This one's heavy on the Puzzling Evidence-Dr.Hal-Philo show excerpts, and they're exemplary excerpts. Papa Joe Mama's classic "Last Chance" rant proves that he knew the results of the 2008 election back in 1996. We also hear the openings of the Stangian sermons from the most recent Starwood Festival and Baltimore devivals. Most of the music comes from Girl Talk, making this an unusually illegal episode! There are even some last dangling remnants from the XI-X-Day stage and radio recordings, from Brushwood as well as WCSB's Radio Synaesthesia.
MP3 Downloads, Podcast: http://hourofslack.libsyn.com/
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And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack or alt.binaries.slack
Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
See the Hour of Slack page on SubSITE for list of 25 broadcast stations in the U.S. and Canada: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html
The Radio Synaesthesia show from WCSB Cleveland used herein is from July 2008 with Dr. Hal, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Stang, Priestess Pisces, Rocknar, and host Dr. Sinister
Below, "PE" means Puzzling Evidence show on KPFA-Berkeley from 10-17-2008
1 Say Bob I Had An Idea 00:05
2 LeMur: HOS Intro #810 - Very Wacky Idea 00:29
3 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - Opening 01:25
4 Rev. Ivan Stang at Starwood 08 - Onan's Carnival Barker SubSpiel 01:23
5 LeMur: HOS Intro #817 - I Have Something To Say 00:35
6 Stang at Baltimore Devival 2008 - SubGenius 101b, Pt.1 01:39
7 credits 00:49
8 Live Hour of Slack from 11 X-Day stage (Sunday) - HoS Start-Jenkem Chamber 04:09
9 Rev. Susie the Floozy: "Baby Can You Spare Some Slack" 00:31
10 She'll cut you slack 00:07
11 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - Weird 02:00
12 Girl Talk1 - 'Here's The Thing' - censored 03:20
13 Credit GirlTalk 2 PE 00:16
14 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - Teddy Bears 05:20
15 LeMur: Stupid Pufferfish 00:08
16 Girl Talk1 - "Let Me See You" -edited 03:34
17 Credit Girl Talk 2 Papa Joe 00:40
18 Papa Joe Mama - The Last Chance(1996) 08:03
19 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - Election's Over 04:14
20 Stubby Kaye from 1950 "Guys 'n Dolls - "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" 02:08
21 credit guys n Dolls 00:07
22 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - Neandertals 01:33
23 Live Hour of Slack from 11 X-Day stage (Sunday) - Brushwood Vs. Hotel 02:03
24 Radio Synesthesia - Connie - BIG - Jehovah's Witnesses 03:51
25 Puzzling Evidence 10-17-2008 - END 10:33
26 url CREDITS 00:27
Background music in credits: The Flyin' Ryan Brothers CD "Totality"
Phineas Narco/Natinal Cynical Radio: http://nationalcynical.com
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com and http://piratecatradio.com
The Amino Acids: http://theaminoacids.com
Look for Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com
Rev. Susie the Floozy and "Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, WREK, MP3 podcast: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
PLEDGES: http://www.pledgie.com/campaign/show/90
PayPal donations can still be sent to magdalen@subgenius.com
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, Ivan Stang, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the