From: "Dr.Legume" <legume@subgenius.com>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.3d.poser
Subject: The Charter of this Newsgroup
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 12:34:03 -0500

Welcome to the alt.binaries.3d.poser Charter!

This newsgroup is for the posting of artwork and other miscellaneous
binaries made with and relating to Poser, a 3d graphics program made by
the fine folks at MetaCreations.

This group was started with a simple, yet revolutionary philosophy, as
far as Usenet Newsgroups go.

"Do As Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law"

Netiquette is hereby suspended. There are far too many folks out there
who are rule-crazy NUT-BUSTERS. And if you have some problem with that,
you are free to LEAVE. This Usenet Newsgroup needs no little Hitler
shouting what folks can or can't do.

This forum is a Virtual Biker Bar for artists. If you want to start a
fight, go ahead. Kick some butt. If you want to have sex on the pool
table all night, GO FOR IT.
If you want to post a 10 meg binary, party on. You can bitch, moan, and
flame, you can attack each other, fall in love, have babies, do whatever
the hell you want.

How can a newsgroup survive in an environment of pure anarchy, you may

In Dodge City, you lived by your wits and the quickness of your gun.
Here, you live by your wits and your KILLFILE.

That's right, if you don't want to read what someone else has to say,
KILLFILE them. You can bitch all you want to about them, but don't be
surprised if you get killfiled right along with your enemy.

With the use of your KILLFILE, you can see the posts from whomever you
wish, while the folks you don't like won't even show up. Maybe you LIKE
arrogant, pushy, rude, jerks and if that's the case you can killfile
everyone else.

If there is one thing I have learned from Usenet it is this;

"No matter what you do, you're going to piss somebody off"

Be prepared for this. Someone IS going to complain if you post a "Lewd"
pic. Face it, America's up to its' tightly puckered sphincter with
puritanical prudes, and at least one of them WILL get in your face. For
those who are uptight and easily perturbed, I have a word; Erleichda.
Lighten up. Don't get your panties in a bunch. It's only Usenet.

Feel free to argue with them if you absolutely can't control your urges.
I personally find flame wars entertaining as all get-out. If you don't
find them entertaining, then killfile all the parties involved.


Let it be your guide!

If you don't have the ability to killfile, ask someone for advice. If
for some reason you are unable to killfile, you'll just have to deal
with it. You can just enjoy the ride, or take a hike. A simple enough
solution to the lack of a killfile is a bit of common sense..."If you
don't like it, don't look at it."

As for posting:

Post whatever pics you please. If your picture is of a cute little girl
picking flowers, more power to you. If you want to post pictures of
Spaceship battles, go to it.

And if you want to post a pic of a Poser chick performing a lewd sex act
on a pony, feel free to do so. There is no such thing as an
inappropriate picture here, there will be no censorship. In the Middle
Ages, puritan religious fanatics irreparably marred great works of art,
painting over the genitals of classic paintings in the name of decency.
The Middle Ages ended a long time ago. It's DEAD, Jim. Don't drag its'
corpse in here. It began to stink long ago.

How do we protect the children from seeing these images? We don't.

Now some of you are no doubt thinking, "This seems a bit extreme,
doesn't it?" Well, here's the beauty of this newsgroup. YOU DONT HAVE TO
BE A JERK. You can be polite, you can post your great
Poser/Bryce/Whatever artwork, and you can share your 3d models, and swap
You can advertise your Website so we can go there and harvest the
bountiful offerings therein. You can kick back and have SLACK.

This charter is not intended to endorse or encourage rude behavior. It'd
be GREAT if we all would just hang out, post pics, and be a big happy
family. But we know that's not going to happen. This is a community, and
in any community there is bound to be conflict.

just to make this forum nice-nice for a few. This is the Wild Frontier.
EVERYONE is welcome.

Welcome to alt.binaries.3d.poser.

Welcome to the Usenet Free Zone.

Enjoy your stay.

Dr. K. "Cortez" Legume, Founder of a.b.3d.p
and Ordained Minister of the SubGenius Faith
Bartender of the Pser Art 3d Biker Bar

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