The End Times
[A Whole Buncha Shit You Cain't See]
The End Times
[A Whole Buncha Shit You Cain't See]

The Truth About X-Day! The End Times.

From: Felix The Cat <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.apoclips,,alt.discordial.911,alt.apoclips.2000,alt.tree.hugging.wacko.dead.guys
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998

In three months time the Earth's magnetic field will shift,
causing mass confusion and a union between the world of dreams
and the world of reality. Only those who are completely insane
will remain unaffected. Others who think they are mildly sane
will have a complete nervous breakdown and die.

It has been our mission to spread as much insanity and chaos as
we could in order to prepare the world for what will take place.

In Bob We Trust. They shall come! We in our saucers will be
immune from the spill of tea on the table! The spill of hot blood
on gray streets!

~ren, the current Elvis J.R. of the &#696; cAbAl


From: (Michael Townsend)

In article <>, Felix The Cat
<> wrote:

Will this occur before or after the total collapse of the global economy
on April 12?


From: Felix The Cat <>

The "" were abolished in the cannon of 1994, when Elvis J.R. the
1st had a stroke and was unable to completely inscribe the last "
when evoking the great name. When "Bob appeared he was pretty
pissed, noted the dead guy on the floor and said; "I understand.
You all are free to call me Bob. But you are forever cursed to be

Then I felt a pain in the heart and thus our special mission was
started. To spead the truth like Monica's thighs. To hold the
name Bobbie in high esteem and to be quite silly about dogma and
orthodox teachings. :X)

~ren, the current Elvis J.R. of the &#696; cAbAl


From: (Brother Paul)

On 29 Jan 1998 13:29:36 GMT,
(Carlos "Froggy" May) wrote:

>Felix The Cat ( evangelized:
>: In Bob We Trust.
>Learn to spell your saviour's name. The quotation marks are
>part of "Bob"'s name.

Should there be a single quote *inside* the double quotes?

>Doing my part to hammer down some orthodoxy,

What's the orthodox opinion on this, then?
> -- Frater Frogalogus
Brother Paul


From: Felix The Cat <>

I don't know. I think this Church is based on an ancient religion.

"KuhTHueLue" a.k.a. "Bob"


From: cuthulu <>

What's with the renewed emphasis on making fun of
my stupid handle? I've said many times how it came
to be.

guru cuthulu: how to be a hacker: vi /vmlinuz
link to one - email me - it's science

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X-Day illo by Rev. Cordt Holland