DEVO fans will be thrilled at the cover versions of beloved classics, especially the ones by Occupant (Rev. Dr. Uncle Onan Canobite and "MITCH").
1 Tocatta & Fugue in D-Minor(Mothersbaugh-Stang-Bach) 01:12
2 Welcome 2 HoS Title song- El Queso All Stars 00:17
3 Futurama clip: All Bow -- Worshipers?Nyahah 00:14
4 Mark Mothersbaugh on "Bob" 01:25
5 DEVOtional & spazzmodicism music rant by Stang 04:34
6 Futurama clip: Praying useful? 00:09
7 "Praying Hands" 2 - Occupant 02:58
8 credit 00:42
9 Mark Mothersbaugh on "Bob" is Sex 01:27
10 Credit 00:06
11 "Bruisermix" (mega DEVO collage) - Bruiser 04:59
12 credit Bruisermix 00:13
13 "Bobo Homo_ -- Mark M 01:17
14 "devolutionization" - The Cryogenic Strawberries 01:16
15 credit 00:22
16 "Super Thing" 1- Occupant 04:19
17 ESO Radio 08-2-02- "Xcuse-day: Feast of Spazzizm" 01:12
18 "Spazzed" -- The Elastik Band 02:43
19 credits 00:40
20 "I Don't Care" -- Little Fyodor 01:21
21 credits 00:46
22 "Mongoloid" - The Hotfoot Quartet 03:02
23 Credit 00:06
24 "Goin' Under" - Occupant 03:33
25 Credit -- DEVOtional Ad 01:03
26 "Jocko Homo" - Bioll & Elvin The Sewer
Rat 02:37
27 Minute of Slack #15 "The Hypocrisy" 01:03
28 General Boy Visits Apocalyp
29 "Bobaful World" -- Mark M 02:09
30 Credits 00:14
31 "Shout" - Occupant 03:42
32 "Jocko Homo" - Young Nigel 00:38
33 Credit 00:22
34 "Strange Pursuit"- Occupant 02:42
35 "We're Through Being Cool" - Little Fyodor 03:10
36 PO Boxes-OH-TX-www 00:49
37 Stang Inside Poop on 1984 DEVO shoot; "Bobuloid"
38 Hey Jude clip -- Mutato Muzika 1:10
39 Least Likely Thing That Ever Happened 00:36
1 Tocatta & Fugue in D-Minor(Mothersbaugh-Stang-Bach) 01:12
2 01 Welcome2HoSTitlesongSHORT 00:17
3 02 AllBow-Worrshipers?Nyahah 00:14
4 06-MarkM-onBOB 01:25
5 07 DEVO rant by Stang 04:34
6 07Pray-Useful? 00:09
7 07Praying Hands 2- Occupant 02:58
8 08 credit 00:42
9 18MarkM-Bob is Sex 01:27
10 19Credit "Mark Mothers onBob" 00:06
11 Bruisermix-Bruiser 04:59
12 bxCred-Bruisermix 00:13
13 cBobo Homo) 01:17
14 d Timing Xw/Gerry-EmergenceChee 02:08
15 devolutionization-CryogenStrawb 01:16
16 dm Credit-CryoStraw2Occu 00:22
17 dSuper Thing 1- Occupant 04:19
18 ESO8-202-11 Feast of Spazzizm 01:12
19 eSpazz -- The Elastik Band 02:43
20 fCredESO,Spazz,2LilFyo 00:40
21 fI Don't Care -- Little Fyodor 01:21
22 flCredLilFyoAd2Hotfoot 00:46
23 fMongoloid -HotfootQuartet 03:02
24 gCredit 00:06
25 Goin' Under - Occupant 03:33
26 hCredit-Occu-DEVOtionl-Ad 01:03
27 JockoHomo-Bioll&ElvinThSewerRat 02:37
28 MoS 15 The Hypocrisy 01:03
29 nBobaful World) 02:09
30 oCred 00:14
31 Shout - Occupant 03:42
32 sJockoHomo-YoungNigel 00:38
33 smCredit 00:22
34 Strange Pursuit- Occupant 02:42
35 ThruBeing Cool-LittleFyodor 03:10
36 vAll of Us - Gadgetto 03:50
37 yCredit 00:26
38 z PO Boxes-PH-TX-www 00:49
39 zzLeastLikelyThing That Ever Ha 00:36
Original file name: HoS 851 - Devo 1 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
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