From: (Reverend Jim)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Oct 29, 2001 7:03 AM
The whole war thing, with all the effects its going
to have on our
civilization, has so total a scope that it's hard to
step back and
look at the big picture. But I'm going to try to do
that now and list
the points which I imagine 90% of sane SubGenii would
agree with.
- A whole disturbing series of world events have been
set in motion by
the Sep 11 hijackings. Some of these events may have
spontaneous, but many bear the mark of something that
was in the works
anyway, and that at most were only accelerated by Sep
- Among the events that were probably in the works are
the push for
"homeland security" (which administrations
under both parties have
pushed for in one form or another for years, with gradual
success), an
intervention in Afghanistan to ensure Western interests
are maintained
there (those interests being first a potential Trans-Caucusus
oil line
and second restricting the opium crop), and closer relations
Russia at the expense of relations with China.
- Among the events that were probably spontaneous are
this newfound
"patriotism" / McCarthyism, and the anthrax
scare (which is as likely
to be domestic as foreign in source).
- Among the events that may or may not have been in
the works are the
friction between the US and Israel (if it is real),
the realignment
with Pakistan, and the abandoning of NATO as a military
institution in
favor of NATO as a political institution.
- Civilization still sucks most of the time for most of the people.
- This stems from the fact that humans evolved from
monkeys, and have
not in fact evolved very far. Some have reached the
phase, a very few have reached the "tool-inventing"
phase, but most
are still locked into the "chew cud and try to
find someone weaker
than you to boss around, and someone stronger to be
bossed around by"
phase. Only the very best of us can touch the "Slack"
phase, and not
for all that long.
- The Slack of a civilization is limited by its material
For most of the world Slack is Food. A "conspiracy"
of human
ignorance manifests itself because Slack can be limited
control of scarce goods and services, and that control
is inevitably
in the hands of the ignorant, either explicity in a
system like
Communism (which is far, far worse than the most anti-Red
makes it out to be), or implicitly in a system like
- A SubGenius has no politics. Political and economic
systems are
only systems -- technologies -- and the test of any
technology is if
it brings us Slack. We may passionately support democracy,
but only
the same way we might passionately support Macintosh;
willing to drop
it if something better comes along. What the Linux
of socioeconomic
systems will be is anybody's guess.
- There are two ways to increase the Slack of a civilization.
One is
to improve the material culture of a people. The other
is to liberate
control over that material culture from the Conspiracy
of the
- The two forces running counter to Slack are material
deprivation and
a kind of cultural inertia or friction generated by
human ignorance.
A fair rule of thumb is that people generally enjoy
the level of Slack
that could _materially_ have been theirs one century
generations) earlier. Thus although America is arguably
the richest
country in the world, we also arguably have less Slack
than Western
Europe because we still have the inertia of our frontier
days; whereas
a place like Germany is just starting to live like they
could have
lived in 1900.
- A SubGenius understands the tight feedback between
the quality of
life of the individual and the level of civilization
that individuals
can sustain. Industrial material culture is needed
for modern
democracy, but modern democracy is needed for industrial
culture. This is the true reason why the Conspiracy
has never been
able to eradicate the SubGenius (until now).
- The ideal future civilization of a SubGenius can be
summed up in two
conditions. First, that anyone can do whatever they
want. Second,
that robots do all the shit-work, and people get all
the benefits. It
is obvious why one of the above conditions cannot happen
without the
other. Required reading for this is Oscar Wilde's "The
Soul of Man
Under Socialism" (
- There are two conditions under which civilization
does not suck.
The first is Eden, the natural Utopia before the neolithic
when our ancestors probably worked no more than two
or three hours a
day, and that 'work' was gathering fruits and berries.
Life might
have been short and brutish, but it was Slackful. The
second is the
technological Utopia described above. All the in-between
stuff, from
farming to the A-bomb, is pretty sucky.
- The worst of the transitory stage -- from about 1100
to 1900 AD, is
thankfully over in the West. Unfortunately much of
the world needs to
pass through those 800 years in a generation or two,
and that is the
true hell that much of the world is going through.
- The most dangerous part of the transitory stage, however,
is from
1950 to about 2100. This is when we finally have the
real opportunity
to destroy ourselves once and for all. This is also
when the problems
of failing natural resources, conflicts between the
developing and the
developed nations, and utmost conflict between technological
and cultural inertia reach a climax. In all likelyhood,
Earth will
pull through 2100 in one of three ways: either we're
all dead (65%
chance), or we're in a dystopian techno-hell beyond
the worst dreams
of science-fiction writers (30% chance), or Utopia (5%).
- The Cold War reflected all the conflicts of the dangerous
stage (war
for resources, war between the developed and undeveloped
nations, war
between material advance and cultural inertia), but
in miniature. And
we were _lucky_ to get through it, and that luck had
more to do with
the wisdom of a few Soviet Leaders than with crazies
like Reagan.
- We are going to need even more luck for the next phase
of this
- The events triggered by Sep 11 fit in every respect
the conflicts
described by the "dangerous transition stage".
- Moreover, each of these conflicts has been heightened
accelerated by these events. We are in effect moving
into a new and
even more dangerous transitional stage.
- The battle between developing and developed nations
is most
dramatically highlighted in the US invasion of Afghanistan,
but it is
played again and again in regional theatres across the
world. Some of
the deepest of these conflicts are also the modt hidden.
those conflicts has now been colored by the recent events
the new light in which Palestine, or Kashmir, or Indonesia,
or even
North Korea are viewed after Sep 11).
- The battle is clearly defined over resources; even
mainstream papers
are eagerly envisioning Central Asian and Russian oil
and gas flowing
through Afghanistan. No one has hidden the fact that
extracting oil
and gas from these regions will be environmentally destructive
exploitative of the locals (both of their labor and
their economies);
if anything, there's been glee that this will happen
in a part of the
world that no-one cares about. We laugh that Bush uses
the hijackings
as a justification to drill in Alaska, but we also see
interconnected it is.
- The battle is clearly one of lifestyles: the old lifestyle
by religious / cultural inertia (that was dictated at
one time by
material conditions), and the new lifestyle made possible
technological living. Again this is most dramatically
shown in
Afghanistan, but the repurcussions in the States are
everywhere: from
the Jerry Fallwell gaff (which was incredibly good luck
for us
SubGenii, since it headed off what could have been a
faux-Christian revival), to the difference between some
describing how they fucked like rabbits after the hijackings
and some
conservative editiorial writers saying the Taliban are
right to
criticize our sexual behavior (Ann Coulter and Maggie
Gallagher stand
our here), to the homeland security debate, to the riots
in Pakistan,
to the Bacon debate on alt.slack.
- The role of the individual SubGenius and the Church
of the SubGenius
is minor insofar as we are small and these events are
very, very big.
- The role of the individual SubGenius and the Church
of the SubGenius
is major insofar as we are among the very few entities
capable of
seeing what's going on.
- We do not know what is going on in detail, nor do
we claim to. We
take the most controversial stand of all: we are not
for the war like
the drooling patriot, but we are not against the war
like the drooling
Berkeleyite. We know that the American news is so thoroughly
that we could get an equally realistic idea of the situation
Afghanistan from watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon. We
read multiple
sources from around the world in hope of getting more
(including watching Bugs Bunny cartoons), but we know
that's at best
an incredibly limited view.
- But the big issues can't be hidden from us, and we
see them, and we
will tackle them.
- This is a very interesting time to be a SubGenius!
- SubGenii are non-political and non-activist. They
are not joiners,
and they are not followers. This is both their strength
and their
traditional Achilles' heel, for like it or not, the
reason the reins
of the economy are in the hands of the ignorant and
the twisted (the
Rogue SubGenii) is that the former know how to clump
together, and the
latter know how to manipulate that clump.
- And yet the world has never, at any time in its entire
history, been
more desperately in need of Slack. For the world is
at this point
most delicately balanced between the dream we've pursued
since the
first irrigation in the Fertile Crescent, and the gaping
pit of utter
control by the elites on one side, and the pit of utter
on the other. And recent events have set off a power
grab on every
side: by the elites, and by the destroyers, and by the
desperate few
who want to maintain the good of our culture.
- This leads to a question: how can we utterly change
the world
without falling into the same trap as every other damn
movement that
tried the same damn thing? How, in effect, can we establish
tyranny, and still remain "us"?
- The immediate and obvious answer is SLACK. Masturbating,
eating bacon (or lettuce -- I admit there's great Slack
in lettuce),
whatever. More and better than ever before, since after
all the world
ends tomorrow and WE MAY DIE.
- It sometimes seems like it would be nice to do more
than this. Many
of us I think have the idea of SubGenii helping each
other out to get
deep into the system: whiffread the true Yeti and help
them on their
way. I've even seen this happen a couple of times.
But to do this in
a formal way would be a terrible mistake -- that's the
same road the
Masons took, and look what it did for them! And frankly,
though I
love "Bob's" sweet word and respect a lot
of people I've met and
voices I've heard in this Church, a good percentage
of SubGenii can
frankly go fuck themselves.
- There's been a lot of "build your own" suggestions,
most of which
have gone nowhere, and with good reason. Who wants
a commune? The
goal is to change the world, or to leave the world --
and when I say
leave the world I mean leaving on the saucers, not removing
to some
scrap of land in the desert. About the only suggestion
that sounds
remotely good is to GET OUT OF AMERICA NOW. This is
easier than it
seems, but hard if you have material needs and you can't
yourself easily.
- What we need, in short, is a RICH SUBGENIUS. Someone
who could
start a company in Amsterdam, get any Subs who want
out of the States
working there, and could bankroll some serious outreach
Religious fanatics that get off the ground usually do
it with rich
sponsors. The Christians had Constantine. The Scientologists
their sci-fi writer, and innumerable celebrities. The
Taliban have
bin Laden. Where's our guy?
- On a personal level, of course, I'm going to see if
I can become
that guy (without doing anything dramatic like working
hard, of
course). But that could take some time, and a lot of
- I feel that in three easy steps the Church of the
SubGenius could be
instrumental in saving the good bits of civilization,
and achieving a
pleasure-saucer-on-Earth wherein all the shit work is
done by robots
and the job of super-evolved Humanity (for in a technological
the "human" will be like unto the Yeti, or
at least enough so to stop
bothering us) will be creative labor and finding ever-new
ways to
enjoy ourselves:
1. Find and/or become a Rich SubGenius
2. Convince that SubGenius to give us all "jobs"
in Amsterdam
3. Rule the world
Your Reverend Jim
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: andreux <> (Reverend Jim) wrote in
> 1. Find and/or become a Rich SubGenius
Did you eat today?
You already are a Rich SubGenius.
> 2. Convince that SubGenius to give us all "jobs" in Amsterdam
> 3. Rule the world
Again, why?
-st. andreux
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: "Alliekatt" <>
"Reverend Jim" <>
wrote in message
> 1. Find and/or become a Rich SubGenius
> 2. Convince that SubGenius to give us all "jobs"
in Amsterdam
> 3. Rule the world
> Your Reverend Jim
Also, there is one more reason why the US should remain
kicking ass. We
need to stay rich and pissy for long enough to develop
fusion technology
with the millions of disposable US technology dollars.
That way, like the
african tribes who never had telephones until they all
got a personal cell
phone, we can give them all cheap power in a few years
without them having
to spend zillions of Hutu-dollars they don't have buying
oil. After that we
can keep developing drought proof wheat and disease
proof cows until they
have nothing left to fight over, and drop war to watch
TV and eat
hamburgers. Japanese robots can tend their fields, and
they'll watch african
soap operas on American made power. That way they can
keep making their
pretty masks and batik clothes that I buy at TJ maxx
for ten dollah.
Hey, ask any pissant backwater nation why it shouldn't
want to be bombed
into the stone age and economically rebuilt by the US.
Germany and Japan
LOVE us. Any nation that starts a world war must want
what everybody else
got. Only the US will offer payment of a job, board,
and meals forever in
exchange for the pleasure of kicking total ass just
once. Now the trick is
to keep the pansies in the UN from saying that it isn't
nice, and
effectively tying our hands, keeping the corrupt governments
in place.
Hell, if the US had leveled Iraq's military, occupied
the joint, and snuffed
Hussein, we would have pulled out five years ago and
they'd all have corner
McDonalds now. Everyone would look on the bottom of
cheap plastic
knickknacks for "Made in Iraq".
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>
In article <>,
Jim <> wrote:
Thank you very much for taking the time to write these
thoughts up so
clearly. It sticks out from everything else on alt.slack
like a gas
attack. The line-up of the major problems seems right,
and the
terribly limited number of solutions for the SubGenii
in general also
has the ring of truth. You have them in the right order,
> 1. Find and/or become a Rich SubGenius
> 2. Convince that SubGenius to give us all "jobs"
in Amsterdam
> 3. Rule the world
The only thing I could add would be that it doesn't
have to be in
Holland, it coule be anywhere that they let you, for
instance, smoke
cigarets or scratch your ass without giving you a ticket.
For all I
know, Tijuana would suit our purposes.
I am still working on #1, obviously.
4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath
of Dobbs Yeti,
P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)
A subsidiary of:
The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. / P.O. Box 140306, Dallas,
TX 75214
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: ren <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2001 12:32 AM
Message-ID: <>
We need to remember where we parked the U.F.O.'s
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Rev. Lemuel Atom) (Reverend Jim) wrote in message news:<>...
> - SubGenii are non-political and non-activist.
They are not joiners,
> and they are not followers. This is both their
strength and their
> traditional Achilles' heel, for like it or not,
the reason the reins
> of the economy are in the hands of the ignorant
and the twisted (the
Shame, that. We ought to be political and activist
now while we still
can. Most of the fucking Normals sure as hell won't.
Those "Good
Germans" will idly sit by and swallow the Conspiracy
lie that
"everything's in control" while they cobble
together their new Final
Solution for getting rid of weirdos and cranks and nonconformists
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: nu-monet <>
The trouble is: Luck Plane Rules.
After weeks of agitation, we manage to get three or
SubGenii together to protest, along with say ten-thousand
normals, for the same amount of work, confusion, and
By the time all is said and done, ten-thousand normals
either dead, traumitized, have joined the forces of
or have gotten bored and left. The three or four SubGenii
are sitting in a corner, smoking 'Frop and arguing over
"who was better", Wendy O. Williams or Carlos
Santana, even
though one of them is pissed off so won't talk to the
As for the CON, even though it is already in charge,
still plots and schemes for even more power, though
still doesn't have a clue as to over who or what for.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Salacia the Overseer)
> The three or four SubGenii
>are sitting in a corner, smoking 'Frop and arguing
>"who was better", Wendy O. Williams or
Carlos Santana, even
>though one of them is pissed off so won't talk to
the others.
Wendy O. Williams anyday.
Headmiftreff falacia the Overfeer
Branch falacians
Director of Programming, Keeper of the feven fqueals,
Hainted, Tainted, & Befet
by Devylf
Dia de lof Muertof Fiefta Oct 27, 2001-Chicago Athenaeum
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: nu-monet <>
Oh, bullshit. Carlos beats the snot out of her in croquet,
cubist sculpture, and his bisquits are oh, so fluffy;
hers you might fracture a molar on, *and* she uses too
sugar, and can't tell a wicket from a cricket.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Salacia the Overseer)
O.K. But in a celebrity deathmatch I'm betting heavy money on W. O'W.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Friday Jones)
In article <azfD7.5219$>,
<> wrote:
>Hey, ask any pissant backwater nation why it shouldn't
want to be bombed
>into the stone age and economically rebuilt by the
US. Germany and Japan
>LOVE us. Any nation that starts a world war must
want what everybody else
>got. Only the US will offer payment of a job, board,
and meals forever in
>exchange for the pleasure of kicking total ass just
once. Now the trick is
>to keep the pansies in the UN from saying that it
isn't nice, and
>effectively tying our hands, keeping the corrupt
governments in place.
>Hell, if the US had leveled Iraq's military, occupied
the joint, and snuffed
>Hussein, we would have pulled out five years ago
and they'd all have corner
>McDonalds now. Everyone would look on the bottom
of cheap plastic
>knickknacks for "Made in Iraq".
A good movie to watch:
"The Mouse That Roared."
"Bunch together a group of people deliberately
chosen for strong
religious feelings, and you have a practical guarantee
of dark
morbidities expressed in crime, perversion, and insanity."
--HP Lovecraft, letter to Robert E. Howard 10/4/30
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: "glassgnost" <>
You lose. Wendy O. offed herself some time ago. Which
may have something to
do with the current availability of Plasmatics on CD...
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Rev. Lemuel Atom)
nu-monet <> wrote in message
> By the time all is said and done, ten-thousand
normals are
> either dead, traumitized, have joined the forces
of facsism,
> or have gotten bored and left. The three or four
> are sitting in a corner, smoking 'Frop and arguing
> "who was better", Wendy O. Williams or
Carlos Santana, even
> though one of them is pissed off so won't talk
to the others.
> As for the CON, even though it is already in charge,
> still plots and schemes for even more power, though
> still doesn't have a clue as to over who or what
Yeh, well, I'd just like to point out that in the same
amount of time
it took you to write and post that pithy response, you
could've sent
angry e-mails to Senators McCain & Kyl denouncing
them as evil,
bottomfeeding, warmongering tools of the Conspiracy
and reminding them
that at least nominally their continued employment depends
on the will
of the people, and that some people think that they
Just a thought.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: nu-monet <>
Or, I could have vigorously masturbated maybe three
assuming I had some real good quality porn available.
the conclusion of which, in the masturbation alternative
reality, I would have at least gotten a sticky hand
been feeling somewhat more relaxed; whereas in the letter
writing alternative reality I wouldn't have accomplished
"Dear Mr. Hitler,
Would you be ever so kind and stop invading the rest
of Europe and killing Jews and such?
Thanks awfully,
Archibald Snookers, Mrs."
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: (Rev. Lemuel Atom)
Awwwwww, c'mon, you're a talented mutant - I'm sure
you coulda done
both. And I'm afraid I'll have to take issue with the
accomplished squat" assertion, as well. Now, granted,
there may be
some extenuating circumstances that may prevent you
from directly
contacting elements of the gub'mint, but hey, if you're
a fully
documented legal-type U.S. citizen, why the fuck not
give it a try?
Afraid the're gonna open up a file on ya? What the
fuck, they
probably already have! I just figure that at this point
in the game,
I might as well attempt to use some of the few recourses
available in
this so-called "democracy" of ours to put
up some resistance to the
horrid current state of affairs. Hell, you know it's
getting bad when
fucking *Pravda* is ragging on ya
Good Mark
Twain quote included: "The citizen who sees his
democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry out
is not a
patriot but a traitor." And a pussy, I might add.
Yeah, sure, all of my yammering about activism and fighting
back is
probably an exercise in futility. Nevertheless, I feel
it incumbent
upon myself to scream, holler, piss and moan as the
huge chunk of
excrement moves inexorably towards the rotating ventilation
The chance of a single voice crying out making one iota
of difference
is negligible. However, if you remain silent, the probability
change is exactly zero. I'll take negligible odds over
zero any day.
Old-tyme SubG quote: "If I can't whup it, I'll
GO DOWN." Good enough,
I suppose, but there's nothing wrong with going down
fighting, nicht
Plus, it seems like what we're fighting for and the
consequences of
going down aren't quite the same as they used to be
in the good ol'
days of two months ago. Back then, I could mostly deal
with the
low-level slack siphoning activities of the Conspiracy.
They were
vicious and stupid, but could easily be circumvented.
Now, things
have changed, the odds have gone WAY, WAY up, and the
Con seems intent
on forcibly removing all vestiges of slack from everyone,
everywhere -
IMMEDIATELY. Whereas before, primary concerns in dealing
with the Con
didn't extend in seriousness much past the scale of
losing your job or
a pot bust. Now, lessee, we got the evisceration of
the 4th
Ammendedment with the 1st heading in the same direction,
the creation
of an apple-pie American Gestapo, exploding skyscrapers
and death
delivered via third-class mail, a secret open-ended
land war in Asia
(such a winning concept in the 20th century) with concomitant
government information clampdown, the possibility of
at least a
tactical nuke showdown, worldwide Holy War, etc., etc.
This kind of
shit makes Orwell sound like a delirious optimist on
nitrous oxide.
Given these circumstances, YER FUCKING-A RIGHT I'M GONNA
to anyone who'll listen, too. Including Mr. Hitler.
> "Dear Mr. Hitler,
> Would you be ever so kind and stop invading the
> of Europe and killing Jews and such?
> Thanks awfully,
> Archibald Snookers, Mrs."
No, no, no, NO! You got the tone all wrong: "Dear
Asswipe, Who the fuck do you think you're kidding with
bullshit?!! If you had half a braincell in that empty
head, you'd
cease and desist, pronto. We know where you live, and
where your
children go to school. So knock it off, shithead.
Thanks awfully,
the Snookermeister." Okay, that shit might not
fly in Nazi Germany,
but I figure we might as well give it a workout here
while the
jackboots and brown shirts are still on order. Shitfire,
pa, why do
you think these politicians get their panties so wadded
up about poll
results? Because - at least for now - they can still
be removed from
their seats of power by the will of the People. They
know that if the
citizenry stop believing their bullshit, they will lose
their place at
the trough. And that TERRIFIES them. And I REALLY LIKE
the thought of
being able to contribute to the consternation of our
Fuck, the way I see it, ya gotta participate in the
process, no matter how futile it is. And a large contributor
to the
futility inherent in the system is due to the vast majority
of stupid,
lazy, Normal PUSSIES that are content to just sit back
in front of the
TV and passively let this kind of shit happen to them.
Not me,
Buster. Fuck that noise. I'll go down fighting.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: nu-monet <>
Rev. Lemuel Atom wrote:
> Awwwwww, c'mon, you're a talented mutant - I'm
> you coulda done both.
Nope. While I will defend to the annoying discomfort
your right to be persecuted for shooting your mouth
at the CON, it just ain't where my floating stick floats.
Sure, they could torture me. I can handle thumbscrews,
whips, chains, drugs, whatever. But if you lock me
a room with half a dozen psycho-babbling social workers
who want to group therapy me to political correctness,
I will let you know right now that the end result is
gonna look like 5000 cane toads in a giant blender on
frappe mode--Freddy Kruger on meth at 78 rpm, baby.
So, I embrace the Church doctrine of "fuck it,
and when push comes to shove the old lady down the stairs,
I'm-a headin' south to meet Sterno, in Dobbstown, SA.
They might have me down as 'Pubic Enemy #1', but it's
going to be for sending a diatribe to McCain, who I'm
fairly convinced is a Reptiliod alien from planet
Lulubelle-ptang 6, anyway.
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: "Rev. Magdalen" <>
"Rev. Lemuel Atom" <>
wrote in message
> Fuck, the way I see it, ya gotta participate in
the governmental
> process, no matter how futile it is. And a large
contributor to the
> futility inherent in the system is due to the vast
majority of stupid,
> lazy, Normal PUSSIES that are content to just sit
back in front of the
> TV and passively let this kind of shit happen to
them. Not me,
> Buster. Fuck that noise. I'll go down fighting.
That's very gallant and noble, but it is based on a
false premise. These
people do not do these things because lazy pussies allow
them to, they do
not do them because they are too stupid to see a better
way, they do not do
these things for any natural human reason. They do
these things because
they are actively, aggressively, solidly evil.
They already KNOW what you think about them, and they
do not care. They
MOLDED the minds of the populace to create the lazy
pussies you despise.
Those people are like that because things were done
to them to make them
that way. On purpose. They do all of it on purpose.
And they are not
going to stop because you are angry. There is not even
a negligible chance
of that happening. They have an agenda, a plan for
world domination, and
their only concern is how quickly it can be done.
Do you think that if, by some miracle, you succeeded
in awakening the
sleepers and really becoming an opposition force that
they would let you
live? Be grateful that, for some unknown reason, the
conditioning did not
"take" on you, and you still have your own
mind. Or at least they allow you
to think so.
There is only one thing that can stop them now, and
that is supernatural
intervention. That's why their first actions, centuries
ago, were to
destroy mass belief in the possibility of such intervention.
To put it in
the words of an old SubGenius hymn: "Planet Earth
is stuck in jail with only
"Bob" to pay the bail, but he's dead, so we're
doomed, what to do".
Subject: Re: What We Know
From: "Rev. Magdalen" <>
> On 2 Nov 2001 08:59:56 -0800, (Rev.
Lemuel Atom)
> wrote:
> >Old-tyme SubG quote: "If I can't whup
it, I'll GO DOWN." Good enough,
> >I suppose, but there's nothing wrong with going
down fighting, nicht
> >wahr?
This quote has been the subject of many hours of my
excremeditation studies,
and it has occurred to me that it can be interpreted
a number of ways. One
way would be to say that it means "I will try to
whup it until I am forced
to go down". Another way is "If I see that
I cannot whup it, I will just go
down instead of even trying." And yet a third
is the simple statement of
fact: "I will either whup it, or I will go down."
Original file name: What We Know - converted on Thursday, 20 December 2001, 03:31
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