Introducing my Hip Hop Name

From: HellPope Huey <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sun, Jan 27, 2002

In article <>,
iDRMRSR says...
>After careful review, in the event that it becomes compulsory for all
>fat males to adopt a hip hop rapper name, the iDRMRSR executive
>committee has decided that the following would be most appropriate:

Hm....I guess I'd have to be either

GrandMaster FoulMouth


MC Emergency Fecal Containment Unit

HellPope Huey,
MicroSoft will market the SuckTronic 2000XE
and then be sued by asswipes
who don't clean the receptacle and
get cockonella from the mung buildup

"Watching CNN Breaking News is like
watching sausages being made."

"Look at me, having sex with a pig.
I've become my father!"
- "Family Guy"

"I'm going out on the loading dock
to eat a sardine sandwich
and soak up some abuse."
- "Night Court"
From: iDRMRSR <>

>>MC Emergency Fecal Containment Unit<<

Hey, I'll buy your albums. Or whatever the kids call them now!

EFCU. Gosh, a few times I wisht I had one o them.

From: duke0uke <>

iDRMRSR <> wrote:

MC Escher
From: "Unclaimed Mysteries" <>

"HellPope Huey" <> wrote in message
> In article
> iDRMRSR says...
> >
> >HPH:
> >>>MC Emergency Fecal Containment Unit<<
> >
> >Hey, I'll buy your albums. Or whatever the kids call them now!
> >>EFCU. Gosh, a few times I wisht I had one o them.
> Yeh, kids would get into trouble even SAYING it that way:
> MC E-Fuck you
> Sure to be a hit with moms.

The Notorious B. O. B sez hi kids!

It Came From C. L. Smith's Unclaimed Mysteries.

Willie <> wrote in alabama.sports.auburn: "Because I
know your THE AUTHORITY."

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