From: (Rev. Crawford)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Thu, Oct 18, 2001 6:17 PM
The headline story in the local rag today
has to do with the intense interest the Bosh administration
is showing
in a proposal for a national ID card. This proposal
is being pushed
hard by Larry Ellison, head of Oracle, and my nomination
hypocritical asshole of the year. (Nowhere, however,
does he explain
HOW this plan will increase public safety. I have trouble
seeing how
any of the recent attacks would have been thwarted if
such a system
was already in place.) Despite the fact that Oracle
stands to make
millions on this plan, ol' Larry has the temerity to
say that anyone
who might consider his proposal to be a little self-serving
"cynical and bizarre."
Of course, you old philanthropist you, your sole concern
is the safety
of the citizens of the country, and the fact that this
Nazi-esque plan
will increase your vast fortune has NOTHING to do with
your advocacy
of it. There's a line between willing suspension of
disbelief and
outright stupidity, I suppose...
Then again, it seems that plenty of our fellow citizens
are miles
behind the wrong side of that line. Just as an example,
check out the
E-Z-2-Read bar charts of the polls in the article in
yonder link.
Example: sixty-three percent (63%) of responents are
in favor of "law
enforcement monitoring of Internet discussions in chat
rooms and other
forums." Then again, who's to say that's not been
going on for some
time now. (HI, OFFICER!)
Back when I was in high school, I got hold of a Loompanics
catalog in
order to try to get a fake I.D., to ease the beer purchasing
Loompanics was (and presumably still is) great; they
had a whole
section on fake I.D. When I read that article, I immediately
the preface to that section. It featured a graphic
of a man with his
hands raised while another man - complete with greatcoat,
peaked cap,
and swastika armband - went though his pockets. The
caption said
something to the effect of "Anyone who wonders
why we have a section
on fake I.D. should take a good, long look at that picture."
I should not be the least bit surprised to hear that
the gub'mint
determines that the source of this extremely-overblown
anthrax scare
is "domestic terrorists," or some other in-country
scapegoat. The
frightened herd will line up to get their I.D. cards,
forearm tattoos,
retinal scans, etc.
Yeah, well, as you may have been able to tell from the
tone of some of
my other posts, I'm pretty pessimistic about the situation.
I sure as
FUCK hope I'm wrong, but in the meantime I think the
best advice I've
seen so far is Nu Monet's prescription for slack.
Then comes the vengeance.
Rev. Crawford
From: (Salacia the Overseer)
Before WTC slack off, wipe butts; after WTC slack off, wipe butts.
Headmiftreff falacia the Overfeer
Branch falacians
Director of Programming, Keeper of the feven fqueals,
Hainted, Tainted, & Befet
by Devylf
Dia de lof Muertof Fiefta Oct 27, 2001-Chicago Athenaeum
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