Hour of Slack #1027 - SubG-OverTheEdge-Puzzling Evidence JFK Assassination Special IV

MP3s: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=15647

Also alt.binaries.multimedia.slack

Ogg Vorbis format: http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html

This and several past and future shows are interstrewn with our ever-present killer klips by Mister Fernandinande LeMur and Rev. Norel Pref, but most of it (labeled below as "SubNegPuz") is edited from the 5 hour Thanksgiving Business Banquet we enjoyed at the KPFA studios in Berkeley (kpfa.org), thanks to Don Joyce's Over the Edge and Doug Wellman's Puzzling Evidence. They are co-hosting and co-mixing. So to speak. Guests in this segment include Dr. Hal, Scott Beale, Pope Michael Peppe, Dr. Philo Drummond, Princess Wei, Rev. Ivan Stang, many callers.


1     LeMur: Cooking_Lesson2 00:43

2     LeMur: PR Gnus #1237 00:33

3     LeMur: HOS_Intro592   00:23

4     LeMur: Shutup3     00:23

5     Department of Transmutation - HoS Intro 1     00:44

6    rev. maynard brainard - hos intro2     00:37

7     "hitler and hell- Rev. Norel Pref     01:03

8     LeMur: Piano_Teacher2 00:23

9     LeMur: Increase_or_Extend2     00:13

10   The Cat The Crow And The Snake - The Billy Nayer Show     02:45

11     Credits billynayer     01:13

12     SubNegPuz 3h - Hal & Citizen Kong 07:02

13     LeMur: PR Gnus #1213 00:33

14     LeMur: Clamlad Of Bal Jedpett     00:24

15     LeMur: one of them- norel pref     00:48

16   PR Gnus #1179     00:33

17   spin zone-rev. norelpref     00:54

18     credit norel     00:25

19     SubNegPuz 3j-The SubG Child 03:47

20   Suz Elephant Man  00:38

21   PR Gnus #1240     00:43

22   eager for people-rev. norelpref     00:53

23   cred norel 2 brainard     00:05

24   The Anger Stage 01:09

25   PR Gnus #1221     00:33

26     SubNegPuz2u-BobsNear-Abortion     06:13

27     LeMur: This_Is_PRrrr3 00:33

28   keep yellin 'bout it-norel pref     00:31

29     SubNegPuz 2v-Boning Bob, Boobs     01:04

30   PR Gnus #1227     00:43

31     SubNegPuz 2x-Al Quiada JFK - Mobhit     04:16

32     ULTIMATE SACRIFICE review     04:30

33     SubNegPuz2t- Men Who KiltKennedy    01:46

34     LeMur: PR Gnus #1236 00:33

35   ABCs - The Billy Nayer Show     02:27

36   cred BillyNayer     00:22

37     SubNegPuz 2y- Insane     02:20

38     LeMur: PR Gnus #1225 00:43

39     SubNegPuz 2w- Kill Stang 2 PO 03:31

40     SubNegPuz 3l- JFK kookery     00:41

41     elmer, hold my hand - rev. norelpref     00:43

42   cred norel 2 Lemur 00:11

43     LeMur: PR Gnus #1209 00:33

44     LeMur: See_Your_Papers2     00:13

Lamar Waldron's "Ultimate Sacrifice": http://www.ultimatesacrificethebook.com

Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com

Over The Edge: http://negativland.com/nmol/ote/text/index.html

Puzzling Evidence: http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?show=81

Michael Peppe: http://michaelpeppe.wordpress.com/

Dr. Philo Drummond: http://www.quiveringbrain.com/

Ask Dr. Hal: http://askdrhal.com/

Background music in intro is from The Amino Acid's new instrumental album, Destroy the Warming Sun http://www.theaminoacids.com

Article, photos on this episode: http://laughingsquid.com/2005/11/27/subgenius-reunion-on-puzzling-evidence/


The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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