From: iDRMRSR <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sun, Nov 4, 2001 7:40 PM
It's impossible for all that fighting to be going on
in A'stan without
some of our forces experiencing SOME casualties. Like,
I'm sure about
one third of what the Taliban claims to have shot down
is probably true
or has a grain of truth in it. But 100% of what you
hear from our own
dear spokespeople is all positively spun. Not going
to hear that one
bad thing happened from Herr Rumsfeld GmBH, no sirree.
Which leaves this mighty problem. Eventually, some
mom, dad,
girlfriend, or boyfriend or significant other will eventually
that Johnnie, who couldn't say where he was going or
what he might be
doing or how long he might or might not be gone...hasn't
shown up for
dinner in quite a LONG time. So how does the US Double
Plus Ungood
Squad explain the casualties?
Well, since all the bombing has started, I've heard
of at least TWO
incidents where this training flight went down in Kentucky
or that
training flight went down in Oklahoma. It must cost
the Department of
Defense a damn pretty penny to fuck up another perfectly
good jet or
helicopter in the woods someplace and then ship the
bodies over here
from A'stan. Sigh, business men should never attempt
to conduct an
actual WAR where anything but money is at stake. The
temptation to
impress the investors is just TOO hard to suppress when
you're just
another pointy-haired boss.
Original file name: iDRMRSR Explains It All - converted on Thursday, 20 December 2001, 03:31
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