This whole episode is just dirty and nasty from top to bottom. It includes "X-rated" clips and songs we've been collecting for a year. Anybody and everybody is covered. It's not an X-Day or even an especially SubGeniusly show, although there are a few clips from the last 3 X-Day Drills. Mostly it is material contributed over the last year -- 46 different tracks -- that were inspiring and funny to the gut-blowout degree, but just wouldn't work AT ALL in censored form. ONLY the subscribers and downloaders will hear this one; it could not possibly be played on any of the broadcast stations that normally carry Hour of Slack. This is the first show to feature some marvelous collages by a new contributor, Rev. Dr. Royal de Capitator. He'll be well represented in shows to come as well.
TO DONATE: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
http://www.cafepress.com/subgenMP3 Downloads, Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/
Subscribe to Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/rss
MP3 Direct download
And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack (high-res MP3) or alt.binaries.slack (smallest Ogg Vorbis)
Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
See the Hour of Slack page on SubSITE for list of 25 broadcast stations in the U.S. and Canada: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
Archive of hundreds of Hours of Slack from the 1990s, in MP3, thanks to St. David Bachner: http://db8.ca/radioarchive/hos
Official SubGenius Foundation Facebook page:
New All-Purpose SLACK HOLE SubGenius Facebook page:
2 LeMur: PR Gnus #1488 XX 00:41
3 The El Queso All-Stars: Hour of Slack Mix 00:22
4 RevDrRoyal_de_Capitator: Bob's Blessing 01:48
5 The Rudy Schwartz Project: COCKadoodledoo 02:54
6 Heart Ignition- panting Peenie Vag Pee Laugh 00:43
7 Stang credit HI 2 Zappa 01:38
8 Zappa_Beefheart: 1959 - "Lost_In_A_Whirlpool" 00:35
9 The 180 Gs-5-from U2 - XXX 06:11
10 credits 180Gs 2 HI 01:00
11 Heart Ignition: Pussy Cabbage Vagina XX 00:33
12 Nervous Energy: Can't Keep A Secret 03:11
13 LeMur: PR Gnus #1454 00:44
14 Dead Body Sects: I'm in love with a catholic priest(REMIX) 03:14
15 Warhol Dracula: Fuck Life in the Gal Blatter 00:08
16 Credits BodySects 2 MoS-Ecc 00:43
17 14X-Day live: Ministry of Slack with Evolution Control Committee 01:53
18 Heart Ignition: SubG_RIDT-Vagina Farts 00:13
19 Credits HI 2 Hos X-Day 00:21
20 Hour of Slack @ 13X-Day: Nursery Rhymes X-Dirty Words 03:43
21 Jason Mierek-Old Bob 00:30
22 Rev. Sweetness McGee: The Smell of Cat Piss 00:56
23 The Large - Bad MF - XXX 00:13
25 Angry_Black_Man--Twitter 00:33
26 Message From America XX 00:42
27 Ministry of Slack-ECC: Childrens Book XXX 02:36
28 LeMur: PR Gnus #1476 00:34
29 Priestess Pisces Preaches at DragonCon 2009 02:42
30 Rev. Dr. Royal deCapitator: Kool-Aid 00:13
31 Heart Ignition: Fuck Bob Dobbs XX 00:33
32 credits HI 2 SYN 01:40
33 Radio Synaesthesia from WCSB:7-12b-Ocean of Titties XX 01:49
34 Rodney Carrington- Show Them to Me 04:23
35 The Psycho Skeletons: Meat on Meat Antimanifesto- 01:42
36 credits Psycho to Sweetness 00:35
37 Rev. Sweetness McGee: The Sting Of Death 01:52
38 12X-Day: rant by Drr. Holcaust/Morose-XXX - Zappy McWeeWee 01:34
39 RevDrRoyal_de_Capitator: Thousand Yard Post-Acid Stare 00:28
40 2Beans redoing Evolution Control Committee redoiong The Onion: The Fucking Moon 04:29
41 Cred 2Beans & ECC Fuck Moon 00:35
42 T.H.C. by Skönhead 03:35
43 End Creds Skonhead 2 BSTFH 01:25
44 Pisces, Rev. Susie the Floozie, St. Byron Werner, Stang on WREK Atlanta, end of DragonCon show... ~end-nuts 04:44
45 LeMur: PR Gnus #1506 00:48
46 WeiBurpLoop 00:06
The Psycho Skeletons: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=90719
The 180 Gs: http://negativland.comThe Rudy Schwartz Project: http://www.facebook.com/TheRudySchwartzProject
SlanderBob: http://listen.kaosradioaustin.org/
The Evolution Control Committee: http://www.evolution-control.com/
Radio Synaesthesia: http://wcsb.org
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com
Look for Dr. Philo Drummond and Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Susie the Floozie and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK: http://wrek.org
"Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK, MP3 archive on radio4all: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
Phineas Narco/Natinal Cynical Radio: http://nationalcynical.com
Ded Dave Show Gravecast: http://www.facebook.com/deddavesgravecast
The Ministry of Slack: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-ministry-of-slack
We-Slack (aka W-SLACK)
Nonstop streaming of all SubGenius shows! -- past and present, hosted by Rev. SlanderBob:
NOTE: THE HOUR OF SLACK is released in two versions.
The X-RATED "INTERNET VERSION" contains all original "fucks," "shits," "God damns," etc., and this is the one which is downloadable from SubSITE and which is sent to individual subscribers OR non-American radio stations.
All American radio stations (except WORT, Madison) are sent the "PG RATED CENSORED VERSION," which has the Bad Words either reversed, bleeped, or replaced with the spoken word "Bob", depending on what works best.
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, McLuhan, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, Ivan Stang, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, DEVO, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the SubGenius, The Firesign Theatre, radio