As of this week, I have my end of SubGenius Mail Order, Connivin' Ivan's Media Shack, running like a well oiled machine. The order I got yesterday -- for Media Barrages 10 and 12 in CD, excellent choice in old timey SubGenius audio -- was mailed out today.

Unlike before, when you order something from Connivin' Ivan's now, the order goes directly to me. Right then. The minute you hit "send." As soon as I check my email, while IGNORING the PLEAS from my SICK CLOSE FRIENDS, I run and PROCESS YOUR CREDIT CARD. Since it OF COURSE clears, I then -- RIGHT THAT SECOND -- run to the SWAG SECTOR, grab the swag, and the paperwork if any, cram it in the nice new padded Jiffy Pack air bubble lined envelope, along with a personal note and/or teeny little autograph depending on the product, HAND-ADDRESS it, weigh and stamp it. Then it sits by my stairway until the next morning or the next time I go to the PO, which is about 3 blocks away.

In fact I had to walk back from the PO today because my old van ran out of GAS just as I got there! Dang! And yet the mileage counter said 145! Heck, it never needed gas before it got to 170, BEFORE! But it hasn't had a fill-up in months, that's how litle I drive it... probably a few gallons just EVAPORATED. On the way home I stopped and bought new shoes and pants for the first time since before last X-Day. These are the kinds of things I don't usually think about. But since it was cold and windy outside, I noticed that my old shoes had big holes in them. Funny what it takes to get me to notice stuff like that.

Again by odd chance, when I got home, my WIFE was there, with HER car, instead of at work! SLACKING OFF! So we re-gassed my car and everything's fine.

And everything's IN STOCK at CONNIVIN' IVAN'S!

Except for the 4-X-Day 4-CD set (or the 1-CD MP3 version). Because of the packaging art those are a PAIN IN THE ASS to make, they use a LOT of black ink, so, if you really want to PISS ME OFF, you'll order that expensive set of PROFESSIONALLY RECORDED PURE SUBGENIUS RANT, MUSIC and CAMPOUT FOLLY plus RADIO SPEW... or the cheapo MP3 version. Which, actually, you could download for FREE from SubSITE, if you have n incredibly fast connection, tons of free time, and a CD burner.

But that wouldn't PISS ME OFF nearly as much as if you bought the whole fucking set of slick CDs featuring PERFECT recordings of ESO, Saint N, The Swingin' Wotans, etc etc.

Also -- the FULL METAL DOBBSHEADS won't last forever. There are about 15 of these $50 Dobbsheads-in-steel left and there WON'T BE MORE after that.

Also -- I'm down to my last 3 BLACK HOLE OF CARCOSA paperbacks, and,
the 4X-Day T-Shirts are almost gone. I believe there are 3 larges and maybe one XX and that's IT.

I had a guy email me yesterday begging for a FARM FRESH PRAIRIE SQUID shirt at just about any price. Too bad he didn't order during the previous 10 years, when we couldn't give them away, but did anyway.

Oddly enough, people started DEMANDING the baby-doll Ts as soon as they were FINALLY sold out.

Well, you know that GOOD "BOB"-BAD "BOB" classic shirt? That one's DONE WITH when the last ones are gone from the Cafepress stash.

We'll switch to doing more frequent design changes and even more limited runs.

I might also mention that THE BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS and REVELATION X could suddenly be declared "out of print" at any given moment. Same with the Steve Jackson Games SubGenius INWO set.

Just saying.

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