Headline News

From: slaac@yahoo.com (Rev. Lemuel Atom)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Thu, Jan 3, 2002 11:05 AM

...and another thing...

How long are stories with titles like "Noose Tightens Around bin
Laden/Omar/Taliban/al Quaeda" gonna be considered "news." Wotta load
of crap. Despite my cynicism, I find it difficult to believe that
people, regradless of how scared and bereaved they might feel, will
keep putting up with this lame coverage of next to nothing.

It's even worse with the TV news, where the same gub'mint propaganda
is read by perky mindless newscasters over a series of two-second
images that may or may not have a damn thing to do about the content
of the "story":

armored personnel carrier
bombed out mud house
U.S. Marines in desert fatigues
wailing Afghani women
aerial shot of a mountain range
cave entrance

Just how fucking low IS the lowest common denominator when it comes to
this media "news" jit?

And just outta curiosity - who do you think will be caught first,
Osama bin Laden or the fuckwad that sent the anthrax letters?

Anyone out there think neither one will EVER be caught?


From: bobdiddley@aol.com (Bobdiddley)

>And just outta curiosity - who do you think will be caught first,
>Osama bin Laden or the fuckwad that sent the anthrax letters?
>Anyone out there think neither one will EVER be caught?

Door #3. Osama bin Laden is a fictitious character. Don't you remember those
pictures of him with Bert from Sesame Street? He's no more real than Lara
Croft, and not nearly as good-looking. The Anthrax thing is entirely
US-generated, so don't expect him/them to ever get caught. Remember the Tylenol
scares of a few years back? That's ok, nobody else remembers that far back,
either. Anyway, it just slipped off the back of the newdesk, and nothing ever
happened, except that Tylenol is safe now. So take a pill - things won't get
any better, they'll just look a little different. The Police State loves that
short-term memory. This message will self-destruct in 10, 9, 8....

From: slaac@yahoo.com (Rev. Lemuel Atom)

bobdiddley@aol.com (Bobdiddley) wrote in message news:<20020103132643.06576.00000354@mb-fk.aol.com>...

Yeah, good point. They never caught Lord Haw-Haw, neither...

From: wbarwell@starbase.neosoft.com (William Barwell)

In article <49b3655d.0201030805.4818999a@posting.google.com>,
Rev. Lemuel Atom <slaac@yahoo.com> wrote:
>...and another thing...
>How long are stories with titles like "Noose Tightens Around bin
>Laden/Omar/Taliban/al Quaeda" gonna be considered "news." Wotta load
>of crap. Despite my cynicism, I find it difficult to believe that
>people, regradless of how scared and bereaved they might feel, will
>keep putting up with this lame coverage of next to nothing.

For about 'nother month 'er two.

If the catch Bin Laden, it'll go two weeks more.
But if they don't, it'll pop up again election time,
'bout late October.

Pope Charles
SubGenius Pope of Houston

From: Geoff Bronner <geoff.bronner@dartmouth.edu>

In article <49b3655d.0201031321.49fbe378@posting.google.com>, Rev.
Lemuel Atom <slaac@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yeah, good point. They never caught Lord Haw-Haw, neither...

I thought they executed him for treason.



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