Damn damn damn damn damn

From: nu-monet <nothing@succeeds.com>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Reply-To: like.excess@sex.org
Date: Mon, Dec 10, 2001 7:10 PM

(Rub it in, why don'tya.)


Heaven's Gate Cult "Doing Great"

UFO, HALE-BOPP COMET - Many believed that March 26, 1997
was the end of the Heaven's Gate Cult, but Captain Alaz
De Frogagi, aka former Heaven's Gate leader, Rick Ross,
says it isn't. The cult has finally been able to relay
a message from the spaceship they have been living on.
That message: "We are doing great."

"It's great up here, sure we don't have Burger King and
Kool Aid, but we can pretty much get everything else. We
are now one with the spirits of the sky, and in turn they
are one with us. And they didn't even probe us, which was
kinda disappointing I'd say," acclaimed Dennis Morrison,
a cult follower and self proclaimed "Deity of the Ninth
Horse of Trinad"...

There is no nu-monet there is only Zuul.
The Anti-Limerick, by nu-monet:

There was a young man with an orange,
Who kept that there orange for a month,
It didn't turn silver,
It turned kinda purple,
And that there was one spoiled orange.

Subject: Re: Damn damn damn damn damn
From: HellPope Huey <whatthe@flurkingshnit.blargh>

Big whoop. Who wants to be in a cult that makes you cut your balls off?
Eternity with the Space Brothers, but no balls. That's a major nickel/dime bum
job if ever there was one. Makes that $30 thing look like a real sweet deal,
don't it?

HellPope Huey, hellpopehuey@subgenius.com
One disaster and poof,
Mein Kampfout is cookin' yer weiner
faster than you can say Bill of WHAT?

Hey, we just lost another moron.
I felt the World get lighter.
- Bill Hicks

When you have found the place
where a woman loves to be fondled,
don't you be ashamed to touch it
anymore than she is.
- Ovid

"Look out for that orifice!"
- "The Ripping Friends"

Coming soon: ENRONGATE

And for you techies, watch how Enron blew its fuses

Subject: Re: Damn damn damn damn damn
From: nu-monet <nothing@succeeds.com>

You mean the SubGenius ball-cutters haven't been to
your house yet? Didn't you know? On the plus side
there's no anxiety about having to cut them off

There is no nu-monet there is only Zuul.
The Anti-Limerick, by nu-monet:

There was a young man with an orange,
Who kept that there orange for a month,
It didn't turn silver,
It turned kinda purple,
And that there was one spoiled orange.

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