Hour of Slack #1121 - Illuminatus and the SubGenii


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There is an audio book of RAW & Shea's ILLUMINATUS in progress from Deep Leaf Prod., and herein we preview Chapter 1. We also catch up on a small fraction of output by collagiasts Mister F. LeMur and Rev. Norel Pref, as well as the Rural War Room CD by St. Byron Werener & Donovan Suitt. As a result, this particular episode might cause convulsions or epilepsy in the susceptible, such as persons using drugs.

1     FRAKES22  00:06

2     LeMur: HOS Intro #725 - Join Today 00:53

3     NO_REMISSION-Stang 00:29

4    Rev. Norel Pref: your memory gone 01:00

5    2I would if I could-RuralWarRoom   01:07

6    Rev. Norel Pref: ape news minute rice 00:32

7    Bob-Nikita     00:38

8    Rev. Norel Pref: bonesmen     00:42

9     LeMur: Butch Speaks #2     00:18

10   Rev. Norel Pref: Come     00:20

11   The Psycho Skeletons: Crimes Against Humanity     02:59

12     Credits, Into     00:55

13   Rev. Norel Pref: ewe will 2     00:20

14   Rev. Norel Pref: execute with pride     00:47

15   Rev. Norel Pref: feel up 8 00:52

16     credit Norel 2 Illuminatus    00:34

17     Illuminatus audio book excerpt - Kether_ Eschaton Immanentized   05:49

18     Harvey - Mr Wilson     00:55

19     NO_REMISSION-Stang 01:31

20     credit Illuminat 2 LemUr     00:12

21     LeMur: Jesus #58  00:25

22     LeMur: HOS Intro #722 - Dick like Bob     00:39

23     LeMur: Marriage #3   00:57

24     LeMur: Master At Work     00:30

25     LeMur: HOS Intro #727 - Smooth Slick 00:20

26   Loop-Aznavour - "Mould"     02:19

27     credit LoopAznavour 2 lemur     00:12

28     LeMur: HOS Intro #728 - Shortwave     00:34

29     Nenslo in the news 03:00

30   Rev. Norel Pref: normal     01:00

31     LeMur: HOS Intro #729 - Watch It     00:14

32   Rev. Norel Pref: passport to paradise     00:33

33     LeMur: PCD 126 - Fireworks     00:14

34     LeMur: Phallus #2   00:43

35     LeMur: HOS Intro #730 - Strangers     00:35

36     LeMur: Pinheads     00:31

37     LeMur: PR Gnus #1364 00:38

38     credits lemur, speedcave2norl 00:09

39   Rev. Norel Pref: raining cats and dogs sperm     00:57

40   Rural War Room - Rural War Room 03:08

41   cred RuralWarRoom   00:09

42   Rev. Norel Pref: a little pokey 00:42

43     LeMur: HOS Intro #731 - Seeds Come Up     00:32

44   Rev. Norel Pref: slack therapist     01:22

45     LeMur: Stupid_Names2  00:24

46     LeMur: HOS Intro #724 - Gang Bang 00:44

47   Rev. Norel Pref: suspension of disbelief     01:04

48   Rev. Norel Pref: sweet and low  01:39

49     LeMur: HOS Intro #734 - The Actual Facts 00:58

50     LeMur: Texas Strangers #01 - Under a Gate 00:21

51   Rural War Room - "TG&Y"     02:23

52     CREDITS rural  2 lemur     00:31

53     LeMur: This Is PRrrr #030     01:01

54   Thud audiobook excerpt -Puzzling Evidence     01:11

55   Rev. Norel Pref: toon hop  01:00

56   Rev. Norel Pref: email from gilligan     00:56

57   Rev. Norel Pref: useless attitudes     00:59

58     LeMur: HOS Intro #735 - What'd I Do?  00:19

59     LeMur: PCD 129 - Using Ticks 00:30

60     LeMur: Vacumning up Americans     00:39

61     LeMur: Versatile Dish #2     00:32

62     LeMur: HOS Intro #721 - Pure Virgins     00:19

63   Rev. Norel Pref: wack is back     00:58

64     LeMur: HOS Intro #737 - Snarly     00:07

65   Rural War Room - Info 00:52

66   PR Gnus #1368

Background music: SPEEDCAVE http://speedcave.com

Rural War Room: http://myspace.com/rurtalwarroomrecords

http://rockseye.com/werner  or ruralwarroom@yahoo.com

Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com

Look for Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.org

Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com

"Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, WREK, MP3 podcast: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba



PLEDGES: http://www.pledgie.com/campaign/show/90

PayPal donations can still be sent to magdalen@subgenius.com

The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the

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