Challenge to Vegans!

From: iDRMRSR <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 6:59 PM

OK, so I know the usual stuff about why nobody wants to kill animals and
eat them.

But with modern science, one could very humanely remove a portion of an
animal's flesh, and it would totally recover! The question I propose
is, would vegans eat THAT?

I mean, you could take out a kidney, half a liver, and all of a spleen.
The cow/pig/sheep/goat/chicken/etc. would go on living a perfectly happy
life to a ripe old age. No suffering required, as you could use modern
anesthetics and rehab the animal just like people do every day.

You could remove skin and grow that back! Even a good hunk of
tenderloin. With proper nursing care, the animal could even regenerate
the tissue for another meal. Its soul would be totally intact to merge
with Buddha or whatever, completely unscathed. And you would have a
nice renewable protein source.

A whole industry could emerge. Food surgeons. There would be no reason
ever to restrict your diet again. I believe this would answer every
vegan objection to eating meat. No more butchers. Just take your
animal to the food hospital and highly skilled surgeons would remove the
extraneous and vestigial components, and freeze them in little baggies
for you to have for dinner.



From: "Philo Drummond" <>


What a great idea!! I'd like to suggest we train the animals to be the Food
Surgeons. We could probably easily teach the carnivores to operate on the
herbivores. Then the humans could just confine their flesh mining efforts to
the meat eaters. What do you think?



From: iDRMRSR <>

Philo Drummond:
>>What do you think?

Why that's an excellent idea. Reverse the food chain entirely.
Everybody makes nice nice to everybody else.

Nirvana achieved! Through science...



From: John Starrett <>

Philo Drummond wrote:

> What do you think?

Good idea. Ginko lizard tails grow back after severance,
some frogs' legs grow back after removal; there are all
kinds of possibilities. My wife severed the tip of her right
hand "fuck" finger when she was two, and that grew back. We
could have legal cannibalism!

Another possibility is cultured tissue. They grow skin for
grafts in petri dishes... think of the food fun we could
have once they figure out how to grow any organ, or even
mutant meat!

But coolest of all will be when they grow mastodon or
triceratops in the lab. We can eat like Fred Flintstone!

John Starrett


From: nenslo <>
> "iDRMRSR" <> wrote in message
> > OK, so I know the usual stuff about why nobody wants to kill animals and
> > eat them.
> >
> > But with modern science, one could very humanely remove a portion of an
> > animal's flesh, and it would totally recover! The question I propose
> > is, would vegans eat THAT?
> >

You mean would people who don't eat meat eat meat?
The answer is SHUT UP you stupid reeking flatulent sack of shit.

My challenge to YOU: Try not being such a fucking halfwit.


From: iDRMRSR <>

>>The answer is SHUT UP you stupid reeking flatulent sack of shit.

My challenge to YOU: Try not being such a fucking halfwit.<<

How discourteous of you!

I post a logical, well-reasoned proposal which would allow vegans to
enjoy, with me, the great Slack I get when indulging in meat products.
And you call my hygiene, wit, intelligence, and personal gas management
into question.

For shame. But as I am uncommonly gracious, I will overlook this

Let those children of logic be heard, sir, those whose emotions are not
so easily roused! Make way for the intercourse of great thinkers, and
hold your tongue.



From: "electric walrus" <>

There you have it, folks, a new, renewable food source. I personally feel
that removing chunks of vegans should be done, both for food and for sport.
I will support your food surgeons.

Unless you mean doing it to animals. I hate cows, I belieive they should be
butchered, and I would only eat cow meat removed this way if they are given
anestethic for this.

"I don't have a problem with varying opinions....when they are stated
*in my opinion..." - Brenda


From: Joe Cosby <>

On Mon, 07 Oct 2002 18:59:23 -0400, iDRMRSR <>

>OK, so I know the usual stuff about why nobody wants to kill animals and
>eat them.
>But with modern science, one could very humanely remove a portion of an
>animal's flesh, and it would totally recover! The question I propose
>is, would vegans eat THAT?
>I mean, you could take out a kidney, half a liver, and all of a spleen.
>The cow/pig/sheep/goat/chicken/etc. would go on living a perfectly happy
>life to a ripe old age. No suffering required, as you could use modern
>anesthetics and rehab the animal just like people do every day.
>You could remove skin and grow that back! Even a good hunk of
>tenderloin. With proper nursing care, the animal could even regenerate
>the tissue for another meal. Its soul would be totally intact to merge
>with Buddha or whatever, completely unscathed. And you would have a
>nice renewable protein source.
>A whole industry could emerge. Food surgeons. There would be no reason
>ever to restrict your diet again. I believe this would answer every
>vegan objection to eating meat. No more butchers. Just take your
>animal to the food hospital and highly skilled surgeons would remove the
>extraneous and vestigial components, and freeze them in little baggies
>for you to have for dinner.

You know if that really is the reason, if a vegetarian bases his her
being a vegetarianism on the fact that eating an animal causes it
pain, then by the same logic the vegetarian is comittng an even
greater sin by not allowing him her self to be eating be carnivores.

A starving tiger suffers pain from hunger. Is this pain somehow less
than a chicken getting it's head lopped off?

And by going to Africa/India and laying down on the ground until the
hungry tiger eats them, they are also helping the environment. Not
only are they contributing to the survival of an endangered species,
but they are also removing a large scale waste/entropy producer from
the ecosystem.

i mean, I'm just pointing it out.

Joe Cosby

I always say I'd much rather be around someone who comes right out and
admits he's a hateful intolerant son of a bitch than someone who's
always calling people down for not coming up to their noble standards
while pretending it's for everybody's benefit.
- nenslo


From: (I AM J'lahn.)

iDRMRSR <> wrote in message news:<>...
> But with modern science, one could very humanely remove a portion of an
> animal's flesh, and it would totally recover! The question I propose
> is, would vegans eat THAT?

No, they would not. But as someone who is MOSTLY Vegan (yes, I am
almost there - just a little bit of dairy still left to go!) I would
probably consent to eating replicated animal-based food. You know,
straight out of the pattern buffers. Made from its basic molecular

Go to -- find and play the clip
from Riker called:

"We no longer enslave animals for food purposes"...

Pretty much sums it up.


From: John Starrett <>

"I AM J'lahn." wrote:

> "We no longer enslave animals for food purposes"...
> Pretty much sums it up.

Suppose there was an animal that shed tasty limbs on a
regular basis. If you found a freshly shed limb, would you
cook it and eat it? If not, why not?

John Starrett


From: "Blackout" <>

you mean like when I commanded you to EAT MY SHIT on IRC or else I wouldn't
speak to you and you gulped it right down?

har DE har har har, you fucking DOINK


From: Arbane the Terrible <>

Nice try, you FAKE. The REAL J'lahn isn't posting again here until the
full moon.

You'd better be GONE by then, or he' NUMBERS at you!

"Remember, the plural of 'moron' is 'focus group'."
-- James A. Wolf

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