[SubG] Lack of Slack

Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 16:28:52 -0400
From: Rabbi Kleef <rmlevin228@earthlink.net>
Subject: [SubG] Lack of Slack

Who the hell wants to have perfect slack all the time? I thoroughly
enjoy my episodes of antislack. I am not talking about slips into
pinkness or anything so mundane. I am talkin' total arrid thorny soul
where no seed of slack may gain purchase, suck every living being
unfortunate enough to get caught in my event horizon into "everything
SUCKS!" singularity of antislack. It gives me pleasure. Not the same
kind of pleasure as Slack, but pleasure non the less. For me this breeds
a violent desire to deconstruct everything and everyone around me. In
these moments I know what it is like to be the CON. In these moments I
AM THE CON! And not the bloated squidcreature slowly suckiing up and
sicking out the slack of a nation normal mass conspiracy engine, but the
JIM JONES eye bugging rappid aging DESTRUCTIVE wrending of every quanta
of slack, every human glimmer of freedom kind of EVILCON that inevitably
swallows itself down it's own black gullete and disappears leaving
nothing but hiroshima-esk burnt sillouettes of the life that once
existed in that spot.
I would be truely evil if this ever lasted for more than three
- -the antikleef

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