This extremely lively episode from 2002 features many great men expounding on various weighty subjects, wielding absurdly deep thoughts. The very rift of the chasm between science and faith is rent asunder -- by the great Zoogz Rift himself! That sentence, and this show, might not make sense . . . to PINKS! But it's a classic for SubGeniuses. Then-new songs (Zoogz, Drexel, Half Man Half Biscuit) comingle with choice LeMur cut-ups and the old BAD DOKTORS album -- betwixt bouts of excellent Puzzling Evidence Show (Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Hal, Philo Drummond) and ESO Swamp Radio (Chas Smith, Rev. Ivan Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave). Even Christopher Hyatt and Israel Regardie contributed a song to this one.
MP3 Downloads, Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/
Subscribe to Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/rss
MP3 Direct download
And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack (high-res MP3) or alt.binaries.slack (smallest Ogg Vorbis)
Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
See the Hour of Slack page on SubSITE for list of 25 broadcast stations in the U.S. and Canada: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
Archive of hundreds of Hours of Slack from the 1990s, in MP3, thanks to St. David Bachner: http://db8.ca/radioarchive/hos
Official SubGenius Foundation Facebook page:
1 LeMur: "What Is God Good For" 00:13
2 "God" ( Lohn Lennon) 04:11
3 LeMur: "HOS intro 1" 00:20
4 Bad Doktors Remix 01-Cleve SubGenius Alphabet 00:43
5 LeMur: "ruleTheWorld 00:31
6 Bad Doktors Remix 03-THeShowExcerpts 00:40
7 ESO Radio 11-15-02 "ItsLaterThanUThink 00:56
8 Bad Doktors Remix 06-clipfromLilBigMan 01:14
9 Zoogz Rift - Alienation 03:30
10 credit zoogz-intro 01:22
11 ESO Radio 10-31-02 "a-Abortion,BobGetMeOf 03:14
12 Drexel - "Damn Dirty Apes" 04:58
13 CreditDrexel 00:44
14 ESO Radio 10-31-02 "b-ScienceVsReligion! 03:12
15 Bad Doktors Remix 02-MysteriousCharacterDKJo 01:13
16 Puzzling Evidence 10-25-02 "BobButtStuff 01:45
17 credits 00:31
18 "99% Of Gargoyles Look Like "Bob" Dobbs" -- half Man Half Biscuit 04:39
19 Bad Doktors Remix 28-MiddleAgeCrazyRant 01:12
20 Puzzling Evidence 10-25-02 "Spit Mud Pies / Pterodactyls" 03:22
21 Black Lodge Singers - "Mighty Mouse" 00:44
22 cred 00:07
23 LeMur: "MapleStreetSong 01:32
24 babyswat 00:27
25 LeMur: "Swaggart4" 00:55
26 ESO Radio 11-15-02 "Bob Calld Me Home -- You Blew It" 03:21
27 LeMur: "succulent Jesus" 00:37
28 ESO Radio 11-15-02 "Warholian Alternate Universe Man" 01:34
29 LeMur: "hearing13 01:53
30 Puzzling Evidence 10-25-02 "SubG Robe -X Day Nerds" 04:18
31 real men edit - The Bishop 00:51
32 Puzzling Evidence 10-25-02 "m-StarTrekMonsters 02:19
33 Credits, PO 00:53
34 Bad Doktors Remix 40- GURU HYMN-Israel Regardie & Christopher Hyatt 01:31
35 LeMur: "whereYouBeen 00:28
Drexel: http:www.drexellent.com
Zoogz Rift: zoogzrift.4mg,com, 6520 Platt Ave. 184, W. Hills CA 91307
The Amino Acids: http://theaminoacids.com
Radio Synaesthesia: http://wcsb.org
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com
Look for Dr. Philo Drummond and Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Susie the Floozie and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK: http://wrek.org
"Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, WREK, MP3 archive on radio4all: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
Phineas Narco/Natinal Cynical Radio: http://nationalcynical.com
The Amino Acids: http://theaminoacids.com
Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com
The Ministry of Slack: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-ministry-of-slack
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, McLuhan, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, Ivan Stang, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the SubGenius