Hour of Slack 956 MISC
1 LeMur: Average Adult 00:48
2 LeMur: HOS IntroC 00:33
3 LeMur: Lets Go2 00:33
4 GGGFinals 01:16
5 LeMur: Jesus23 00:49
6 LeMur: PR Gnus18 00:36
7 Credits 2 sinister 01:04
8 Dr. Sinister live rant at Beachlnd devival, 5-22-04
9 LeMur: Worst Folk Music6 00:33
10 Puzzling Evidence 2-27-04c- Mutant
Mutation 02:58
11 Space Buddy 008intro 00:46
12 Space Buddy 008 live rant at Beachlnd devival,
5-22-04 03:58
13 "The Coming Revolution" - The
Jelleaters 04:08
14 Credit - Jelly2Tiny 00:08
15 Tiny Tim - Santa Claus Has Got the Aids This
Year 03:05
16 cred Tiny 2 Puz 00:19
17 Puzzling Evidence 2-27-04c
d-KobyTheMonkeyBear 02:54
18 cred kpfa 2 Synesthes 00:18
19 Radio Synaesthesia 1-2-5-04w-Time Control (Vertigo
call) 07:58
20 A acids precredit 00:06
21 Amino Acids "Fear The Future" live at beachland
devival 04:56
22 Amino cred, url 00:19
23 End URL monster 00:22
24 No Slack 4 Neo 00:59
25 UL-over my grave 01:39
26 Puzzling Evidence show
7-5-02p-SubGeniusGraduation 02:21
27 email, Cleve PO 00:35
28 LeMur: Amazing Grace3 02:41
29 cred Lemur 2 RevX 00:22
30 Outtakes From Revelation X 07:34