My Testimonial

From: Unit 4 <UnitIV@Sputum.COM>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Thu, May 2, 2002 11:48 PM

Ten years ago, I quit my job for "Bob" based on a one dollar "investment".

I quit a lousy office equipment repair job, which was all I could get after
getting dumped by the military after they botched repairing the damage I'd
incurred while in their employ.

I went back to school. One of the first things I got into was a computer
course. This got me an internet account back when most of you didn't know
or care there was such a thing.

I found alt.slack already here. (I also found alt.religion.kibology and
posted within 2 weeks of its formation).

I held forth and held the faith of The One True Pipe on the net, from that
time on.

I've preached at devivials and drills and X-day.

I have kept the faith.

I paid my dues, and paid my own way where it'd benefit the Church.

Today, my faith has been rewarded.

I got my PhD. Even prior to getting it, I got a job based on it. I will be
going to do a job which is so cool that'd if the only way I could do it
would be to do it for free, that's how I'd do it.

It's exceedingly weird mathematic and statistical applictions applied to
signal analysis, from recordings taken from brains, to try to see what the
fuck is going on in that meat computer.

I will be making 3 times as much money as I've ever made, and that is just
TO START, straight out of school.

As Sister Soozie the Floozie has said in response to her experience at
X-Day, "This really IS my Church!".

Best dollar I've ever spent.

I am one of the Doctor Doktors.

Praise The Holy Fuck Outta "Bob", I am LIVING PROOF.

Doktor (Doctor) DynaSoar (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) Iridium,
Yetii Genetii ReSearch InstiToot


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