From: (The Rev. Dr. Lt. Chaos
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sun, Jan 27, 2002
The first real snow of the season, at 10pm on a Friday
night, when
everbody's inside getting their groove on, and you have
the streets to
It's been threatening, and teasing, and testing, and
since November, and it's finally decided to just *go*....
Anatomically incorrect snow-yeti contest anyone?
The Rev, Dr. Lt. Chaos Israel.
"Whaddaya mean there's no such froup as "alt.lsack"?
From: HellPope Huey <>
In article <>, says...
>Anatomically incorrect snow-yeti contest anyone?
Sounds like you're suggesting that I drop my slacks
and slide on the ice
starkers. Gosh, that'd be really wrong for SEVERAL reasons.
Yeah, right, "Free
SubGenius BLINDING with every attempt to shovel the
"Holy shittin' CHRIST, Maggie, it was AWFUL! I'm
not sure quite what it was,
but it was yellin' 'YAHOOOAAAIEEEEEE!' as it slid by
and it seems to have really
deformed buttocks!"
And it would be even worse if there was NO snow. Phew.
From gut blow-out to
butt shred-off in one uneasy lesson.
HellPope Huey,
MicroSoft will market the SuckTronic 2000XE
and then be sued by asswipes
who don't clean the receptacle and
get cockonella from the mung buildup
"Watching CNN Breaking News is like
watching sausages being made."
"Look at me, having sex with a pig.
I've become my father!"
- "Family Guy"
"I'm going out on the loading dock
to eat a sardine sandwich
and soak up some abuse."
- "Night Co
From: (The Rev. Dr. Lt. Chaos
HellPope Huey <>
wrote in message news:<>...
> And it would be even worse if there was NO snow.
Phew. From gut blow-out to
> butt shred-off in one uneasy lesson.
I would never tink of telling another subgeemis what to do,
Here's what I did, though: wrote "SLACK" in
three foot high letters on
the hill directly across form the convent.
The snow melted today, though--it now says "OLQ<"
The Rev. Dr. Lt. Chaos Israel.
From: HellPope Huey <>
In article <>, says...
>I would never tink of telling another subgeemis
what to do,
Me neither. It just annoys the pig.
A few have gotten their nipples in a wad because they
mistook my inarticulate
screams for directions or turned my Pope-ly ululations
sideways and then took
'em as law, but I so publically state that I accept
no legal responsibility for
the mental illness of others. My own has taller heels
than those on the glitter
boots Fee Waybill wore while singing "White Punks
On Dope."
Just mind yer gawdamned manners and bite me in a place
I can reach so as to
suck the venom out myself. If ya bite my ass, YOU gotta
suck it out. Its the
Dobbs Law.
HellPope Huey,
MicroSoft will market the SuckTronic 2000XE
and then be sued by asswipes
who don't clean the receptacle and
get cockonella from the mung buildup
"Watching CNN Breaking News is like
watching sausages being made."
"Look at me, having sex with a pig.
I've become my father!"
- "Family Guy"
"I'm going out on the loading dock
to eat a sardine sandwich
and soak up some abuse."
- "Night C
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