Hour of Slack 976 Euro Drogz1
F. LeMur: Who's Bob 00:132
HOS Intro #505 00:173
Intro 01:134
Stang at Starwood 24 - Q n A - Save the World
Stang at Starwood '99 Pufferdome - To Get High, Sever Your
Lobes 00:506
Radio Patapoe - The Child Bob - Lunkheads
Hillbilly - "Smoke That Cigarette" 01:038
Radio Patapoe -F rop 04:389
Rev. Bleepo Abernathy: "On & Off the Road w/ Bob"
Leary clip 00:1911
Radio Patapoe "Leary Ash Vs. Stang Gleet"
Artemia Salina 00:3013
Credit Artemia Salina 01:2214
Pathetic - "somabreak(take a med)"
cred Pathetic 00:2716
Pope Black - Won't Do Show! 01:0917
Foundry devival, London: Rev. Lucky Bastard sermon
credits 00:4519 Pope Black &
Tomb Orch 2x 00:3920
Kay gets us Hookers 01:3721
Pope Mickey Finn Backstage 00:2522
Here's to Germany-land 00:0623
credits 00:1824
Amsterdam Devival - Rev. Joseph, Daddy of Jesus sermon
Amsterdam Devival - Stang on SubGeniu Kooks
Amsterdam Devival - Stang con't "Fuck Mother Theresa"
compuchanting - Artemia Salina 01:0028
CREDITs 00:1229
Foundry Devival: Pope Black's HeadLaunch
Little Fyodor at 7X-Day: "Gimme Shock Treatment"
<eMur: PR Gnus 1001 00:3332
the caribou and the beaver - IMBJR
Credits IMBJR 2 Artemia 00:2334
"weird" - Artemia Salina 00:5735
PO Box 2 lil 00:3436
Popess Lilith - "Wotan Speaks" 00:3537
Lonesome Cowboy Dave: "SubG Anthem"
LeMur_Who'sBob 00:132
HOS Intro #505 00:173
0 Intro 01:134
0 Stang11-QnA -SaveWorld X 02:185
0Puffrdome2GetHigh,SevrLobes 00:506
1 Patapoe15-ChildBob-Lunkheads 04:157
1Hillbilly-SmokeThat Cigarette 01:038
2 Patapoe13-Frop 04:389
2On & Off the Road w/ Bob 02:3610
3 Leary 1 00:1911
3 Patapoe16-LearyAsh-StanGleet 04:3612
4artemia-salina 00:3013
4Credit artemia 01:2214
4Pathetic_somabreak(take a med) 01:3115
4PAZ cred Pathetic 00:2716
4PB - Won't Do Show!x 01:0917
5 Foundry2-4-LuckyBastard X 03:2618
6 cred Lucky to Hamburg 00:4519
8 PB & Tomb Orch 2x 00:3920
8t Kay gets us Hookers X 01:3721
9 MickeyFinnBackstage 00:2522
9 Here's to Germany-land 00:0623
9 X credit 00:1824
A-dam6-Joseph 02:3825
A-dam9c-SubGeniuKooksX 07:1826
A-dam9d-FuckMotherTheresaX 04:3227
compuchanting-AS 01:0028 CREDIT as
2 PB 00:1229
Foundry2-9-HeadLaunch 03:0730
Fyodor 12 Shock Treatment 01:2831
PR Gnus 1001 00:3332
the_caribou_and_the_beaverIMBJR 00:3333
u Credits IMBJR 2 Artemia 00:2334
weird-AS 00:5735
x PO Box 2 lil 00:3436
yLil - Wotan 00:3537
z SubG Anthem 01:10