From: Pastor Fluff <ten.emoHtfoS@ffulf_rotsap>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2003
Does anybody know what the DSM-IV diagnostic code for Subgenius behavior? This way, if we happen to be cruising the mental hospitals we know who to screen. (As well as screening out any dean-like characters)
Pastor Fluff
Second-Hand Church of the Emaculate Thingy
"In the course of exploiting my abnormality potential,
I will let no one stifle my Inner Spoiled Child."
From: El Queso <""the_cheese_23\"@(nospam)>
Any TRUE SubG should fit the criteria for at least 4 different types of psychosis.
From: "Philo Drummond" <>
Sheesh, doesn't anyone just whiff-read psi-stenches anymore?
From: "nu-monet v5.0" <>
Pastor Fluff wrote:
> Does anybody know what the DSM-IV diagnostic
> code for Subgenius behavior?
"Oh, I know SubGeniuses aren't pink; I'm just asking what kind of pink they are. You see, everyone is defined by the system, because the system was designed to define everyone. There isn't anyone who isn't defined by the system, and because everyone in the system is pink, then SubGeniuses are pink even though they say they aren't pink. Because there is no other alternative to the system, there is nobody outside of the system. So what kind of pink are SubGeniuses?"
"At the sound of the beep you will forget
the first part of this message <beep>."
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