This episode features many bands whose recordings we lucked into recently: Atomic Jefferson, Great Groovy Neptune, Loke E. Coyote, Just John. It also is a secondary containment center for the radioactive overflow from the F. LeMur and Norel Pref cooling towers. Some high-faluting lectures regarding anthropology and sociology are delivered by the well-faluted Rev. Stang, from Winterstar fest, and the Cowboy calls in to Radio Synaesthesia to help be "an M.C. for jag-offs."
1 LeMur: Pubic Cervix Denouncement #111 00:23
2 Silica Gel "Remember" 00:33
3 LeMur: HOS Intro #568 00:23
4 Baby Stang, age 20: Bozo Bulldada 2 - Conquest (from WotF intro) 00:21
5 "I kill people who aren't muslims" - Rev. Norel Pref 00:30
6 "Bob"Squad - The Great Groovy Neptune 01:00
7 "contagious" - Rev. Norel Pref 00:46
8 LeMur: "Bob" Criticizes 00:23
9 Credits 01:45
10 Atomic Jefferson: "You'll Never Be Alone Again" 02:54
11 Atomic jef cred 00:05
12 Onan Canobite 10- End of On The Road 00:35
13 "right wing pond scum" - Norel Pref 00:17
14 "Bobrap" - The Great Groovy Neptune 03:19
15 Bob is smart, sexy and funny 00:02
16 LeMur: Animuheemuh1 00:32
17 credits 01:01
18 LeMur: PR Gnus #1088 00:33
19 Rev. Norel Pref: dangerous ideas 00:15
20 Stang Baby: Bozo of Bulldada 1 00:34
21 LeMur: Am I Iron Man? 00:43
22 Hebrew song1 00:24
23 Norel Pref: "locoweed" 01:04
24 Hebrew song2 00:28
25 "Tongue Twister" - Toronto Tabla Ensemble 01:16
26 Credits 00:28
27 LeMur: PR Gnus #1089 00:33
28 conflicting reports 2 00:38
29 LeMur: Animuheemuh2 00:10
30 Hiccup 01:04
31 Rev. Norel Pref: gray area 00:16
32 Stang @ Winterstar - Art and Stone Hand Axes 04:33
33 Stang @ Winterstar - Obssessive Compulsive Disorder, Tool Use, and UFOs 03:56
34 Atomic Jefferson - "yeah" 00:33
35 cred atomic 00:43
36 LeMur: Animuheemuh4 00:26
37 LeMur: PR Gnus #1090 00:33
38 LeMur: Pubic Cervix Denouncement #113 00:13
39 Li'l Stang: Bulldada Bozo 3 00:30
40 Loke E Coyote - "Fleece the Pinks" 03:17
41 cred Trickster 00:23
42 LeMur: PR Gnus #1091 00:43
43 Puzzling Ecidence -Little Debbie Snack Cakes and Laughing Spiders 02:34
44 Phineas Narco and Frank Zappa 04:54
45 Rev. Norel Pref: intriguing 00:31
46 LeMur: PR Gnus #1092 00:33
47 Radio SYNAESTHESIA -Kids, New Army Memory Helmet 04:43
48 LeMur: Pubic Cervix Denouncement #112 00:13
49 Rev. Norel Pref: GI_Joe 00:17
50 LeMur: PR Gnus #1093 00:43
51 end, creds 01:41
52 Rev. Norel Pref: coming soon 00:41
53 just-john. Com (background music) cred 00:52
54 Onan Canobite -POBox 01:15
55 Ministang: Bulldada Bozo end 00:16
56 LeMur: Tammy Devil #13 00:58
57 Tabla Backwards 00:19
Rev. Paul Fedric -
Phineas Narco, NCN:
The Amino Acids:
Rev. Norel Pref:
Media Barrage 3:
Dr. Onan Canobite: