God of War

From: Two Beans <twobeans@godhatesyou.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 28, 2003

All you geeks out there step the fuck away from your computers, walk
outside, look up and pay homage!

All hail Ares!



From: subspecies23@aol.comyourmom (SubSpecies23)

Outside? Dude, aren't there like bears or something out there?



From: El Queso <""the_cheese_23\"@(nospam)yahoo.com>

Not if you buy my bear insurance blessing.


From: "U.M. Zaporets" <reverend_jim_jones@yahoo.com>

"Two Beans" <twobeans@godhatesyou.com> wrote:
> All you geeks out there step the fuck away from your computers, walk
> outside, look up and pay homage!
> All hail Ares!


Mars, Kohoutek, Haley's Comet. That supernova.

They just look like a bunch of fucking stars. Usually puny pantywaist little
ones that the guy with the beard on TV says you need binoculars to see
properly. If you have binoculars, it looks like a slightly brighter version
of the same thing.

Mars looked about as bright as Venus, only redder.

Yes, we should all drink deeply of mysteries of the glorious cosmic gavotte
that swirls around us, etc. That's why we have Hubble, and the Discovery

Wake me when there's a black hole heading for earth and it's close enough to
see some gravitational lensing.


From: nenslo <nenslo@yahooX.com>

I saw the director of the Hayden Planetarium saying that Mars' alleged
nearness to earth was like him going across the river to New Jersey
and saying "I've never been this close to Japan!" I looked and it's a
speck. Fuck it. Let's see it kill something.


From: "Pressure" <steveg@~DamnManNoSpam~moreslack.com>


I was at Bruswood, it was 4 a.m. and I was leaning against my truck,
pissing. The sky was especially crisp and there was little light pollution
and the moon had either set or not yet risen. I looked out to the
south-east and there it was, Mars, the biggest I'd ever seen it. This was
Early July and we still hadn't reached the closest point and already, it was
the brightest object in the sky with the exception of the moon. It was
blood red and large (in a relative sense).

I've since been able to get out a few times with my telescope. I've got a
medium sized reflector (an 8" light bucket on a Dobbsonian mount for the
curious). At even low magnification, Mars resolves to a disk and the
southern polar cap is visible and there are some shadowy features. Further
magnification reveals even more detail. It is so bright as to be slightly
difficult to look at with dark adapted eyesight and I'm kicking myself for
not picking up a filter that would have improved my view.

I've been raised on a diet of both science and science fiction. While Japan
may be relatively as close to New Jersey as Earth is to Mars, Japan is at
least explored and known. It can be reached by anyone with the desire to
go, tomorrow if they'd like. Mars however is that next big step. To have
it so close, so visible, makes it feel all that more obtainable. To see
Mars in real time, with my own eyes, from my back yard as though I were
approaching from a scant million or so miles is going to be the best I'm
going to get for the perceivable future.

The Hayden Planetarium needs a new director. The old one has lost his sense
of wonder.



From: joecosby@mindspring.com (Joe Cosby)

Does that mean we're going to have to go through another food craze
like we did with Sushi when we reach Mars?

I like Sushi but I am not sure I want to have to adapt to another one.

Especially if the Martians like eat rocks and piss benzene or
whatever. I am still trying to adjust to wasabi.


From: El Queso <""the_cheese_23\"@(nospam)yahoo.com>

Two Beans wrote:
> All you geeks out there step the fuck away from your computers, walk
> outside, look up and pay homage!
> All hail Ares!

I was outside smiling up at old Mars just a few hours ago.

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