Peppered with Lemur and Pref collages, but mostly live this time in the WCSB studio. Rev. Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave and Princess Wei 'R' Doe cover pretty much everything, Subjects include recent mind-impregnating movies, the Mystery of the Chopped Off Feet, the killings of "Bob," and the listener.
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"PuzEv" = The Puzzling Evidence Show from KPFA-Berkeley, Feb. 22, 2008 with Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Hal, Dr. Philo Drummond, Cardboard Robot, Rev. Ivan Stang
1 LeMur: HOS Intro #775 - Aaarrrggg 00:23
2 LeMur: Pain Inside #3 00:26
3 Puzzling Evidence '03 - Hal Explains Show-Jan24,84-! 03:26
4 LIVE (Rev. Ivan Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei 'R.' Doe):
Ironic -- that PuzEv show advertises the show where "Bob" was first shot by Puzzling Evidence. History of Dobbs shootings. Killed by Mark Othersball for DEVOtional reason. Rubber masks of "Bob". Not fake killings. Ceremonial vs. ceremonious killings of Dobbs. The Hinkey Commission cover-up. Lone nuts and why that's personal for Stang. Evolution works in mysterious ways. Getting one's new mutations removed and where to keep them afterwards, and insurance loopholes. We hope you make it. We have faith in you, listener. A cornhead deluxe. Princess Wei is in the studio, will be in St. Patrick's Day Parade doing the hoop polka. Dave and Stang dance a minuet. Prancing in tights.
Pet Peeves -- people who turn the TV volume UP when honored visitors arrive. TV as campfire. Dok Frop turns his down. But so many turn it UP. I see Tvs and think 'How can people put that in their bodies?' Dave the Nasal Adjudicator. Judi-judi-judi. Taking off your pants in Rio de Janeiro, and the fate of the pants. Her peeve -- "I could care less." Irregardless. Orientated by orientationizers. Dictatoraide and dicktaterators.
5 LeMur: Cigarette #02 00:31
6 LeMur: Guns 'n' Lichen 00:29
7 Rev. Norel Pref: enunciate 00:13
8 Puzzling Evidence - Deranged EditS eque 00:37
Dave looks in little box of Show -- Credits PE, Norel, LeMur - wilds of Colorado. Lemur's cabin in farthest reaches of the Rockies. No one knows -- a true Mystery Man. Only Mistar Sistar has met him. Pythagorians and seriousness, seditiousness. Plato's cave. God applies different laws to America than "He" does to others, such as Texas. Dave freaks.
It's been a tough winter, only gonna get tougher. Or will gas prices go down? AHAHAHA Misc. ahahahaha. "Stop, you're killing me!" Housing in outer space. A stretch, but imagine being in a country where things had changed and you had to have permits for everything... what IF... you do have the choice of MOVING. Mexico? Canadia? The Komodo Islands. Scandinebria? - and Scandinebriate Yor Nor. They'll be checking our bodies by the smell. I have to be careful what I urinate -- color coding in urine. THE CONSPIRACY! - wants you to learn math and plumbing -- no, they don't want people learning. They want us stupid so more easily satisfied and controlled. I can't wait to be even more stupid, when even I shall be satisfied with what is on TV. I'll fix you right if you'll take Jack my dog.
Dave trapped inside the cup under the floor. Where'd you get that effect box, Dave? The coffee machine? The FX shop. My visit to the FX shop in Hollywood with Gerry Casale. Rubber chopped off limbs in some boxes, ACTUAL chopped off arms in other box. The REAL amputated limbs at the secret rich peoples parties. Some parts date to the civil war. Left feet washing up in Canada, right feet in Michigan, our PO Box. We have a theme -- Chopped Off Feet and the walk-in vote. The message: crawl out.
10 Rev. Norel Pref: free erection 00:44
11 LeMur: DragNest #24 - Open The Door 00:23
12 Rev. Norel Pref: get these drugs upstairs! 00:56
13 LIVE:
You have to go upstairs to get the drugs. Norel pref and LeMur creds. Dave on Norel - student of arcane sciences. Pees on your mind. Our subliminimalism plus sublimation creates listener frustration critical mass, explodes, that's Slack. (Turns Wei on.) Weird noisery. Credit Stephen Kent album Oil and Water, which mix at Brushwood. Where you CAN look a gift horse in the teeth. You look old yet young? My secret is I collect SubGenius material every way I can. That gives me Slack. That and my can of valium in Elvis head valium container. Limbaugh-head painkiller jar, and muscle relaxers in a Baby Hendrix Doll. Mini-Jimi.
Don't let the listeners see that! Keep it away from camera 3. Review of TV special LIFE AFTER PEOPLE - end of the world porn. Time lapse of cities rotting. Hottest eotw porn yet. I collect End of the World movies. Don't need many actors for those. Boy and dog meet girl, dog eats girl. "YOU BLEW IT ALL TO HELL!" Everyone in studio coughs. SOUTHLAND TALES review. Hard to like. The Con sat on that one.
My dream of a baby's leg birthing from between my legs. Breach... how do you get ONE LEG out of a GUY? It was a big leg though.
14 Rev. Norel Pref: got to get off 01:04
15 LeMur: Yellow Sticks #2 00:22
16 LeMur: Smoke Gun #6 - Like I Said 00:33
17 LIVE:
Well said. Now you don't need old radio shows, just LeMur. Free as a goat! As brave & clever!
Try to remain serious for as long as you can (Wei busts out laughing.) Laffpires -- vampires of laughter. Dave does Idiot doing Premise joke impression. "Phat" and "Dog." Man, Dude vas. Dog. So old, still saying Man when Dude became cool, when I said Dude they had been saying Dog. Dave nonsense. True dat? Wei out of it regarding jive talk. Little square girl. All nerdified. Sheeeah Riiiiight.
Dave monolog about something, God Dancers. The Pipe of Dobbs. I'm tired of Bob. I'll praise Rob. Not that Rob, the godlike clip-art Rob. Rob Dobbs. And Robert -- 3 brothers. Everyone knew of twin brother DICK, but other Dobbs siblings? Does he have a sister, Roberta? His daughter is Barbie. 4 sons - Shem, who was a sham, Sean, Shemp, and Adam Kadmon Dobbs (youngest). The first one now will later be last. I AM BOTH THE ALFRED AND THE NEUMAN. The New Man. A Head of His Time -- is "Bob" not BUT a head? Not the BODY of his time or the FOOT of his time. His twin brother is Dick of Dobbs. Richard "Dick" Dobbs.
What we've never been able to figure out is what I was gonna say next. PreScriptures PROSCRIBE a lot -- many Thou Shalt Nots. But we lost that copy of the Laws. Question Authority -- the HYPOCRISY of it! Who told us to? THE AUTHORITIES. Even the questioning is a ROTE Bobbie-like thing to do. They've been TRAINED unquestioningly to question authorities. Not really asking, just saying it.
Nearing end of showtime, many will celebrate. Tomorrow is St. Vlad the Impaler's Day. Rumanian Carpathia and the Draculs. Okay... will let OverJanitor Philo finish.
18 Puzzling Evidence - PirateCa t -OverJanitor Philo! 02:20
19 LeMur: PR Gnus #1401 00:28
20 Cred Lemur 2 weight 00:10
21 Bob Walkenhorst: "The Weight" 05:11
Bob Walkenhorst: http://bobwalkenhorst.com
Amino Acids movie: http://WWW.FATALEPICTURES.COM
The Amino Acids: http://theaminoacids.com
Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com
Look for Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.orgRev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com
"Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, WREK, MP3 podcast: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba
PLEDGES: http://www.pledgie.com/campaign/show/90
PayPal donations can still be sent to magdalen@subgenius.com
The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the