3 New Miracles on 03-03-03!

07-05-03 = XXX666
X-Day=13-03 = "BOB"

The psychohistorical/mathematical/Ka-Ballistic significance of this day's date should impress all of our prize kooks, and in honor of this UNDENIABLE HINT FROM JHVH-1, The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. announces the release on Earth Farm One of THREE yes count 'em THREE NEW GRIZZLED MASTER SLAVE TAPE CD ALBUMS!

4 "SALE"

Even though we're touting 6X-Day6 as "just another drill," we expelled many hours of Hours of Slack in advance... a sure sign that your Sacred Scribe suspects Their world MIGHT be coming to an end. Or, short of that, that the U.S. mail might get spazzy, if the monkeys start up their pissing match.

I have been in seclusion in the West Turret Garret Studio finishing up PRODUCT. By "seclusion," I mean I haven't been answering email or many phone calls, or messing with news groups. PRODUCT!! That is the bottom line. That and the money for the product. But the money is just a side effect. The product must come first. Otherwise it's a big j.o. with nobody actually getting their nut. So I tore into the first half of the mountain of fresh audio submissions, and the old timey archivals, both, and managed to get some of the swag off my desk and out into the world - SUCH AS IT IS! The world truly doesn't deserve all the great stuff the insane SubGenius Arteests have been doing.

Not for FREE, anyway.

I disassembled all the stacked-up, finished Hours of Slack, and repackaged the parts. The original new-school Bob-devoted actual SONGS went into:


This is a FUCKING GREAT FUCKING NEW "BOB"SONGS ALBUM, the FUCK! I tell you. (See posted log to come.)

On its heels:

New Old School album: "BAD DOKTORS"

For months I have been whittling away at this ancient, beloved 1983 audio tape, modernizing the sound for the radio show. It's now been turned BACK into an album, only now a CD instead of a tape, and it is VASTLY improved.

In the old days, to rearrange an audio tape you had to physically chop up 1/4-inch reel to reel tape, spool it in little bins, and resplice it all back together in its new arrangement. You know how we media barragists love our little match-cuts of disparate, oddly synchronistic but otherwise unrelated clips. Doing that sort of thing well is much easier when you can turn your 69 clips into a stack of separate files, all visible and labeled and easy to rearrange for a more seemly flow. The CD burning program itself (Toast in my case) is a very handy tool for dragging and dropping audio files every which way to see how things play together. Improving or deliberately fucking up the sound of certain clips using trippy sound filters is also fun.

I can't wait to get to doing that with the 20 years of video clips. But I have to. Must, yet, Cannot.

Anyway, the old school album "BAD DOKTORS," which hasn't actually been available in any of our catalogs for some time, is now all fixed up and dressed up in a lovely jewel case with art by Heart Ignition and Fernandinande LeMur.

Hours of Slack are either given away in MP3, sold in archival collections in MP3, or sold on plain audio CD with separate tracks as a subscription. We didn't sell individual Hours of Slack except at X-Day... until NOW!


Every now and then I fill up a stash labeled XXX-CLIPS. These are songs, rants or bulldada that are too wonderful to hoard, but too cussfilled for broadcast. They become the Triple X Internet Only Hours of Slack. They are not necessarily so much of a sexual nature, as simply reliant on cusswords.

Who am I kidding; this is FILTH.

Hilarious filth from many sources. This particular one has no copyright problems that I can see, and there was some wonderful cover art, so here it is.

If this show isn't already available for free download off SubSITE, it will be soon. But it won't be there forever. Not everybody has a super-fast Internet connection or even an MP3 player, but some are curious as to what an Hour of Slack sounds like. Well, now you can buy one that is COMPLETELY ATYPICAL.


Next I want to start chopping up X-Day video, other old devival videos, and new videoized treatments of Church graphic arts and photos, eventually creating a multimedia history of the Church's most MIND-FUCKING moments. I'm giving myself lots of time for this. I have to work on the Stark Fist/SubSITE stuff first. Oh yeah, and those book reprints. Tedious technicalities. Where's my MWOWMs and robots?

Funny thing is, though, I looked at my Master List of Jack Offs to Check Off and, by Gobbs and His Gum, quite a few were checked off. There IS progress. And while I don't have MWOWM yet, I do have some FINE, FINE ROBOTS. I haven't had to make an actual tape splice in many years, or walk to the store.

Despite the hearty pace of work, Princess Wei and I have been getting enough sleep, and eating like royalty. As befits Her station. We caught up on all the Southparks and many other modern day fucked up cartoons. We even watched a downloaded copy of Daredevil. I finished another Isaac Asimov Foundation-&-Robots book and have only about 7 more to go. Went fishing in File Share Pond and had great luck, an incredible haul, although you shoulda seen the one I couldn't krak.

And, in her Earth job, the Queen of All the UFOs suddenly and unexpectedly got a PROMOTION! This morning!

Happy 3-3-03 and stomp antiSlack with steel clad boots.

A shalood lie la hie la "Bob"



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