What is all the writing about?

From: tom@nucleus.com (Thomas Terashima)

Brian D. Bisson (bdb@shadow.net) wrote:
: You've obviously mistaken "us" for that pop-culture media-tag "slacker"
: which totally doesn't apply. We ACHIEVE slack, we don't just slack
: off. How does one achieve SLACK (actually spelled SALACK!)? RTFM.

In hellish irony, the movie _Slacker_ contains at least two SubGenii,
and there *is* mention of "Bob" in the book of the film.

: In summary, this is NOT what "we" are about. "We" are SubGenii, who
: seek SLACK from Him, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.

Or, rather, BUY the freedom to seek slack from "Bob", for it is not what
"Bob" does to you, but what he "allows" you to do.

=W= ///Rev.Cmdr.Tom, sLACk sTATIOn zEBRa (tm)///


Subject: Re: what is all the writing about
From: bdb@shadow.net (Brian D. Bisson)

tom@nucleus.com (Thomas Terashima) wrote:
>In hellish irony, the movie _Slacker_ contains at least two SubGenii,
>and there *is* mention of "Bob" in the book of the film.

Luckily, I rarely submit myself willingly to ConProg via motion picture
injection. I musta missed that one on MST3K (one of the few shows I
actually absorb, due to high levels of Slack and Gamera spots).

>Or, rather, BUY the freedom to seek slack from "Bob", for it is not what
>"Bob" does to you, but what he "allows" you to do.

I bought my ability to perform short-duration marriages, and a ticket off
this rock when MWOWM goes online, FIST FULL O' DYNAMITE. I, and only
I, allow myself to DO and TAKE whatever I want. Not "Bob", not anyone. I
take the Slack from "Bob" because I willed it so, and payed my 20 dollars.
Not to have some neo-fascist regime led my a water softener salesman
"allow" me to do things.

Re-read Prescriptures. Your concept of the Emasculation is a bit off key.

Doktor BDB
bdb@shadow.net - Brian.D.Bisson@Miami.FL.USA.Earth.Sol.mway
Doktor, Church of the SubGenius - #include <ordainshipscription.h>
Excrimeditated Congregation of the Overinflated Head of L. Ron Hubbard,
HTTP://www.shadow.net./~bdb for a dose of SubMediaBlasphemeWorship


Subject: Re: what is all the writing about
From: nenslo@teleport.com (NENSLO)

Are you folks actually sniping at each other over varying
interpretations of SubGenius doctrine?? In the immortal words of Carl
Panzram, "I wish you all had one neck, and my hands were around it."

Yes, please do go back and read the book again, then come back
here and apologize to the entire world. The only thing stupider than
having doctrines or dogmas or definitions of "slack" in this church is

You are all asking for a good whuppin. And you better know by now
that I'm the man to do it.

O Nenslo - Human Porcupine
Send One Dollar to box 86582 Portland OR 97286


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