand Master of the Satanic Conspiracy
> what's the capital of Maine?
Steven King.
- chaos israel
From: Peter Harris <>
"Rev. Ivan Stang" <> wrote:
Some years ago, I had a friend who'd 'say' that every
time he
Peter Harris
Boxing is a lot like ballet, except that they don't
dance, there
isn't any music, and they hit each other.
From: Zapanas <> (Paul Casino) wrote:
>Ung! Ung! Mene Mene Tekel
>Upharsin! Lo!
>Many theories have been bouncing around concerning
the exact nature of
>this passage. Theologians and Philsophers alike
have been arguing the
>point since time immerorial, their heated discussions
oft breaking out
>into Watts style riots in the streets, complete
with people throwing
>phone booths through store windows and mobs carying
torches in broad
I think that -is- the meaning of that passage.
In Angelic language, the literal meaning of the phrase
is "man those
nerds look funny when they fight" and Lo! translates
to something like
"you punch like a girl" although because angels
are androgynous it
gets murky.
It is then a typically perverse Joke of the Gods that
the passage is a
kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, it's meaning inherent
in it's lack
of meaning, a divine prank on a level with some oaf
throwing a stick
for his dog over the side of a cliff and laughing when
the dog runs
after it to it's doom. A kind of -warning- to the initiated
who can
mystically sniff the pstench of angelic cruelty between
it's lines
(which, in fact, smells almost identical to rotting
pumpkins to the
initiated nostril).
But then you wonder WHY? Are they so incredibly sadistic
that they
enjoy torturing humans?
You have to see it from their point of view.
Channelers seem to assume that Angels have nothing better
to do with
their day than to manifest on the physical plane and
mouth a few
repetitive platitudes about how important it is for
everybody to be
nice to each other (which we will immediately forget
anyway). That
they spend their day, hoping desperately for a channeler
to open up,
and when one does they all jump up and down crying "Pick
me! Pick
me!" until the LUCKY one gets in.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
First, the physical plane is a dump. It's DEPRESSING
when you've
lived in the World of Light for a few eternities.
They don't WANT to be here. If they did, don't you
think they could
just show up on their own power? A channeler is like
an open manhole,
and once one falls in, they are STUCK until the channeler
gets bored.
Imagine if you were walking down the street, when all
of a sudden a
gang of idiot children managed to catch you in a net,
then they
gathered around, poking you with sticks and yelling
They mouth a few new-age hallmark cards because that
will make us
HAPPY and we will forget about them and they can GET
We should be HAPPY that the worst they generally do
is spout off some
inane babble. And that they only OCCASIONALLY decide
to torture us.
And fairly RARELY do they just say "oh FUCK THIS
STOMP the whole CITY the channeler is in into dust and
cover it up
with a tornado or earthquake. And that NOT YET have
they decided to
give a channeler instructions for building a WORLD-DESTROYING
ANTI-MATTER BOMB and told them it was a "love-and-harmony-generator".
This does help explain though why new-agers have given
up summoning
DEMONS the way their ancestors did.
Grand Master of the Satanic Conspiracy
Joyous distrust is a sign of health. Everything absolute
belongs to
- Nietzsche
From: (HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer)
I thought that was the translation for
mekka lekka high mekka heiny ho
From: Zapanas <>
You have a frightful lisp.
Grand Master of the Satanic Conspiracy
Synthesizers don't make trouble; people humping them
like crazed WEASELS
make the trouble.
HellPope Huey,
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