From: "Alliekatt P.Pstensch Mcpogmóthón the guitar slappin' chick." <>

To: "Sue & Art Hunt" <> Subject: Book of Genesis translated into Irish
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 00:11:40 -0400
Organization: Evil Labs Inc., Three Rivers Branch, Zhrodague Industries X-Priority: 3

Genesis 1

[1]In the beginning the Big Fella created the heaven and the earth, and then had a pint.
[2]And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And then yer man moved upon the face of the waters, and then had a few more pints.
[[3]And yer man said, give us a light: and there was light. [4] And yer man saw the light, that it was good: and lit up a fag and had a pint.
[5] And yer man called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. [9] And yer man said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. [10] And yer man called the dry land 'Ireland', and after a few pints too many he giveth up division of the land to his angel Lucifer who made himself a dwelling in the upper portion which calleth he NornIron. Yer man called he the center of the firmament Dublin in which he placed many public dwellings and he saw that it was good...

[11] And yer man said, Let the earth bring the herb, the hop, the barley,
[12] And the earth brought forth herb, and hops and barley, and Arthur Guinness and yer man saw that it was good, and had he many pints.

Then there is the second
book of Genesis wherein yer man creates wimmin mostly because the dishes were still in the sink from all them dirty great frys on the weekend and because yer man missed the first goal in the feckin Spain/Slovenia game while up gettin himself and yer wee man another pint, and wherein yer woman, upon arrival, promptly tells yer wee man to get his lazy arse out of the chair and get out into that friggin garden and cut the grass for she nearly wrecked herself out picking them apples for the tea.

But that will be finished later as soon as our man the translator has finished his pint.

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