Subject: I forget

From: duke0uke <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2001 1:35 PM
Message-ID: <>

Which is better, too much or not enough?

Subject: Re: I forget
From: nu-monet <>

It depends on:

How fast is too much or not enough?
What's in too much or not enough for me?
Why can't we just have too much or not enough?
Who wants too much or not enough?
Where can I find too much or not enough?
When is it too much or not enough?
Does someone else's opinion about too much or
not enough ever matter?

"There is no nu-monet. There is only Zuul."

Subject: Re: I forget
From: "Alliekatt" <>

Not enough is better when I gleefully think upon what I would do with too
much, and how pleasureful it would be in the process of duping Pink souls in
order to acquire said Too Much. At which point I might get bored with said
Too Much and go about getting too much of something else that I don't have
too much of yet. Too much is always better than not enough, but not enough
is certainly an adequate instigator for the acquisition of too much, until
Too Much becomes boring and an inadequate substitute for too much of
something else.

This is why I have such a short attention span.


Subject: Re: I forget
From: r <>

>Which is better, too much or not enough?

Of the three, "I" prefer "which."

You're welcome.

Thorax Ocularum

Subject: Re: I forget
From: duke0uke<>

Sister Decadence <> wrote:
> On 13 Jul 2001 10:35:14 PDT, duke0uke <> wrote:

>>Which is better, too much or not enough?

> Dammit, Duke, we sure missed you this year. AND Subg Spice, for that
> matter. It was so sad not having you around.

Aww, you're so sweet...we missed you too. I used up my extra time and
money to do the SubG Eurotour, and want to save up for the next one.
Sounds like it was really great this year -- I'm bummed I didn't get
to bid on Joy's panites. Fortunately "BOB" fucked up again, so
cross your little fingers for next year....

The Duke

Subject: Re: I forget
From: duke0uke<>

> How fast is too much or not enough?
> What's in too much or not enough for me?
> Why can't we just have too much or not enough?
> Who wants too much or not enough?
> Where can I find too much or not enough?
> When is it too much or not enough?
> Does someone else's opinion about too much or
> not enough ever matter?

Ya see, I recently acquired a BIG SQUID-CHOKING WAD of 'frop,
and I had MUCH SLACK going through it WAY TOO FAST, but now
it's all WAY TOO GONE, WAY TOO SOON. If I didn't do TOO MUCH
then, there wouldn't be NOT ENOUGH now. A paradox.

Subject: Re: I forget
From: (Rev. Glandgland)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2001 6:53 PM
Message-ID: <>

duke0uke <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Which is better, too much or not enough?

Man I don't know! If you got too much of not enough that's bad, but
not enough of too much is probably just about right.

Subject: Re: I forget
From: (Joe Cosby)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2001 6:40 PM
Message-ID: <>

duke0uke <> hunched over a computer, typing feverishly;
thunder crashed, duke0uke <> laughed madly, then wrote:

>Which is better, too much or not enough?

Well if what you have too much of IS not enough, then you definitely
either couldn't possibly win or couldn't possibly lose.

I'm not sure which.

I'll work it out tonight and get back to you.

Joe Cosby

if i look good crying, does that mean i'm cryogenic?

- subgenius spice

Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d


Subject: Re: I forget
From: SubGenius Spice <spice@pbgfr.pbz>

you can have too much of not enough, but never not enough of too much.

Subject: Re: I forget
From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <>

Sadly, the generally ignored end of the ORIGINAl line was, "...but it's
almost as bad." But with that tacked on, it just didn't sound as

4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)
A subsidiary of:
The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. / P.O. Box 140306, Dallas, TX 75214

Subject: Re: I forget
From: (D. P. Roberts)

If you're considering a slice of warmed Dixie pie, and you're
wondering about a topping -- too much is better and not enough is
better. If the Dixie pie is made right, either instance but enhances
the Wonderful Flavor of the Pie.

Subject: Re: I forget
From: null@void (KRONOS)

Too much is not enough

Subject: Re: I forget
From: Artemia Salina <>

> Too much is not enough

Ah ha! That's what we need; a James Bond movie starring "Bob" Dobbs!

Artemia Salina --
Taking the 'rhetorical' out of 'rhetorical question' since 1958

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