This week we deliver the promised ECC mash-up of JoCo's "Code Monkey," some other ECC, the question-and-answer session with Stang plus a Wei-Phat ManDee duet from Starwood 30 (2010), some Puzzling Evidence and colLarge. The second half of the show is live from the WCSB studio with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in to discuss War #3 in Libya. Stang reads some revealing sections from Moamar Gadhafi's "THE GREEN BOOK" as well as a short new rant by Uncle Dr. Onan Canobite. The upcoming 14 X-Day is discussed at some length. The show ends with an extremely catchy song by International Espionage! probably recorded at the DEVOtional of 2010. Special thanks to Paul Mavrides for the Gadhafi-head (from 1987!) and to Rev. Carter LeBlanc for Gadhafi's "THE GREEN BOOK."
Yes, we know that this show number is CLOSE to the magic number, 13013. The next show will be #1301.3!
New 14 X-Day promo pages (adults only)
A nice shot of the Gadhafi-Head Football discussed on the show, from 13X-Day
Another Head-Shot
Gadhafi-Head with Rev. Bunny Day and Dildo Valerie
There are some photos of Starwood at:
MP3 Downloads, Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/
Subscribe to Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/rss
MP3 Direct download
And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack (high-res MP3) or alt.binaries.slack (smallest Ogg Vorbis)
Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
See the Hour of Slack page on SubSITE for list of 25 broadcast stations in the U.S. and Canada: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
Archive of hundreds of Hours of Slack from the 1990s, in MP3, thanks to St. David Bachner: http://db8.ca/radioarchive/hos
Official SubGenius Foundation Facebook page:
1 Rev Walter Cosmac-western man the national emergency 01:13
2 The Large: RollerBobby 02:27
3 1-Intro-Creds over SODDI 02:03
4 The Evolution Control Committe: PWN Monkey 02:41
5 The Evolution Control Committe: ListenerAgreemnt2 01:14
6 The Evolution Control Committe: MediaTrust 01:19
7 credits 2 Starwood over Large 01:01
8 Rev. Ivan Stang, Q & A at Starwood 30 08:57
9 Phat ManDee & Wei with Miguel Sague - Somewhere Over The Rainbow (live, Starwood) 04:29
10 Puzzling Evidence 092410 02:12
11 Stang & Princess Wei LIVE on WCSB Cleveland - with Dave-rants 27:41
12 Puzzling Evidence 092410-b 01:24
13 International Espionage!: Hut 8 03:05
Background music in credits: "Music for Imaginary Monster Movies" by SODDI
Background music during live broadcast: "The Immutable Paradox of the Chronograph" by Rev. Sid Redlin (Boron Nuzzle): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boron-Nuzzle/129962690394077
International Espionage!: http://www.myspace.com/espionagempls
Phat ManDee: http://www.phatmandee.com
Starwood Festival: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starwood_Festival or http://www.rosencomet.com/starwood/
Jonathan Coulton: http://jonathancoulton.com
The Evolution Control Committe: http://www.Evolution-Control.com
Radio Synaesthesia: http://wcsb.org
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com
Look for Dr. Philo Drummond and Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Susie the Floozie and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK: http://wrek.org
"Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK, MP3 archive on radio4all: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
Phineas Narco/Natinal Cynical Radio: http://nationalcynical.com
The Amino Acids: http://theaminoacids.com
Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com
The Ministry of Slack: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-ministry-of-slack
We-Slack (aka W-SLACK)
Nonstop streaming of all SubGenius shows! -- past and present, hosted by Rev. SlanderBob:
NOTE: THE HOUR OF SLACK is released in two versions.
The X-RATED "INTERNET VERSION" contains all original "fucks," "shits," "God damns," etc., and this is the one which is downloadable from SubSITE and which is sent to individual subscribers OR non-American radio stations.
All American radio stations are sent the "PG RATED CENSORED VERSION," which has the Bad Words either reversed, bleeped, or replaced with the spoken word "Bob", depending on what works best.
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, McLuhan, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, Ivan Stang, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the SubGenius