Hour of Slack #1085 - Explaining The Church of the SubGenius


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This is the first - aha - 'normal' show we've done in months. That is, it's not a live show with a million pre-recorded bits mixed in, but a pre-recorded show with lots of live bits mixed in.

Also, it's an unusually explanatory show, in that in honor of some new stations that just started carrying Hour of Slack, we actually EXPLAIN the Church of the SubGenius and J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.

This episode, in EXPLAINING the mysteries of "Bob" and Slack, includes our VERY OLDEST Church radio recordings, and the VERY LATEST -- some preaching at the Winterstar Symposium devival on Feb. 10, and some Puzzling Evidence subradio from KPFA Berkeley on Feb. 16, with Dr. Hal and Dr. Philo Drummond... intros to basic Church doctrine from mere days ago. But it starts with a tape of Dr. Drummond and Rev. Stang, sounding VERY young and a bit scared, on their very first radio show EVER, Mr. Opinion's talk show on KFJZ in Fort Worth Texas -- in the year of 1980.

1     Tarzan - Quicksand Of Civilization   00:23

2    Bob And Connie  clip -neuromanson    00:02

3     Eyiyi_mono 00:04

4     Iyiiiiiii.com     00:31

5    New Eyiyi 00:02

6     LeMur: HOS Intro #678 - Pray For     00:16

7    Norel Pref: funnyman bob  00:14

8     Tarzan - chimp & yell     00:13

9    Stang @ Winterstar '07 - We Are Abnormals     00:19

10     Credits Main Intro 02:52

11   Mr. Opinion show, KFJZ Ft. Worth, 1980 01-Intro 06:03

12   Norel Pref: trash crowd 00:47

13     Credit Norel     00:09

14     LeMur: SOTU 2007 #01     01:00

15   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - Sub101-a     00:58

16     Puzzling Evidence 2-16-07 - Church-"Bob" 02:30

17     Credits PE 2 Lemur 00:18

18     LeMur: "Bob" Song #1018     00:33

19     LeMur: PR Gnus #1351 00:43

20     LeMur: Believe It or Kill Me #0027     00:23

21   cred LeMur 2 1980 00:09

22   Mr. Opinion 02 - SubGenius Defined     01:52

23   Norel Pref: super bowl church     01:00

24     LeMur: Soupman #02  00:33

25   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - SubG101b-Bob&Con     02:05

26   Norel Pref: heaven knows slack 00:34

27     credits Norel 2 1980 00:30

28   Mr. Opinion 03 - Bob 02:34

29     LeMur: "Bob" Song #1008     00:06

30   Norel Pref: planet of subgeniuses!   02:01

31     Credit Norel 2 Lemur 00:05

32     LeMur: Defective #05  00:26

33   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - Slk-XDay-Slogans!     03:16

34   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - Frop_Inaction  01:31

35   The Beaver Smokes a Pipe - National Cynical Radio 02:23

36   Pick of Destiny movie s/t: Satan Rant     01:24

37     LeMur: Looks Gay #04     00:33

38     Puzzling Evidence 2-16-07 - smoking     01:13

39   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - Slack_and_Pinks 01:25

40   Live for Today Man  01:26

41   Mr. Opinion04-DangerousCult  01:40

42     LeMur: Ersatz #2   00:23

43     Credit Lemur to GGG  00:53

44   "Saga Of The Dobbs House Café" - G. Gordon Gordon, Drs. For Extreme Prejudice     02:59

45     Credit GGG 2 Poebucker     00:22

46     Puzzling Evidence 2-16-07 - poebuckers     01:59

47     Puzzling Evidence 2-16-07 - BookSigning1   00:46

48   Book-Signing April 1 City Lights Bookstore, SF info      00:24

49   Stang @ Winterstar '07 - Rewardians-EmergentilesXXX 02:04

50   "Dead Cat On The Line" - DK Jones from Bobsongs 3 (1982)     02:28

51     LeMur: HOS Intro #683 - Make Me Sick 00:23

52   Cred DK, Bonobos, URL PO     00:58

53     Address 2 Bob!     00:10

54   PO Box only     00:15

55     LeMur: PR Gnus #1352 00:53

Background music during credits is from Bonobos Convergence CD "Who's Chuck Fimp?"(http://bonobosmusic.com )

Phineas Narco: http://nationalcynical.com

Look for Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.org

Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com

"Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, WREK, MP3 podcast: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba

The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius

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