From: Unit 4 <>
You've heard it before, right?
It's because it's TRUE.
Some of you have been duped into thinking that since it HASN'T happened, it
Oh ye of little fates. Even within your puny uberbeing brains you aspire to Time
Control, yet neglect to credit beings FAR SUPERIOR to yourselves with THE SAME
and MORE.
The X-ists WILL arrive on July 5, 1998. They just haven't arrived then YET.
More precisely, they are didn't arrive, but they will have going to.
When it will did happen, we will was all retroactively remember it QUITE
clearly. IF WE SURVIVED.
Therein lies the root of the consternation of many, why we have not undergone
the psychological upheaval of other cults whose predictions of catastrophe have
not come true. It's because WE KNOW IN OUR GLANDS that through Time Control we
will be proven to have been RIGHT ALL ALONG. We are the FIRST UFO DOOMSDAY CULT
EVER to know that The End will ACTUALLY occur by DIRECT INTERVENTION ON THE
"PAST". This may make it seem like your present experiences and the memories you
derive from them do not matter. NOT SO.
GET RIGHT WITH "BOB" children, because when IT happens, "they" are NOT going to
let you forget. OH NO, you WILL REMEMBERED EVERYTHING that transpired between
the July 5 1998 that you FIRST experienced and THE ONE TRUE RUPTURE AND ARISAL.
Those of you who DOUBTED will experience ETERNAL MEMORIES of THIS EARTH.
Those of you who BELIEVED during this truncated time stream ARE WILL HAVE GOING
Don't make me have to explain this to you before.
Doktor DynaSoar Iridium,
Yetii Genetii Research InstiToot
"Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results,
but that's not why we do it." --Richard Feynman.
Original file name: THE X-ISTS AREÉING ON JULY 5
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