To all coming to XXX-Day. This is a call to bring rocket motors.

In order that we all can participate in the holy sacrement of sniffing rocket butt, if you can, stop by your local hobbie store and pick up a few rocket motors.
What we need are...
C and D Estes motos: those are cheap & fun - they come 3 to a pack.

F and G Aerotech White Lightning motos: those aren't so cheap - but are awe-inspiring. If we have just a few of them, we can pump a few rockets up about a mile high.

(ps. for Mojo - fuse... got any?)
I'll bring all my rocket supplies... and whatever motos ya'all folks bring... we'll use 'em up to our utter delight. We're going to launch whatever there is to launch in the back field this year as to avoid killing anyone like last year. The Mass-launch will be Saturday. When on site... make sure to stop by my campsite #18 (hanger 18) with a frop-rocket and see Mojo and Chas concocting red-fire and other evil pyrofun. ALL PYRO will be done in that same back field (It's down the road past the REALLY big woodpile.)

Also... I'll have the ESO CD store up and running. I gleaned some VERY good stuff from my stash. Lots of delta blues, elec blues, classic rockers, some Devo, Zappa, and lots of fun REAL CHEAP CDs.

Alsoalso... The NEW ESO CD is ready to go. I'll have a limited number of these, so if ya wanna get your hands on one... find me early in the fest. Here's a list of the songs on it...
Urasia Blue
Sex In Another Dimension
Graveyard Shift
Monkey and Bunny
Midnight Growing Pale
Iodine 131
Sounds of Silence
I Am a Clone
Faith Healer
Jaguar Night

See ya'all very soon.

Heads or tails and happy trails

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