Hour of Slack 940 - live
All live in studio (besides clips played). My first time running the board AND taking calls since the Dallas station pooted out almost 10 years ago. Also learned how to do the 7-second delay and the Emergency broadcast Network stuff. (For the last few years, "live" portions of Hour of Slack came from parts of Chas Smith's show ESO Radio, and Chas was the one running the board. I did all the assembly and post-production at home. Now Chas is phasing his show out and we're doing every few Hour of Slack shows all-live, with more pre- and less post-production.)
In my minor greenhorn panic however I neglected to mention that songs we played were posted to alt.binaries.slack by Polar Bear and probably others. I am good about keeping track of who posts original songs, but I have not been good about crediting people for posting cool rare BULLDADA audio by OTHERS that they FOUND and RECOGNIZED, and SENT.
1 Oyeh Open 00:21
2 LeMur: HOS IntroH 00:33
3 LeMur: I saw Bob3 00:13
4 LeMur: Im suffering 00:09
5 LeMur: lordJesus 3 00:10
6 LeMur: PboxBob 2 00:25
7 LeMur: Texas22 00:03
8 LeMur: Thinking About Bob 3 00:23
9 LeMur: HOS IntroG Bob'n'Connie2 00:32
10 DevilGirl from Mars explains the War between the Sexes 02:11
Stang & Wei on Space Princesses, LeMur, The Half Million Ho March. With "hiptzaddiq_-_wheres_bob" as background
praiseEzekialTitoGarrockas 00:03
LeMur: Lemurian State Bird2 00:35
C Internet Radio - Eric Houg (houg.com) 04:39
SOB suicide clip+ 00:40
LeMur: Bob Dobbs 1 00:09
³Despotism² narration clip 01:05
E ³Enhanced Dubya² - Eric Houg (www.houg.com) 04:46
F Stang credits www.houg.com, LeMur; Devivals and X-Day, Starwood.
Rants: The False Perception of Wrongness in SubGenii - SubG Bisnessmen - It's Yer Reality Dude - intro to "Despotism"
G Despotism narration clip 2 01:57
"I Hate People" - John Levy 02:39
flatulences- by Foune 00:58
Stang - credits; describes MAN -
H MAN: ³It's All Crap² MAN: ³Fired²
I Stang/Wei on MAN and his business suit, Beachland Devival; Geeking with video on stage - Working versus Schmoozing at shows; I like SubGs and some humans too... INVOLUNTARY SLACK Faith in "BOB" - lucrative new cult - we cannot fail, but have gift: Power to Fail
Song "The Will to Fail" 02:22
J Spooks In Space-Perrey&Kingsley background: Stang credits-
Dave calls! Garbled Oil talk.. war about oil? The kind in Iraq... reading the news again. Another Vietnam? Bread culture versus rice culture - yeasty loafers. Ural mountains money trail and haircut loop. Adapt like the Old Ones. Nobody believes in Hell anymore. Forgotten the caverns beneath our surface world, distracted by the shuffling cruel monsters on TV selling toilet paper and making speeches.
I'm a Megan. I eat only myself. Quote on innermost natures... what of the wallowing piglust of sexhurt? The frankenfood and frankensex corruptigating us. Turn on the Darkness Wave.
If you were a right winger, you'd be healthier, richer, would have wrong people laughing with you instead of right people laughing at you like now. If you were a rich man. Dave is a beautiful womanŠ somewhere inside him. One of these days the uglies are gonna take over! City Hall's goin DOWN man... Mayan Administrators... dealing with insurrectionists. Unto the pure all things are pure. Quotes from RevX - bad sex. On Brother Dave Gardner - he made zoot jokes! Southern hipster, old fashioned non p.c. way looking at racial strife. "He might be a speed freak but he's good at it!"
K Brother Dave Gardner "Kick Thy Own Self" excerpt
Other Caller: Rev. Angry Larry calls the gropey of Amino Acids Angry Larry re: Dave sounds like Ted Nugent Mel Gibson as Dave in Conspiracy Theory How long on the air? 10 minutes. - Dave the lawyer calls How many Daves? The Daves of Our Lives. He's lost... called his Ex, sad. More fish in the sea - squid the size of elephants. Weekly show? My Dallas history... his dog named Bob... ~ Bob & lawyers - Enzyne ad. Make a million bucks suing some company... raging boner... This goes deeper! - Viagra spam Email gives you raging erection.
End & URL
X version 63:08
End Music (by ESO) is longer at end than on PG radio version
PG Version: