From: "Rev. Bevilacqua" <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
If you plan to go, there's no time to pre-reg on the website or by
phone. Now you must pay at the gate.
XXX-Day Events
We still profess not to have ANY activities at X-Day. This gives us the
Slack needed to pull off some great events. Here is a listing of some of
this years non-events:
Theme Camps: This is what Xday is all about. There is not a select group
of "entertainers" but a campful of activities. Everywhere you walk
(especially at night) you can find strange campsites and activities provided
by the attendees of Xday. The organizers try to make sure you're not face
down in the swamp and keep some action going in the pavilion, but the main
fun is on the grounds. Again this year we will be rewarding the best
campsite/activity a cash prize of $100, there are also two runner up
non-cash prizes. The judges are all on staff and bribes are encouraged.
There are no rules but generally we look for who is generating the most
Slack. Of course the theme this year is Sex and I can't see how staying
with that theme could hurt things.
In the past people have had: massage, GOOD coffee, liquid Slack, topless 8
ball divination, Radio Stations, and general weirdness. Last years winner
was ESO's tranquility base which won primarily because of their friendly
attitude, cool décor, and Chas' impromptu lectures on the 5th dimension.
Fetish Ball: Come dressed (or undressed) as your favorite fetish. Some
possible activities are:
Best Orgasm, Suck Sister Decadence's Cock Contest, Deathchick Reverse
Spank, and the Yeti Shave.
Nude Wrestling: As always. Special intergender 'bout with reigning Champ
Flesh Cream Social: All the toppings but none of the Ice Cream, so we'll
have to use each other! Sure to be a messy, kinky, flesh pot of delicious
skin-licking fun.
Bobtism and NEW shurdurpervir. Get you sins cleansed away (so you can sin
some more) and become a born again virgin. Legume and Jesus will perform
their miracle working in the pool.
Bulldada Auction: Modemac again brings us one of the most entertaining and
profitable Xday activities. Bring some cool bulldada to put on the block
and help fill the Church coffers. This year Modemac is encouraging people
to bring old (and new) porn. Perhaps a little Slave auction may arise..
RPG: This year Rev Ploighd is heading up an attempt to get some games
going. If you're into Magic, Pokemon, D&D or whatever is cool nowadays
bring your stuff.
Field Games: Capture the Flag, Water gun battle, suck and blow? We'll see.
TOO MUCH MUSIC: This year no less than 6 musical groups will be performing,
ESO, JHP, Little Fyador and some new surprises!
Mass Mooning
Body Painting
And Sales, Sales, Sales
Grand Opening Church HQ
The grand opening was a great success, and now you can finally make a
pilmigrage to HQ in Dallas, TX! Although I almost burned the place to the
ground during the lighting ceremony everyone survived. Deathchick and
Magdalen busted ass to bring it all together, Decadence was a great
Ambassidor of Slack, Frop was a great Ambassador of Frop, and even my older
brother the Devil Himself showed up. It was a Slackful event and we met a
whole bunch of new Subs, as well as some long time supporters (Priase
Zaphod, Trickster, Cecilia, Shook) Everyone is excited about having
gatherings or outings again and after X-Day we plan to do at least one thing
a month. (Even if we have to do it from the Space Vessels). As I don't want
to bog your email box down with Dallas HQ updates please send email to me
with subject ADD DALLAS, if you want on the Dallas HQ mailist.
From: (Modemac)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2000 6:52 PM
Message-ID: <394585ad.464260@localhost>
"Rev. Bevilacqua" <> wrote:
>Bulldada Auction: Modemac again brings us one of the most entertaining and
>profitable Xday activities. Bring some cool bulldada to put on the block
>and help fill the Church coffers. This year Modemac is encouraging people
>to bring old (and new) porn. Perhaps a little Slave auction may arise..
People keep asking me, "Hey, what if I bring this weird stuff? Do you think
it'll get a good price?" Folks, I have NO IDEA. This is an auction, fer
Chrissake - no one knows what anything is going to go for. All I can suggest
is that you should decide for yourself whether people will be willing to pay
MONEY for it -- whatever it is. We've already auctioned off panties, shorts,
and shit. What we get THIS year is up to you.
Also, even though "porn stuff" is encouraged, it doesn't *have* to be porn.
This is SubGenius we're talking about again, who knows WHAT we'll
end up with!
First Online Church of "Bob"
From: darkstar <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2000 11:17 PM
Message-ID: <>
Aw man! It sounds better and better. Just what an ol' porndog like me
needs. Wish I could go. At least someone will take pictures.
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