Miscellaneous alt.slack
wunnerful exmis gift SubGenius Spice SGSpice@WHATEVER.ziplip.com
the Re-Animator. Was John Kerry involved? The dirt keeps on cumming up! Grandmaster D doug@asdf.ca
I Finally Got to Use My Line! König Prüß, GfbAEV
How do you make a guitarist play quieter? Sally Smyth quietlyspoken@scram.com
Im just a few hours away ... IMBJR imbjr@imbjr.com
But his spirit lives on! was now punching chunks: Billy James Hargis nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com
This cant be real iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
My heart is beating so fast..... HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com
Happiness is.... HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com
did you ever wonder... nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com
MOS König Prüß, GfbAEV
Damn Networks!!!! nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Damn Networks!!!! nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Wheres my stuff? Reverend Kenny J3diPri3st@comcast.no.spam
LMAO iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
LMAO part deux iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
Boogie Time! König Prüß, GfbAEV
New tag line... Reverend Kenny J3diPri3st@comcast.no.spam
What I least like about Thanksgiving. Frere Jean Bleu FrJBleu@ifrance.com
Lovecraft Computer Game mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)
Hmm kdetal@aol.com (kdetal)
What I like most about Thanksgiving Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com
Im gonna do it, right now iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
Which one of us Rev. Simian davidsum68@yahoo.co.uk
Dream Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl
pinkest blog on the internet: Screw you, Robert. ArWeGod ArWeGod?@sbcglobal.net
FINALLY GOT TO USE MY BEGGAR LINE nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Thought I pooped on HellPopeHuey....?! fenian dilludium q-36, Rlari. fenian@start.ca
MY MOMMA SO FAT nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Turkey Problem Help Line - Ethical Question Kevin k_drumm@yahoo.com
BBQ Joke König Prüß, GfbAEV
Red Mafia hexanthic@techemail.com (Den Mu)
The Steven King world Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl
FUCK YOU ALT.SLACK (by Alanis Morissette) polar bear bear@pole.com
Just Fun (Humour.). tjswank@hotmail.com (Mans Best Friend)
2:30 nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
DO NOT SEND ME YOUR HOME RECORDINGS. nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
This or That? psychoguerrilladeath@hotmail.com (Psychoguerrilla)
I gave my love Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com
Nenslo putting up KISS MY ASS billboards nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Butt or Poop? nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
A nation at Nenslo attention nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
NENSLO YOU ALT.SLACK nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Bigfoot vs Yeti nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
If you have run out of ideas nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Life Is Over! rickyricardo@email.com (Ricardo MadGello)
New Sitcom:Weekend at Yassers asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
I dreamed I was a Theremin.... hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Lemon Grass iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
Game: Pigeon chaos_israel@antisocial.com (The Rev. Dr. Lt. Chaos Israel)
Artificial Nietzsche nikolai kingsley sheramil@invalid.alphalink.com.au
excremeditation tip nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com
Skinny Puppy Right NOW! nikolai kingsley sheramil@invalid.alphalink.com.au
For $30USD, Does BoB Give You A Passport? Jeff Spicoli tubes@dood.com
The Queen an my nuts get a peek at it 6SN7GTA bulbglow3@hotmail.com
STAMPEDE!!!!!!!! John Starrett jstarret@sdc.org
Please wait Rev. Simion Simian davidsum68@yahoo.co.uk
debate about mid-20thC British comedy roots nikolai kingsley sheramil@invalid.alphalink.com.au
Click Here For Free asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Another great hindu tradition goes away Arcturis Felastnes glowi80b@rr.nymail.com
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf Barnabas Shitgulp n.conley@charter.net
Up and Coming Buzzword nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Fun McAnagrams Arcturis Felastnes glowi80b@rr.nymail.com
Youve Never Seen a Post Like This Before! iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
Can I flee Kristian Lahdensuo kristian.lahdensuo@gmail.com
Coyotes! König Prüß, GfbAEV
well damn that was kind of cool Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl
New National Anthem slaac@yahoo.com (Rev. Lemuel Atom)
BWHAHAHAHA! IMBJR imbjr@imbjr.com
A is for Autocrat (Draft) HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com
team mascot nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com
Jobs for Kerry iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
I dood it! nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
My new lapel button nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
I have one word for nu-monet: DUMBASS nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
A Serious Note nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Well, I just voted the other day.... KRONOS null@void.com
Praise Bob Michael zebidos@bigpond.net.au
Schroedingers Arafat dblspace@aol.complex-sex (David Langlois --- Ball serves Baal)
17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists by Michael Moore Phin jimb@jimb.com
I have some questions about the great state of Nebraska astuteamerican@yahoo.com (The U.S.A. Kicked Your Ass)
Memento Game iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
Dewey Wins! König Prüß, GfbAEV
Canadian wife wanted! Leonard the Committed ccssk@nospummerschartermi.net
I Did It Rev. Ivan Stang stang@subgeniusNOSPUM.com
Erection day special paco pchalmers@(deathtospam)ody.ca