From: "Pater Nostril"
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2002
"Does America Have A Future?
January 16, 2002 by: Phyllis Schlafly
The establishment and the media elite would rather that the
American people not read Patrick Buchanan's new book "The Death
of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil
Our Country and Civilization"....
The most dramatic (and hitherto unreported) change that has taken
place since 1965 is that our nation has replaced our own babies with
aliens who do not share our culture. The American birth rate is below
replacement level while immigrants and illegal aliens from Third World
countries are populating our land at a rate at least five times greater
than before 1965.
When Richard Nixon became President in 1969, there were 9 million
foreign-born in the United States. By the time George W. Bush took
his oath of office last year, there were 30 million.
Some people think this is a positive development; Bill Clinton told a
cheering student audience in 1998 that there will soon "be no
majority race in the United States." No wonder he likes this trend: in
1996, he carried six of the seven states with the largest numbers of
immigrants, and in 2000 Al Gore carried five of them and Florida was
a dead heat.
Don't count on immigrants coming from European countries any more
because their women, too, have stopped having enough babies, and
by 2050 a third of Europe's people will be over age 60. By 2050,
Germany's population will have shrunk from 82 million to 59 million,
Italy's from 57 million to 41 million, and Russia's from 147 million to
114 million (a loss greater than the 30 million killed by Stalin).
The millions who came to America from Europe are now fully
assimilated. They learned our language and today they are sporting
American flags on their cars and houses.
Those who cross our border today are not becoming full participants
in American society and do not learn our language. Millions of
Mexicans broke our laws to get here and do not intend to renounce
their loyalty to their native country.
We've come full circle from the original civil rights movement of Dr.
Martin Luther King. Liberal chic is now segregation dressed up as
multiculturalism, diversity, and identity-group politics.
Reminding us of George Orwell's warning that "who controls the past
controls the future," Buchanan describes the all-out war that has
been waged against our past, eliminating heroes and holidays,
abolishing mottoes and symbols, defacing flags and statues,
silencing songs and banning books, and falsely teaching
schoolchildren that America's history is shameful.
A chapter on how America has been de-Christianized shows that it
wasn't only the Pilgrim fathers who spoke openly of the United States
as a Christian nation. Buchanan reminds us that similar statements
supporting our religious and Christian foundations used to be made
by such liberal idols as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Harry Truman, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice William Douglas,
and even Supreme Court decisions.
But no more. The god of the new tolerance demands that even our
tax dollars support disgusting blasphemies against the sacred icons
of Christianity.
The public schools, whipped into line by the imperial judiciary,
indoctrinate our youth with the new orthodoxy. They enforce the new
commandments: all lifestyles and cultures are equal, and thou shalt
not be judgmental.
Out went Adam and Eve, in came Heather Has Two Mommies; out
went pictures of Christ, in came drawings of apes pretending to walk
like humans; out went Easter, in came Earth Day; out went
teachings against homosexuality, in came teachings against
homophobia; out went the Ten Commandments, in came condoms.
Words are weapons and Buchanan shows how the liberals hurl ugly
epithets as weapons to intimidate and lay a guilt trip on traditional
Americans. It's not Ronald Reagan's America any more.
"The Death of the West" is an executive summary of the history of
the last half century, and Buchanan's immense knowledge and
inimitable writing style make that dreary report a must-read. His
points are graced with word pictures and metaphors, delicious
examples of liberal hypocrisies and double standards, and an
extraordinary collection of quotations.
The facts in Buchanan's book are sensational, and the Today Show
didn't dispute a single one. We need a national debate on this
politically incorrect book because it challenges us to ask the
questions: Is demography destiny? Can the West have a new
America has many examples of a single book igniting a movement,
some positive, some negative: "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Silent Spring",
"Unsafe at Any Speed," and "The Population Bomb." Buchanan's
book can do likewise if it is discussed and debated in the media, in
Congress, and in universities.
Eagle Forum
From: "Alliekatt"
Yeah, that stupid cunt has always been a yes girl for kooky konservatives.
What all of them are hemming and hawing about is that they're afraid white
people will go extinct. What they don't understand is that as long as
there are trailers, there will be white people, and as long as there are
station wagons that can hold at least 15, there will always be mexicans.
Heaven forbid they actually look at the damage that the human race itself
has done to the world; that is far secondary to the necessity of keeping
white people from going extinct, as well as keeping people from being
exposed to science, technology, diversity, and objective reasoning.
As far as I'm concerned the Mexicans can occupy all of this country in 100
years. Then the Injuns will have it back. All the Western intellectuals
can be Chinese and Indian since half of them are anyhow.
Phyllis might as well insist that men wear knee breeches and women put on
their corsets again. Fuckit, go all the way back to togas and fried lark
livers. That's what God wants. Oh right, those romans had dark skin,
need to preserve the white race and all of its technological achievment.
That means animal furs and blue paint made out of woad and retch-inducing
sheep urine for you, bubba. Now those are what we call red-blooded
americans. Take a nice long whiff of that good american phys ed class
there's nothing like the wonderful smell of sheep's piss and french armpit,
all hail the innate superiority of the white race.
And these so-called cultural defenders whine as if stank ass white people
were indigenous here to begin with. Put them on reservations in the
Appalachians and make them eat fried bread and dog meat. That'll learn
Pass me the banjo.
From: Arbane the Terrible
Pater Nostril wrote:
> "Does America Have A Future?
MST1K version.
> January 16, 2002 by: Phyllis Schlafly
Mocked by R. Bain.
> The establishment and the media elite would rather that the
> American people not read
> Patrick Buchanan's new book "The Death
> of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil
> Our Country and Civilization"....
They're simply indifferent to whether you read this screed.
> The most dramatic (and hitherto unreported) change that has taken
> place since 1965 is that our nation has replaced our own babies with
> aliens who do not share our culture.
"And their grey skin, and their DISGUSTING animal-mutilating habits!
And they don't even mow their LAWNS!"
> When Richard Nixon became President in 1969, there were 9 million
> foreign-born in the United States. By the time George W. Bush took
> his oath of office last year, there were 30 million.
Hmmm...and what was the overall populations at the same time?
(How to Lie With Statistics, page 21.)
> Some people think this is a positive development; Bill Clinton told a
> cheering student audience in 1998 that there will soon "be no
> majority race in the United States."
And I'm one of 'em. I'll bet a certain trol^h^h^h^hSilicon-American on
this newsgroup is another.
> No wonder he likes this trend: in
> 1996, he carried six of the seven states with the largest numbers of
> immigrants, and in 2000 Al Gore carried five of them and Florida was
> a dead heat.
Which would seem odd, if Real Amurkins all feared and loathed these scary
alien people as much as Pat and Phyllis did. Unfortunately, Liberals
aren't Real Americans--they're CONSTRUCTS created by Evil Aliens to
IRRITATE Good People like Phyllis by Not Agreeing with her!
> Don't count on immigrants coming from European countries any more
> because their women, too, have stopped having enough babies, and
> by 2050 a third of Europe's people will be over age 60.
Okay--THAT's kind of scary. There's plenty of possible fall-out from
one little piece of demographics. But, since nothing outside of the USA's
borders REALLY matters, she's going to whine about the White Folks dying
out here in the USA.
> The millions who came to America from Europe are now fully
> assimilated.
No Star Trek jokes. Star Trek jokes are for the weak.
> They learned our language and today they are sporting
> American flags on their cars and houses.
Which, as we all know, is the surest way to enusre that someone Loves their
country, replacing such primitive earlier methods as witch-ducking, loyalty
oaths, and thumbscrews.
> We've come full circle from the original civil rights movement of Dr.
> Martin Luther King. Liberal chic is now segregation dressed up as
> multiculturalism, diversity, and identity-group politics.
Odd. I can't recall hearing a SINGLE so-called liberal demanding a return
to the good ol' days of seperate toilets for white and colored folks...
> Reminding us of George Orwell's warning that "who controls the past
> controls the future," Buchanan describes the all-out war that has
> been waged against our past, eliminating heroes and holidays,
> abolishing mottoes and symbols, defacing flags and statues,
> silencing songs and banning books, and falsely teaching
> schoolchildren that America's history is shameful.
Uh. Maybe that's because it _IS_. If a third-world country were
their natives the we we treated ours, there'd be UN troops there right now.
If they had oil, anyway.
> A chapter on how America has been de-Christianized shows that it
> wasn't only the Pilgrim fathers who spoke openly of the United States
> as a Christian nation. Buchanan reminds us that similar statements
> supporting our religious and Christian foundations used to be made
> by such liberal idols as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
> Harry Truman, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice William Douglas,
> and even Supreme Court decisions.
So WHAT? It's still an inherently non-religious goverment. If you
like that, move to Saudi Arabia.
> But no more. The god of the new tolerance
Phil Donahue?
> demands that even our
> tax dollars support disgusting blasphemies against the sacred icons
> of Christianity.
Fine by me. To be fair, they should blaspheme other religions as well.
> The public schools, whipped into line by the imperial judiciary,
That 'imperial judiciary' put YOUR boy in the White House, ya ungrateful
trollop. (Mind you, she was probably looking forward to another four years
of whining about Gore...)
> indoctrinate our youth with the new orthodoxy.
"Four legs good! Two legs bad!"
> They enforce the new
> commandments: all lifestyles and cultures are equal, and thou shalt
> not be judgmental.
"But, teacher...whaddabout lifestyles that SAY other lifestyles are
> Out went Adam and Eve, in came Heather Has Two Mommies; out
> went pictures of Christ, in came drawings of apes pretending to walk
> like humans; out went Easter, in came Earth Day; out went
> teachings against homosexuality, in came teachings against
> homophobia; out went the Ten Commandments, in came condoms.
And this is bad...why, again?
> Words are weapons and Buchanan shows how the liberals hurl ugly
> epithets as weapons to intimidate and lay a guilt trip on traditional
> Americans.
She was in a sealed sensory-deprvation tank during the Ginrich Years, I
> It's not Ronald Reagan's America any more.
For which Allah makes the rest of us eternally grateful.
> America has many examples of a single book igniting a movement,
> some positive, some negative: "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Silent Spring",
> "Unsafe at Any Speed," and "The Population Bomb."
All of which I suspect she would've decried, had she been writing when they
were first published.
I'm surpried she didn't mention "The Turner Diaries", which sounds more
ideologically consistent with this rant...
> Buchanan's
> book can do likewise if it is discussed and debated in the media, in
> Congress, and in universities.
How about we just make fun of it here on alt.slack, instead?
"Remember, the plural of 'moron' is 'focus group'."
-- James A. Wolf