One of our heroes died: St. Peter Bergman of The Firesign Theatre, inspirators for all "old-school" SubGenius radio and a goodly portion of SubGeniusness in general. He pre-boarded the Saucers on March 8, 2012; this show was assembled on March 10 & 11. Most of it features especially Bergmanesque clips from one of hundreds of weekly Firesign radio shows, in this case their foutrth, from Feb. 15, 1970 -- which we copped from Rev. Taylor Jessen's great book and Firesign radio compilation, "Duke of Madness Motors" (available from http://firesigntheatre.com). We've also included some better-known short classics from the albums, an interview with Phil Proctor about Peter, and much commentary posted by various SubGeniuses as read by Rev. Ivan Stang. Of special interest are three promos for a Firesign monthly show on now-defunct XM Radio, co-written and produced/performed by Rev. Bleepo Abernathy with The Firesign Theatre a few years back. The ending is a real tear-jerker, so if you're an old TFT fan, be prepared. If you're a "new kid" who has never heard of them, catching up on their work probably wouldn't hurt you.
TO DONATE: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.htmlOUR CATALOGS:
http://www.cafepress.com/subgenMP3 Downloads, Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/
Subscribe to Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/rss
MP3 Direct download
And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack (high-res MP3) or alt.binaries.slack (smallest Ogg Vorbis)
Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
See the Hour of Slack page on SubSITE for list of 25 broadcast stations in the U.S. and Canada: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
Archive of hundreds of Hours of Slack from the 1990s, in MP3, thanks to St. David Bachner: http://db8.ca/radioarchive/hos
Official SubGenius Foundation Facebook page:
All-Purpose SLACK HOLE SubGenius Facebook page:
(Below, "RHH" means The Firesign Theatre Radio Hour Hour from Feb. 15, 1970; almost everything else is by Peter Bergman with The Firesign Theatre or else Proctor & Bergman. The "XM" promos are by Rev. Bleepo Abernathy with The Firesign Theatre.)
1 Charleston & Stang Intro 00:40 (This track is on Internet version only)
2 Bergman-What We Doing? Oh, HoS 00:01
3 RHH4a-Show Open-Crawford Bros 01:00
4 Louis Marshman Editorial_mixdown 03:22
5 Bergman-NormallySuchA Slacker 00:04
6 Shoes For Industry 00:28
7 RHH4b-Brautigan poem - Okum Fiend 01:25
8 Peter Bergman Obit by Phil Proctor 02:45
9 Stang Intro-Bergman Bio 06:05
10 RHH4c-Pulled Plug-Krishna Lama-Mystery Phrase 00:59
11 FIRESIGN-XM-Promo_TV_2-2002 01:11
12 RHH4d-Necesary Crutch-Why Buy a Farm? 00:56
13 Rock Or Roll Memory Bank 00:56
14 RHH4e-Declaration Of Independence - Forget it! 01:01
15 RHH4g-Fresh Chef - Taters In Syrup 02:41
16 Giant Toad 01:03
17 RHH4j-Cloud Ears,Uvan The Terrible 01:19
18 Mr Liverface 01:13
19 RHH4k-!Chicken Propitiation - Codfish Balls - voices 03:38
20 Firesign_XM-Promo_UBU-2-2002 00:45
21 RHH4l-!Dreams Of Long Metal Spears! 00:57
22 RHH4m-Mutt & Cheopps 05:52
23 Stang Re: NPR show re: Church 00:56
24 RHH4n-We Have Enthusiasm 02:33
25 Stang Creds, reads comments X 05:41
26 RHH4-Cosmic Yoga Yuk X 00:26
27 RHH4p-Mint Julep - Near End 00:54
29 Because We're SubGeniuses 00:02
30 RHH4q-Outro Credits 01:59
31 Phil Austin - LOONS 03:28
32 Stang death rant 02:13
33 Peter Bergman's last words on his last podcast: Occupy Yourself! - March 6, 2012 01:08
34 Bergman HoS promo - Do It Again? Shut Up 00:05
The Firesign Theater: http://firesigntheatre.com
A nice video tribute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_S5m46cT48
A place to say goodbye: http://firesigntheatre.com/peterbergman/index.html
Sermons with "Suds" videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/revsudspshaw
"Suds" FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Suds-Pshaw/114160502022482?sRadio Synaesthesia: http://wcsb.org
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com and http://radiovalencia.fm
Look for Dr. Philo Drummond and Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Susie the Floozie and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK: http://wrek.org
"Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK, MP3 archive on radio4all: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
Phineas Narco/Natinal Cynical Radio: http://nationalcynical.com
Ded Dave Show Gravecast: http://www.facebook.com/deddavesgravecast
The Ministry of Slack: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-ministry-of-slack
We-Slack (aka W-SLACK)
Nonstop streaming of all SubGenius shows! -- past and present, hosted by Rev. SlanderBob:
NOTE: THE HOUR OF SLACK is released in two versions.
The X-RATED "INTERNET VERSION" contains all original "fucks," "shits," "God damns," etc., and this is the one which is downloadable from SubSITE and which is sent to individual subscribers OR non-American radio stations.
All American radio stations (except WORT, Madison) are sent the "PG RATED CENSORED VERSION," which has the Bad Words either reversed, bleeped, or replaced with the spoken word "Bob", depending on what works best.
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, satire, X-Day, sex, Church of the SubGenius, Ivan Stang, The Firesign Theatre, Dr. Hal, Puzzling Evidence, Philo Drummond, Susie the Floozie, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Ministry of Slack, McLuhan, Peter Bergman