Subject: get 'em while they are hot and bothered

From: (Priestess Pisces)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Oct 26, 2001 11:34 AM

i need to re-read machivelli for inspiration again...

i was thinking how fucked up this scenario is.. and how daily i am
beginning to belive it...

so the whole wtc thing happens..
1- the govt kinda thought it might.. but in the arrogance that is the
US, thought.. "nobody'd have balls enough to fuck wit us like dat"
2- well now.. there are a few voices of dissent.. but mostly drowned
by voices of anger and hatred..

lets keep it going.. hell after the cold war .. lots of folks had shit
to do.. and have been sitting round jacking off to the very thought of
playing with the USMIL toys again... The public is outraged.. and
rigthly so.. but who knows how long it will last.. MUST keep it

enter anthrax stage left.

now.. we have a war in to our east and at home...

We must protect the people... MORE survelliance, LESS rights...
that letter you wrote your girlfreind in colorado.. the one about you
thinking of leaving your wife... the one where you told that sweet 20
year old university student how much you loved the taste of her cunt..
well.. that letter could have ANTHRAX.. so the govt MUST open it...

some decides its unamerican for you to be boinkin' some 20 yr old hot
blond in colorado.. after all why arent you being a good man and
boinkin your wife.. and working ... WORK BOY!.. all that time and
money you spend on that colorado hottie.. all the energy.. could be
put into the CON..
damn commie you...

soooooo.. you wife gets a copy of the letter.. since it was returned
to sender of course since it was suspiscious...

and the affair with the blond 20 yr old in colorado ends.. which i
dont particularly mind.. since in her heartbroken state she took a
road trip and i picked her up off 81 and brought her back to my place
where my boyfreind and i had lots of fun with her .. she was willing
of course...

what the fuck was i talking about...

forget it

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